picture source: |
"And the
ten horns which thou sawest are ten
kings, which have received no |
Looking at the picture of Ratzinger holding a ten headed cane so as to depict him as the leader of TEN KINGDOMS is rather striking to say the least. What's also upsetting is how they depict those that won’t join him by a frightened lamb cowering in fear. Do you recall this quote I shared on the air as well in a previous Truth Provided Newsletter…?
Adaptive Model of the Global World System
Club [of Rome] had its beginnings in April of 1968, when leaders from ten
different countries gathered in Rome...The organization claims to have the
solutions for world peace and prosperity...The Club of Rome has been
charged with the task of overseeing the regionalizaton and unification of
the entire world...
"The Club's findings and recommendations are published from time to time in special, highly confidential reports, which are sent to the power-elite to be implemented. On 17 September 1973 the Club released one such report, entitled Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System... The document reveals that the Club has divided the world into ten political/ economic regions, which it refers to as 'kingdoms.'"
Prophecy DID SAY…
Ten Kingdoms of the New World Government |
Canada and the United States of America |
Prophecy is being fulfilled on much more blunt tones now that it’s getting so close to our Lord’s arrival. Soon the disasters are going to pick up and the powers that be will start to seek ways to “get right with God” so as to hopefully curb the problems. It was a mere 4 months back that it was proclaimed worldwide that the “Christmas” Tsunami was the result of people breaking the Sunday Sabbath. Sunday has been proven time and time again over the centuries to be a Roman Sabbath. A Sabbath not sanctioned by God. In fact, it is so easy to prove this, it’s amazing how may refuse to see it. In fact, you can offer some $10,000 cash to use their Bible to show where God changed the Sabbath, and when they do a study and realize there's not a single verse to be found for Sunday keeping, amazingly they still go back to keeping the Roman Sabbath anyway. All this does is solidify Rome and it’s global agenda. It needs to control the masses! And with the so called Protestant ministries pushing for that end by using grassroots politics, we see the Sunday laws are a LOT closer then they have ever been before. Take for example Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition that has been doing absolutely everything it can to create the image of the beast right here in America…
The Christian Coalition of America has launched a new campaign to get America back on a moral path. Michele Combs, CC's communications director, says the "Let's Take America Back!" campaign has a very simple goal. "We want to take America back to the moral values, back to the intentions of the founding fathers, and back to the biblical principles that this country was founded on," she states. Combs says the Christian Coalition will be holding meetings all across the nation to help accomplish this goal. [Bill Fancher] posted on AgapePress April 18, 2005
Pat Robertson’s image of the Beast is about to be pushed forward now more then ever. Of course he preaches good ideals, but he goes directly against Christ’s command to keep church & state separate, and at the same time he is doing EXACTLY as prophecy said would happen. Pat Robertson, and ex-presidential candidate no less, has an unhealthy zeal to do in the USA what the Vatican has done in Rome. The Vatican is a church and a state as well all know. And soon the United States government will be the same. But before being able to do so, the entire world must wonder after the beast so that a move like this will be an easy task. If everyone rightly looks upon Rome as evil and filled with decadence, no nation in their right mind will be able to convince the voters to back such a thing. So, what was once proclaimed from the rooftops as the most evil organization known to man, must now be preached as the most blessed organization known to man! And yes, you will have some that will still expose Rome as we do. The government already has plans on how to make our voice evil by uplifting the community over and above the individual. I will share the evidence I have on that later in the Newsletter.
You know something, if you just look back to 1776 you will see something rather strange. Satan knows what’s he’s doing people. He “allowed” for lack of a better term, a Christian start to this glorious land knowing full well he would be able to control and twist all the politicians to become openly evil before the people. One can see a Roman Catholic agenda in all this as well. If not, I suggest taking a walk in any state Capital and take a look at all the ROMAN Architecture in the Government buildings. 100% of every state, county and federal building has intense Roman Catholic influence upon them. It's so obvious it's not even up for debate.
Could it be this was planned so long ago…?
It’s no mistake you are seeing pro-Catholic propaganda everywhere these last few years. From the media buzzing about John Paul II's life and death, to Roman Catholic commercials called the “Passion of the Christ.” All they are doing is running a global campaign with the end result being a Roman Catholic globally accepted moral authority for even the Nations! They already have the churches in agreement since June 26, 2000 when the One World Church was formed with the Pope as leader. And now they have a Pope that was not only an admitted Nazi soldier, he was elected by the previous Pope to run the office of Inquisition so as to enforce the teachings of the church more intensely. This public relations ploy of John Paul II was perfectly planned so as to herald in a man like Ratzinger. What I see now is a win – win situation for the Vatican. Even if Ratzinger does evil, AND HE WILL, the people will still embrace Rome because of their beloved Pontiff John Paul II. They will ignore Ratzinger’s antics to a certain degree, and even speak out against him. But they won’t leave the church because they believe John Paul II was a holy man, and therefore confirming the Vatican a place of God. It's a reversal of what we saw happen in the USA. Clinton with all his evils made the people vote for a "so called" born-again President.
