Welcome to SDRU

We here at SDRU pray that this website will become a valuable tool for you in the work you are called to do for the Lord. It is the prayer of this ministry that you use the studies in this collection of studies to spread the three angels messages all throughout the World in the long prophesied loud cry.

Please feel free to browse the site, as this is our main intention for it. You can copy and share anything on this site that you feel can be used to bring souls to Christ. All we ask is that if you hand out our information from this site that you share the link (SDRU.org) with those you are evangelizing so that if they have additional questions, we can help them find the answers.

Whether your a seasoned street preacher who has shared your faith for years, or an honest soul seeking the best way to share the present truth message, this site is for you. The site is here for all that have a desire to glorfy the Creator God by using not only His doctrinal Word, but His prophetic Word as well. For in these last days when prophetic fulfillments are occurring frequently, the reality of all this opens eyes to the fact that Jesus Christ is most assuredly coming back as promised!


Are you a student of prophecy? Do you have a study, thesis, dissertation, sermon and or an inspired method of sharing present truth that has been effective in bringing souls to Christ that you would like to share with God's people? If so, please Submit it to the SDRU staff. It will be taken into consideration and discussed by those already posting valuable data. If it is agreed upon to be a blessing that needs to be shared, it will then be posted on this site as something every student of prophecy can use anywhere in the world.
