poGm VIDEO: Vulgar Catholic Priest Dancing on PRIME TIME TV!
Roman Catholic priest actually dances on the Family Feud and he does so
in a very vulgar manner and everyone applauds? Notice how he dances
"around" the TV game show host in the exact same way a stripper does for
her victim. (Click here to watch on YouTube and click here for John1429.org )
Pope says Church should ask forgiveness from gays for past treatment
"Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from homosexuals for the way they had
treated them. ...In the hour-long freewheeling
conversation that has become a trademark of his international travels,
Francis was asked if he agreed with recent comments by a German Roman
Catholic cardinal that the Church should apologise to gays." -Source
First and foremost, yes, if you have offended anyone, you should ask forgiveness.
But what's not being said here is quite sinister. And by the way, I came across
this article on Sunday (6-26-16) and purposely placed it on the back burner
so as to post it on Friday. Reason being is, I do no blog updates on Sabbath.
This way the article will hang for 2 days allowing for more readers to check
it out.
The basic reality is, and I know
this for a fact as I taught Catholic doctrine before leaving that church 31+
years ago, Roman Catholics are not taught to become Bible Christians. Yes,
many Catholics are Christian because they love Jesus and have yet to discover
the danger they're in. They will eventually hear the call to "come out
of her my people" as Jesus commanded long ago and they will make it Home. But for the Pope to declare
Christians treated homosexuals bad in the past is not necessarily accurate.
Yes, I am sure some weak Christians who later repented of their hateful words and or actions
towards homosexuals are in that number. But for the most part, people that regularly attack
homosexuals are not Christians. Jesus would simply never do that and so none that follow Him would do so either.
My point is, the Pope is only pointing out the past bad treatment of the
homosexuals and not the bad treatment against adulterers, thieves, drunks and
liars because it is his chosen political platform to bolster. If drunkenness
was the Vatican's main issue and their stony political foot in the door, then the
News would be swamped with stories uplifting drunks the world over.
Homosexuality is a sin. No getting around that basic biblical fact. And treating any sinner bad
by Christians is sinful and therefore not a frequent occurrence by REAL
Christians. The Pope is only mentioning the homosexuals in a positive light
for the same reason he speaks highly of the Atheist, women that abort their
babies and even Muslims that kill Christians.
The Nutshell
All I see happening here is the Pope pushing his PR campaign into high gear.
Looking back the past few decades wherein American politics have become so evil
one can see why men like Trump or even the recent events in the UK with Brexit
are so popular among the people now-a-days. As students of prophecy have warned over and
over again to the point of exhaustion, the powers that be know they need to make the people reach a breaking
point wherein a political "savior" can swoop down to save the day
and make nice nice the world over. And so, the last few presidents in the USA,
and especially the current one, have been called to do as many evil acts as possible
so as to make the Vatican's expected "savior" appear to be the most
loving, gentle and moral man alive when compared to the disgusting politicians running rampant across the land.
Not long after this political sewage started to flow, the Pope chimed in demanding
to be seen as the world's "moral leader," and so students of prophecy
were again vindicated in their message that the Pope was in fact vying for the job as
the world's moral "savior."
The Pope, who is a
Jesuit priest no less, who actually took the oath
of a Jesuit boldly declares he will, and I quote, "when opportunity presents,
[will] make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly,
against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do,
to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and
that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang,
waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip
up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads
against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race."
This Pope took this oath and the only reason this bloodthirsty killer is
sharing sugar and spice and everything nice today is so he can be accepted and
loved by all. And he will be! For it is prophesied that "all the world wondered after
the beast" in Revelation 13:3 (See more info
on that here) So yes, the Pope holds the office of a violent tyrant and
yes when that day comes, whatever Pope stands in that office will demand the
death of millions once THE Antichrist stands on earth claiming to be Jesus incarnate
who insists all those refusing to keep the
Vatican Sabbath be killed.