As we all know, the prophecy states that the entire world will wonder after the beast in Rome. This of course happens after the beast’s wound is administered and then on the mend. Prophecy places this in chronological order…
The three obvious events in this prophecy are as follows…
Has this happened, and has this happened in this prophesied order? Can prophecy be that accurate?
1. The beast will be wounded
As we know the mortal wound was administered in 1798…
“In 1798 General Berthier made his entrance into Rome, abolished the papal government, and established a secular one." -Encyclopedia Britannica 1941 edition
The fact Napoleon sent General Berthier into Rome to remove the Pope from his position of political power was open evidence the people knew of the evils of Rome, and therefore rebelled. Plus, History records the United States was actually formed by people fleeing Papal persecutions. People were burned at the stake, boiled in oil, buried alive, cut in half, and killed in a bevy of other demonic ways by the prelates of Rome. It was common knowledge that the Roman Catholic church was evil and everyone feared it because of its atrocities.
"For teaching faith contrary to the
teaching of the Church of Rome, history records the martyrdom of more than 100
million people." Brief Bible
Readings p. 16 (Modern day research has found the number to be around 500 million)
Under the influence of Germanic customs and concepts, torture was little
used from the 9th to the 12th centuries, but with the revival of
Roman law the practice was reestablished in the 12th century... In 1252
(Pope) Innocent IV sanctioned the infliction of torture by the
civil authorities upon heretics, and torture came to have a recognized place
in the procedure of the inquisitional courts. -New Catholic Encyclopedia,
arts. "Inquisition",
"Auto-da-Fe'," and "Massacre of St Bartholomew's Day." (For many more facts on this and
other evils of Rome, click here)
This beast was well known as 2 Thessalonians 2:3 predicted it would be. This beast was also mortally wounded exactly as prophecy predicted. Prophecy stated that this beast would rule 1260 years and then be mortally wounded.
Revelation 13:5 speaks of this time as forty two months. These forty two months of Rev 13:5 and the "time, and times and dividing a time" of Daniel 7:25 equal the exact same thing. 42 months actually equates to 3½ years. Looking closely, one can see this, A "time (one year) and times (+ two years) and the dividing of time, (+ half a year ) That's a "time" + "times" + "dividing of a time", which equals 3½ years, or forty two months. (12+24 + 6 = 42 months) Revelation 12:6 confirms this calculation when it says that the church of Jesus would hide in the wilderness for exactly 1260 days. 42 months, or 3½ years equals 1260 days. A day in prophecy actually equals a year. God says in Ezekiel 4:6 "I have appointed thee each day for a year..." and in Numbers 14:34 it says, "...After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, " So, according to Ezekiel 4:6, and Number 14:34, that's 1260 years that Papal Rome would reign, and during this reign it will kill many Christians.
Still, some will say that this is just my opinion, or interpretation. They will say that the only way this "day for a year" idea can be valid is if history proves it out. So... does it? Well first we need to find out when the Roman Catholic church became a "woman on a beast" (church & state) and capable of ruling in both the political as well as religious realm. Why? This is when she has her full power according to Revelation. (For an explanation of the woman on a beast click here)
“Vigilius...ascended the papal chair (538 A.D.) under the military protection of Belisarius." History of the Christian Church, Vol. 3, p. 327
Historical records reveal the papacy began its global reign in 538 AD upon Emperor Justinian's decree, and under the military protection of Belisarius. The Bible says the beast will rule for EXACTLY 1260 years before receiving a mortal wound. Now it's just a matter of simple mathematics. It is also a grand method by which to see the Lord glorified. If the prophecy is correct, 1260 years after 538 AD the Beast must receive a mortal wound. Did this happen? Can the prophecy really be that accurate?
If you add 1260 years to the beginning year the Roman Catholic Church had "absolute" power as a church and state in 538 AD, you will arrive in the exact year 1798 AD. So, according to the prophecy we are told the first reign of the Beast will last until the year 1798 . So, did it end in 1798?
"In 1798 General Berthier made his entrance into Rome, abolished the papal government, and established a secular one." -Encyclopedia Britannica 1941 edition
That's Exactly 42 prophetic months, or 1260 years, or a time, and times, and dividing a time after the Papacy began its powerful reign that the Pope shall receive the mortal wound and "shall go into captivity." This not only confirms the "day for a year" issue, it also glorifies the Lord like no other prophecy can. It's that accurate! When Napoleon sent in General Berthier to remove the Pope from power, the mortal wound was in fact administered that very day. And by the way, the Pope did in fact die in exile the following November. This is why most Catholic children are taught in parochial schools that Napoleon was Antichrist. Of course, they can't use a bible effectively to prove that. In fact, when you question them and their interpretations as I did as a Catholic, they will tell you to "stop reading the Bible, it's confusing you."
2. The wound will be healed
As we just saw, the "deadly wound" was given to the Papacy by Napoleon in 1798. The Vatican still continued as a church, however, she was completely stripped of her civil and political power just as the prophecy declared. Then, suddenly in 1929, we see the Italian government recognizing Vatican City once again as an independent state. This political move once again made the Pope a religio-political power! Just as prophecy said… the mortal wound that was administered in 1798 by Napoleon was supposed to be healed. Notice how the newspapers of that day actually used prophetic language to announce this event…
and (Cardinal) Gasspari sign historic Roman pact.
"The Roman
question tonight was a thing of the past, and the Vatican was at peace with Italy... In affixing the autographs to
the memorable document healing the wound of many years,
extreme cordiality was displayed on both sides" -The San Francisco
Chronicle. Feb. 11, 1929
Pope Becomes Ruler Of A State Again
Rome, June 7.--From 11 o' clock this morning there was
another sovereign independent State in the world. At that time Premier
Mussolini, as Italian Foreign Minister representing King Victor Emmanuel--the
first Italian Premier ever to cross the threshold of the Vatican--exchanged with Cardinal Gasparri,
Papal Secretary of State, representing Pope Pius XI, ratifications of the
treaties signed at the LateranPalace on Feb. 11. By that simple act the
sovereign independent State of Vatican City came into existence. -New York Times July 7, 1929
The fulfillment of this prophecy confirms yet another one. In Revelation 17:8 where it says…
The Beast that was: The Roman Catholic Church which began in 538ad and continued until Napoleon sent in General Berthier in 1798ad
...and is not: From 1798ad until the signing of the Lateran treaty in 1929 the Roman Catholic Church & state conglomerate was non-existent.
...yet is: From 1929 to present day, the Roman Catholic Church has been a church & state.
This prophecy is so blunt, and to the point there is no need of explaining it. However, it won’t be understood unless the one studying these facts has already investigated the three previous prophecies that defined each state of this beast's existence throughout history. This prophecy can in no way be understood without that knowledge. That's the amazing thing about the Lord's prophecy. Like Scripture, a line upon line method of discovery is necessary. The Bible itself defines it's own prophetic symbols. If the people would simply allow the Bible to teach them instead of trusting false teachers they would be ready for what's already begun to happen.
Now that we have seen stage one, and stage two of the prophecy from Revelation 13:3 fulfilled, what of the last one?
3. All the world will wonder after it
Before sharing the fulfillment of this prophecy, let me first share with you what most Christian denominations on earth thought of the Papacy not too many years ago. The reason I am lead to do this is to make it painfully clear that this beast was in fact KNOWN BY ALL (except Catholics of course) to be the prophesied Whore of Babylon and house of Antichrist. ALL denominational founders have been quoted in writing as stating the Papacy is in fact the house and global seat of Antichrist. Then I would like to share with you quite a few very recent quotes out of many that show those very same denominations proclaiming the office of Pope to be of God no less! It’s a night and day change people! What was just a few years ago seen as the most evil organization known to man, today is seen as the most holy! And by the way, not just the churches are declaring the Pope and his office holy. All the governments are doing so as well now!
Before sharing the comments of all the world during the death of John Paul II and the election of Ratzinger, see what the founders of most Christian denominations said about the Popes of Rome not too long ago…
John Wycliffe
the western church was divided for about 40 years between two rival popes, one
in Rome and the other in Avigon, France, each pope called the other pope
antichrist - and John Wycliffe is reputed to have regarded them as both being
right: "two halves of Antichrist, making up the perfect Man of Sin between
them." -Ibid
Luther (Lutheran)
here are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of the true and real
Antichrist...personally I declare that I owe the Pope no other obedience than
that to Antichrist." (Aug. 18, 1520) Taken from The
Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. 2., pg. 121 by Froom. (In response
to a papal bull [official decree]): "I despise and attack it, as impious,
false... It is Christ Himself who is condemned therein... I rejoice in having
to bear such ills for the best of causes. Already I feel greater liberty in my
heart; for at last I know that the pope is antichrist, and that his throne is
that of Satan himself." --D'Aubigné, b.6, ch. 9.