But putting all that aside; as I stated in a
video I did in January of 2014, all the world is already being conned into
loving the Pope just as prophecy predicted. And so, events like Brexit and narcissistic
characters running for political office like Trump who claims to be "for the people" will continue
to pave the way towards a one world government wherein the Pope who is "loved
by all" will be able to stand as leader when it comes to the moral aspects
of it all. The evils of the world's politicians, whether they realize it or
not, are nothing more than Satan moving them like puppets to do his bidding
so as to herald his arrival on earth as Christ. But before getting here he needs
his man in Rome to be embraced and loved by all his sheeple so that when he
(Satan) stands next to him, all the world will do whatever he asks as long as
the Pope echoes it. Thanks to the long prophesied and well-orchestrated acts of all the wicked leaders,
the Pope's comments of love, ecumenicalism, and peace will become a powerful
tug on the heartstrings of those sheeple that refuse to open the very Bibles
that warned about all this nearly word for word.
There's a reason the Vatican is called the hill of prophecy
by some. The Pope's have no choice but to do as the Word of God said Antichrist
will do. Since our God sees the end from the beginning, declaring
what's to happen WILL happen because He saw it first. This is why the
Popes must fabricate so many smokescreens to hide behind. And so, as
prophesied... "through his (the Pope's) policy
also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify
in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand
up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."
-Daniel 8:25 Amen and MARANATHA!
VIDEO: Pope's prayer PROPHESIED!
"The Pope Video is a global initiative developed
by the Pope World Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) to assist in
the dissemination of monthly intentions of the Holy Father related to
the challenges facing humanity." -Source
In my July of 2000 Truth Provided Newsletter
I go into detail about how the one world church was started by the
Roman Catholic church on June 26 of that year. And yes, that's the same
date we saw the United Nations initiative given birth in 1948. Strangely
enough, this United Religions Initiative was not only signed sealed and
delivered on the same day of the year in 2000 as the UN initiative was
in 1948, it was done so in the exact same motel room confirming
Christianity had nothing to do with it and political power was the main
objective. And yes, for those curious among us, this was also the date
that homosexual marriage became legal in the United States of America
in 2015. As anyone that has studied Pagan and or satanic rituals will
tell you, they have a strange Celtic lust for certain dates of the year.
Especially where the Sun, moon and stars are prominently featured.
one world church has begun "officially" on June 26, 2000 yes, but it
didn't have the power to merge into a super or global power until all
religions on earth agreed the Pope was to be their elected leader. Yes,
the majority did in 1999 and so it was inevitable it came into fruition
in 2000, and some, like the SDA church even joined with Rome to perform
certain duties for the global church to assure a good start up. (the SDA church is WCC Treasurer)
Still.. unless the churches all joined as one with Rome and then in
agreement with the State that happens to be under the thumb of Rome, the
power would not be sufficient to form the long prophesied New World Order (NWO) that the Popes have been pushing since Roman Catholic Emperor Adolph Hitler's day. As I outlined in my September 2000 Truth Provided Newsletter,
Rome must have all her ducks in a row to assure when she makes the call
that those under her thumb will answer the calling and join as one with
her in the NWO which is nothing more than a one world government. But
before doing that, they needed a one world court system, which I outline
in some detail in my April of 1999 Truth Provided Newsletter. Now
do you see the reason the 52 year old 501c3 contract was finally "given
life" on March 7, 2006? The fix was in! All the pastors had clamored
after the money offered in the contract and Rome had already set the
stage for her final movements. It was time for the pastors to bow in worship to the Pope.