John Wesley (Methodist)
of the Papacy he said, "He is in an emphatical sense, the Man of Sin, as
he increases all manner of sin above measure. And he is, too, properly styled
the Son of Perdition, as he has caused the death of numberless multitudes, both
of his opposers and followers... He it is...that exalteth himself above all
that is called God, or that is worshipped...claiming the highest power, and
highest honour...claiming the prerogatives which belong to God
alone." Taken from Antichrist and His Ten Kingdoms by John Wesley, pg.
Ellen G.
White: Seven Day Adventists
compromise between paganism and Christianity resulted in the development of
"the man of sin" foretold in prophecy as opposing and exalting
himself above God. That gigantic system of false religion is a masterpiece of
Satan's power--a monument of his efforts to seat himself upon the throne to
rule the earth according to his will.
Thomas Cranmer (Anglican)
it followeth Rome to be the seat of
antichrist, and the pope to be very antichrist himself. I could prove the same
by many other scriptures, old writers, and strong reasons." (Referring to
prophecies in Revelation and Daniel.) Taken from Works by Cranmer, Vol.
1, pp. 6-7.
Roger Williams (First Baptist Pastor in
spoke of the Pope as "the pretended Vicar of Christ on earth, who sits as
God over the Temple of God, exalting himself not only above all that is called
God, but over the souls and consciences of all his vassals, yea over the Spirit
of Christ, over the Holy Spirit, yea, and God himself...speaking against the
God of heaven, thinking to change times and laws; but he is the son of
perdition (II Thess. 2)." Taken from The Prophetic Faith of Our
Fathers by Froom, Vol. 3, pg. 52.
John Knox (Scotch Presbyterian)
wrote to abolish "that tyranny which the pope himself has for so many ages
exercised over the church" and that the pope should be recognized as
"the very antichrist, and son of perdition, of whom Paul
speaks." Taken from The Zurich Letters, pg. 199 by
John Knox.
By the way, this is by no means the ENTIRE list of denominations that knew the Papacy was the house of Satan. Click here for a much larger list of facts on this. I cut it short to try and keep the Newsletter to a decent size. The Prophecy of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 declared the son of perdition would be revealed, and here we see he has been pointed out rather clearly. However, according to Revelation 13:3, after the wound is administered, and then begins to heal, ALL the world will wonder after the beast. So I ask... are they changing their tune? Are those denominations that once called the Papacy an evil entity and house of Satan, now calling it blessed and a house of God? Can the prophecy be that accurate yet AGAIN?
Osservatore Romano
Arturo Mari / AFP - Getty Images |
What Church Leaders
Say About the Pope
"A Most Worthy Successor of the Humble Fisherman of Galilee"
2005 ( Throughout the week, praise for
the person of John Paul II came from many corners, including the political
realm. Below is a sampling of what world leader said about the late Pope.
Billy Graham, U.S. evangelist
Pope John Paul II was "unquestionably the most influential voice for
morality and peace in the world during the last 100 years.
Mark Hanson,
president of the Lutheran World Federation
"Lutherans will always remember John Paul II as the pope who fostered an unprecedented
growth in Lutheran/Roman Catholic relations. Healing the wounds laid bare
during the 16th-century Reformation took on new meaning as the Joint
Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification was signed in 1999.
Richard Land,
president of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission
"…he emerged as one of the most eloquent spokesmen anywhere in the world
for religious freedom for all human beings as a universal right, and for the
sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death and everywhere in
The Reverend
Frank Griswold, leader of the U.S. Episcopal Church
"Like the householder in the Gospel he was able to bring out of the
treasure of his own deep spirit things 'both new and old.' His voice and moral
authority gave inspiration and hope to millions well beyond the Roman Catholic
By the way, it wasn’t just Christian denominations that were proclaiming their acceptance of the Pope. Note the following non-Christian faiths that proclaim the Papacy a holy and blessed entity.
The article continues…
Gregorius III Lahham, Greek Melkite patriarch of Damascus
The Pontiff was a "new John the Baptist" because like the original
one he was "a voice who cried in the desert to prepare the ways of the
Lord; he wiped hypocrisy and sin before our Risen Lord."
The Dalai Lama
"In spite of increasing age and declining physical health, his relentless
efforts to visit different parts of the world and meet the people who lived
there to promote harmony and spiritual values, exemplified not only his deep
concern but also the courage he brought to fulfilling it."
Patriarch Alexy
II, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church
"Pope John Paul personally, and his works and ideas, have had a strong
impact on the world."
Patriarch Bartholomew I, the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox
"Pope John Paul II envisioned the restoration of the unity of the
Christians and he worked for its realization."
Pope Shenouda
III, Coptic Church
"He was.. highly praised for his personal qualities and his participation
in the ecumenical work and the relationship between the Catholic Church and the
rest of the churches of the world." -ZE05040903
For the ENTIRE LIST of quotes from all the churches, click here.
By the way, it has not gotten so popular and globally accepted that the Pope’s are considered to be godly men, that if you speak out against them on the air you WILL be dealt with quite severely. Notice this article that just came out…
Host Fired Over Pope Question
Friday, April 15, 2005
PITTSBURGH — (AP) An evangelical Christian talk show host who questioned the beliefs of the Catholic church and entertained a caller's question about whether the late Pope John Paul II would go to heaven has been fired.
Marty Minto, 39, a senior pastor at a New Castle church, was fired Friday after three years as a host on WORD-FM in Pittsburgh. He said he was told that he was alienating listeners.
"As far as I'm concerned, I was doing what I've always done on the radio — look at events around the world from a biblical perspective. I've always been willing to talk about controversial subjects," said Minto, who has had shows in AlbanyN.Y., Denver and Phoenix
Last week, Minto questioned some of the Catholic church's beliefs, such as purgatory, and fielded a question from a caller who asked whether the pope would go to heaven. Many evangelical Christians believe that someone must be a "born-again" believer to enter heaven.
Minto, who is also senior pastor of the 100-member Turning Point Community Church, said he told the caller that whether someone was born-again was personal and "between an individual and the Creator."
This kind of reminds me of the radio announcer that was gunned down in Costa Rica on his front lawn for making comments about the Vatican on his radio program. That happened in back in July of 2001.
It’s obvious in this recent article that this Pastor tried to be as vague as possible when answering the question regarding the Pope’s eternal reward. Reason being is, no man can judge another man’s heart. But we must also understand what Jesus meant when He said it is by their fruits you will know them. One thing’s for sure, WORD-FM is not one that likes to share all the facts with their listeners. How does one alienate a listener by the statement this pastor made? It seems to me that WORD-FM is a Roman Catholic organization. Why else would they get so upset about such a vague statement?
Getting back on track… Of course, all the churches, whether they be Christian or not would not be considered “ALL the world” would it? What of the people outside the immediate church community? The prophecy said, ALL the world will wonder after the beast. We need to see what the rest of the world thinks as well now. So.. What do the World leaders say about this pope?
What World Leaders Say About John
Paul II
"A Good Father to All of Us"
2005 ( Throughout the week, praise for
the person of John Paul II came from many corners, including the political
realm. Below is a sampling of what world leader said about the late Pope.
Carlo Azeglio
Ciampi, president of Italy
"He has transmitted hope and fidelity to all of us. …He has been a true
apostle for peace in the whole world.
Kwasniewski, president of Poland
"A great Pope -- our most outstanding fellow countryman, the Holy Father,
a good father to all of us, believers and nonbelievers, followers of different
religions -- is no more."
George W. Bush,
president of the United States
"Pope John Paul II was, himself, an inspiration to millions of Americans,
and to so many more throughout the world. We will always remember the humble,
wise and fearless priest who became one of history's great moral leaders. We're
grateful to God for sending such a man, a son of Poland, who became the Bishop of Rome, and
a hero for the ages."
Schröder, German chancellor
The Pope had "influenced the peaceful integration of Europe in many ways. By his efforts and
through his impressive personality, he changed our world."
Lech Walesa,
former Polish president and Solidarity leader
"I think we shall keep discovering how much the Holy Father worked for us
and struggled for us. He spoke to us through his illness and through his
suffering served to the very end. "Without him there would be no end of
communism or at least -- it would have come -- much later and the end would
have been bloody."
Shimon Peres,
vice premier of Israel
The Pope "embodied the best that is within all mankind as well as the
commonness of humanity. ... His actions and statements transformed relations
between the Catholic and Jewish faiths, and made a fundamental impact on the
struggle against anti-Semitism."
Mahmoud Abbas,
Palestinian leader
"We will miss him as a distinguished religious figure, who devoted his
life to defending the values of peace, freedom and equality."
Fidel Castro,
president of Cuba
"Humanity will preserve an emotional memory of the tireless work of His
Holiness John Paul II in favor of peace, justice and solidarity among all
Khatami, Iranian president
"It is with extreme sadness that we hear of the passing of the leader of
the world's Catholics, His Holiness Pope John Paul II, who commanded the three
paths of religious learning, philosophical thought and poetical and artistic
Kofi Annan, U.N.
"Quite apart from his role as a spiritual guide to more than a billion
men, women and children, he was a tireless advocate of peace, a true pioneer in
interfaith dialogue and a strong force for critical self-evaluation by the
Church itself."
Jacques Chirac,
president of France
[History] "will retain the imprint and the memory of this exceptional
sovereign pontiff, whose charisma, conviction and compassion carried the
evangelical message with unprecedented resonance on the international
Tony Blair,
prime minister of the United Kingdom
"The world has lost a religious leader who was revered across people of
all faiths and none. He was an inspiration, a man of extraordinary faith,
dignity and courage."
Avul Pakir
Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, president of India
"His ceaseless efforts to advocate the cause of human values will always
be remembered as the beacon of hope against the daunting challenges of today's
John Howard,
prime minister of Australia
"The Pope was an inspirational leader not only to 1 billion Catholics
around the world but he was an exemplar of the Christian life for all
Gorbachev, former Soviet president
"I mourn his loss. We knew it was coming to this. What can I say -- it
must have been the will of God. He acted really courageously. His devotion to
his followers is a remarkable example to all of us."
General Musharraf,
president of Pakistan
"The Pope had rendered incredible services for peace, had brought people
closer belonging to different faiths."
For the ENTIRE LIST of quotes from all world leaders, click here.
All the religious, as well as all the political leaders are most assuredly praising the Papacy today. Whatever they think of Ratzinger at this point doesn’t really matter. It’s too young in the game to even judge the man’s agenda. But their open display of loyalty to the Synagogue of Satan is now known in both Heaven and Earth. Prophecy IS FULFILLED!
Now I know that all the quotes I shared are for the previous Pope John Paul II. Thing is, that truly doesn’t matter because the Papacy is the Papacy no matter who’s at the helm. Satan will use whoever stands there. This is why they must all carry the same title, Vicarius Filii Dei. However, I feel it only fair to all involved to see if the same love of sin is being embraced via the Ratzinger camp as well now. So I ask, does the world show at least an inkling of the same worship for Ratzinger as they did for other popes?
World Reaction to
Papal Election
Well-Wishers for
Benedict XVI
ROME, APRIL 23, 2005 (
Leaders from a variety of faiths and countries issued statements on the
election of Pope Benedict XVI. Here is a sample.
-- World religious leaders --
Paul Spiegel,
president of the Jewish association in Germany
"I am sure that he will intensify the successful route toward
understanding between Christians and Jews to the benefit of both
Nadeem Elyas,
president of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany
He expressed the hope that the new Pope would continue the dialogue between
Christians and Muslims. "The cardinal was always John Paul II's right hand
and surely contributed much to the opening gaining this priority," the
chairman said. As Germans, Muslims were doubly happy about Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger's election, he said.
Lutheran World
"… the Lutheran World Federation accompanies him with the prayer that he
will be given the grace to continue the ministry of his predecessors in a
process of steady renewal, for the benefit of the church universal, and of
Samuel Kobia,
general secretary of the World Council of Churches
"We give thanks to our common Lord Jesus Christ for granting the Roman
Catholic Church a new Bishop of Rome, known for his theological integrity and
ecclesial loyalty, his evangelical simplicity and pastoral sensitivity, a
successor to Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XV, both known as 'Primates of
Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia
"I hope that Your Holiness' time as Pope will see the development of
friendly relations between our Churches and the fruitful dialogue between the
Orthodox and the Catholics. …The secular world, losing its spiritual
guidelines, finds itself in unprecedented acute need of our common testimony. I
hope that Your Holiness' service will contribute to the fulfillment of this
Dr. Jonathan
Sacks, chief rabbi of the United Kingdom
"We welcome the new Pope and wish him every success in the daunting
challenges that lie ahead. As a global leader in a global age, his voice will
be important in framing some of the great challenges of the 21st century."
-- Civil testimonies –
Horst Köhler,
president of Germany
"That a compatriot has become pope fills us in Germany with special pleasure and also a
little pride. I'm convinced that Pope Benedict XVI will continue the late Pope
John Paul II's great engagement for people's dignity and peace in the
George W. Bush,
president of the United States
"He's a man of great wisdom and knowledge. He's a man who serves the Lord.
We remember well his sermon at the Pope's funeral in Rome, how his words touched our hearts
and the hearts of millions. We join with our fellow citizens and millions
around the world who pray for continued strength and wisdom as His Holiness
leads the Catholic Church."
Kofi Annan,
secretary-general of the United Nations
"His Holiness brings a wealth of experience to this exalted office. The
United Nations and the Holy See share a strong commitment to peace, social
justice, human dignity, religious freedom and mutual respect among the world's
Jacques Chirac,
president of France
"I send Pope
Benedict XVI my warmest congratulations and sincere good wishes for the high
mission that has just been entrusted on the head of the Catholic Church."
Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian leader
"We congratulate His Holiness and wish him every success. We hope the
strong and historic relations between Palestine and the Vatican will be as strong as ever and that
the Vatican's support for a just peace in the Holy Land
will continue."
Tony Blair,
prime minister of the United Kingdom
"I offer Your Holiness, on the assumption of your high office,
congratulations and my very best wishes for the success of your pontificate. I
look forward to continuing our cooperation with the Holy See on issues of
international importance such as Africa and development."
Pervez Musharraf, president of Pakistan
"I hope the Pope will help to bring harmony between the two worlds [Islam
and Christianity]. "The Pope can bring harmony to the way people think and
perhaps create a better environment to solve disputes between peoples."
Vladimir Putin,
president of Russia
"Russia is committed to continuing its constructive political dialogue and
interaction with the Holy See in the interest of solving global problems,
strengthening the values of goodness, justice and humanism." ZE05042302
For the ENTIRE LIST of quotes praising Ratzinger, click here.
Yes, it appears if you are Pope, irregardless of your well documented past, you are loved now. The wound is almost completely healed. ALL THE WORLD IS WONDERING AFTER THE BEAST just as our Lord told us they would. All that needs to happen now are the disasters that cause the WORLD to look to the Vatican for help. This fabricated and counterfeit “moral leader” will suggest a way to stop the natural disasters as well as the wars, (which are actually started by the Vatican anyway) by suggesting GLOBAL SUNDAY LAWS! Seeing how EVERY nation and EVERY church is now embracing this beast in Rome, they will most assuredly gather to Rome’s side as is reflected in the cartoon I shared at the start of this Newsletter. And yes, the Remnant of God will not be a part of that group as the cartoon illustrated rather strangely. There is one open and obvious error in that cartoon however. WE WILL NOT BE IN FEAR OF WHAT THEY DO, OR SEEK TO DO! Or Lord plainly stated...
The fallen churches (defiled women) that gather to Rome’s side cannot defile, or influence the children of God. Main reason being is we follow the Lamb of God wherever HE leads, not the son of perdition.
I believe the reason all the churches and all the world leaders gather to Rome is simply understood. They fear doing otherwise! This is no different then the people that ran forward in those televised events to show praise and respect to Saddam Hussein or even Hitler in their day of rule. They did so hoping never to be murdered by them.
One last note is needed to be made clear here. As many know, Ratzinger has admitted to being a Nazi soldier. Does his present day theology reflect his Nazi upbringing? You tell me…
When asked about... "Liberation theology." Ratzinger said.. "The 'absolute good' (and this means
building a just socialist society) becomes the moral norm that justifies
everything else, including--if necessary--violence, homicide, mendacity."
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger ~
Ratzinger’s terminology defined...
Communism is evil no matter how much the New World Order pushers says otherwise. It is the ultimate community over the individual. What’s good for the community is what rules the person. If you as a person upset the order, it is better for you to die then the whole community to suffer loss. Now read the following quote from quite a few years ago…
"'It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the extistence of his nation; That the position of the individual ego is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole... that above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual...'"
"This state of mind, which subordinates the interests of the ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise for every truly human culture... The basic attitude from which such activity arises, We call - to distinguish it from egoism and selfishness - idealism. By this we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow man.' -The Ominous Parallels, by Leonard Piekoff P 13
Sounds like and echo of John 11:50 where it says...
Their main excuse to kill our Lord was that He should die so that the NATION as a whole wouldn’t perish. That is the ultimate communistic ideal! This is exactly what both Ratzigner and this quote are saying.
Now.. Before sharing who the author is of these statements in Piekoff’s book that are a direct echo of Ratzinger’s communist “Liberation theology.” Who do you think it is that made these remarks? John F Kennedy? Abraham Lincoln? Ronald Reagan perhaps? Finishing the excerpt it says this…
These statements were made by Adolph Hitler. He was explaining the moral philosophy of Nazism. (as described by William Shirer in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich): -The Ominous Parallels, by Leonard Piekoff P 13
It’s no mistake people. John Paul II was elected at an EARLY age so as to be able to gather almost all the nations to Rome’s side in one Pontificate. That is why he was elected at age 57 instead of 77 like most popes. Thanks to John Paul II’s tireless efforts of gathering all countries to Rome’s camp, as of January 10, 2005 the Vatican now has 174 of the 192 countries in 100% agreement with Rome’s agenda. And now they have “God’s enforcer” or “God’s rottweiler” standing as pope so as to move to the next step.
Think on it this way. When the "Liberation Theology" of Ratzinger comes to fruition. The "individual" will become non-existent and worthy of extermination. The "community" will then become the voice of the people. That way, the majority of the world, which are already in Satan's control, will become the voice of the people. When the small Remnant of God refuse to break God's Law, their actions are looked upon as a PROBLEM for the "community" at large. Then you will see the Remnant being killed so that the "world" doesn't perish!
Why will they believe they will perish? The disasters will increase and the image of the beast will be formed so as to stop the natural disasters. Their message will be that if they can't get everyone in agreement worldwide, the disasters will get worse. Of course their Roman Catholic doctrinal suggestions won't fly for the Remnant. We cannot be deceived and therefore won't bow to Rome. Since the majority are already in agreement with Rome they have to do something about that small Remnant that they believe is causing the disasters to continue by refusing to agree with Rome's mandates. So, the powers that be will announce that the small Remnant still ignoring the Roman mandates, which are nothing less then Sunday laws, must now die so as to prevent the whole world from perishing! They figure if they can kill them all off, everyone left will be in agreement and there will be peace on earth! THAT is why they have a Nazi Pope, and that is why the NWO has Nazi ideals! There is no other way to get the masses to work against the individual follower of Biblical jurisprudence without getting the community on the pedestal and the individual under it. So I ask...
Are you ready? ARE YOU SURE!?
Revelation 16:13-14, "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, (Satan ~ Spiritualism) and out of the mouth of the beast, (Roman Catholicism) and out of the mouth of the false prophet.(Apostate Protestantism) For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."
reveals secret Trans-Pacific trade deal
published Wednesday the
highly secret negotiated text for the controversial Intellectual Property Rights
chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP,
treaty the Obama administration has been negotiating behind closed doors, without
congressional input or approval. ...President Obama has announced his intention
to sign the TPP treaty agreement by the end of December. The TPP is the frontrunner
to the equally secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TIPP,
between the United States and the European Union." --The long prophesied
plans of the man of sin's "New World Order" are about to be fast tracked
into existence making it impossible for even the moral leaders in our day to
stop it. If you think society has reached the bargain basement now, wait until
the NWO elects its global leader.
US-EU trade pact would make genocide a legitimate business model
"The United States and the European Union are negotiating a free-trade agreement
they hail as mutually beneficial but in actuality would allow corporations to
supersede countries’ sovereignty and legal framework, says Max Keiser of RT’s
The Keiser Report." --This is exactly what the Vatican's plans were on day one
when they initiated their New World Order. You cannot gather the "ten horns"
working together unless you remove the sovereignty of each nation. It appears
finally that Rome has figured out a way to make that act appear profitable. And
of course, if you show political leaders a way to make more of the money they
worship, they will most assuredly go for it. Christian prophecy doesn't say how
they do it, it just says they will do it. And now, we see how.
signature creates 'continental perimeter'
Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper quietly have taken a major
step toward erasing the border between the two nations with a new "Beyond
the Border" bilateral declaration. In a ceremony designed to remain below
the radar of national public opinion, Obama and Harper bypassed Congress to
sign on the basis of their executive authority a declaration that put in place
a new national security vision defined not by U.S. national borders, but by
a continental view of a "North American perimeter." -And to think,
for literally decades all the politicians lied and said this was not their agenda!
Prophecy said the Antichrist in Rome would separate the planet into ten separate
kingdoms, and this is exactly what they're doing.
The following article was published in 2006. It validates the fact that the Vatican is in fact the one pushing the buttons for the New World Order.
Prelates Promote a United American
2006 ( Bishops in the New World are doing what they can to promote
Pope John Paul II's concept of the Americas as one
continent, reports the
Vatican. A Vatican communiqué issued Saturday reported that the Special
Council for America of the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops has proposed
including U.S.
and Canadian bishops as delegates to the 5th General
Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, which Benedict XVI plans to attend
in Aparecida, Brazil, next May. The final communiqué of the 11th
meeting of the council, held in the Vatican on Oct. 2-3, confirmed the "hope"
breathed in Rome about preparations for that meeting. "It is hoped
that delegations of the episcopate of the United States and of Canada will also
participate to keep alive what has been called 'John Paul II's geography' of
an America considered as one united continent," stated the
communiqué. The theme of the meeting will be "Disciples and Missionaries
of Jesus Christ, so That Our Peoples Will Have Life in Him."
The Vatican will use John Paul II's manufactured and well publicized charisma to get "his" ideas embraced by the world even after his death. As I have always said. John Paul II is the end time pope used by Satan. Even in death he can still move his pawns in a row. His "popularity" was designed to allow even a proven Nazi soldier (Joseph Ratzinger) a way to move forward on the New World Order that prophecy declares is a must before being able to enforce the Roman MARK.