And yes, that date should look familiar because as we know Pagans, aka
devil worshipers, love to perform certain rituals and even enforce
powerful political Bills into law on particular dates. As I go into
detail on my 321AD page
on the site, March 7 was also the date Constantine enforced the very
first Sunday Laws in 321AD. I wonder.. when the Sunday Laws are finally
enforced, will they again use the March 7th date to do so? Time will
tell. But being creatures of habit, I would lean towards yes.. they will
no doubt use a date they used in the past. Will it be March 7? What do
you think? So.. what do we have here? We have a one world court system start up in 1999. Then we see Billy Graham, Robert Schuller and the Pope himself declaring Jesus not needed for salvation
so as to lower the defenses of all the non-Christian religions who want
to join to better fill the ecumenical pews. Then to further convince
the nonChristian religions that the Pope is serious about joining, they
start a Bible hate speech campaign that flourishes to this day. Next the Pope steps up to "apologize"
for killing hundreds of millions of Christians so as to further uplift
his public relations image. Then a one world church starts up in
mid-2000 followed in Autumn by a one world government foundation being
set. Not long after that we see the 501c3 that not only creates an image to the Vatican structure by joining al states and churches together as one, it allows the pastors of those churches to be considered official government agents with the ability to lobby law. Next we see the Pope and all the churches (including the SDA church)
declaring Allah is God so as to make the Muslims feel as if they too
are brethren in Rome one world church, and then to further push the
envelope of inclusiveness, not only do they legalize homosexual marriage they sanction it in all the churches, (including the SDA church)
so as to have the pews filled to capacity. Now I can go on and on about
other prophetic signs and fulfillments regarding all this, but I think
you get my point. So... now that all
that is done, can you see why the Pope made this video wherein he prays
to many false gods and embraces them on camera with their worshippers as
if we are all one in agreement on how to worship the God of the Bible?
All his ducks are in a row and the timing is perfect to push his global
one world church. This was prophesied, and better yet, you are alive
WHEN IT HAPPENED! That all being said.. what are YOU doing to get ready
for the return of Jesus Christ? My prayer is that you are doing all you
can! By the way.. for those that don't think his wound has been healed yet.
If it wasn't, why is he so loved the world over and able to make videos
that at any other time in history would cause the Vatican to crumble
and fall? DO you actually think the wound must be evident by a muscle
bound Papal superhero? You do realize the Jesuits study prophecies so as
to better hide their actions so as to prevent the fulfillments of same
seeming so obvious? Don't believe me? Ask as many people as you like
about what they think the mark of the beast is. Need I say more?
and Hillsong plan a 1 million man gathering in DC
"Evangelical leaders are calling on 1 million
Christians to gather together in the nation's capital next month for
prayer and worship at a historic event called "Together 2016." Inspired
by Nick Hall, the founder of PULSE, a prayer and evangelism movement to
empower the church and awaken the culture to Jesus, Americans are being
urged to unite on the National Mall on July 16 to offer prayer that God
will change the hearts of a divided America. Adding his name to the
lineup of prominent guest speakers and musicians is Pope Francis, who
will deliver a video message addressing the crowd." -Source
all know many have tried to get one million people to gather in DC for
decades and so far all have failed. And we also know the Pope is very
popular with the lost of this world who appreciate his licensing of
their sin as if it's no big deal wherein they can still sin and be
Heaven bound regardless. Worse yet, even Atheists love him for his
statements proclaiming they too are heaven bound. Not to mention the
homosexuals he has been 'blessing' since day one of his pontificate of
course. Still.. as popular as the media paints this man, getting a
million people to show up is not going to be an easy task. Even if the
scandal ridden Hillsong churches ride on his Dagon inspired coattails.
this is just me thinking out loud.. but as we now see with what
happened in Orlando generating a media blitz to bring about a supposed
inarguable sanctioning of the homosexual lifestyle by pulling on the
heart strings of the grieving masses; manipulating the American sheeple
is as easy as boiling water lately. July 16th is only one month away and
so they have some time to work on this. But, the only way I can see one
million people jamming into DC is if some major event, good or bad, is
flooded into the media wherein the Pope himself can chime in with a
wonderful and loved filled statement of prohomosexual compliance that
further skyrockets his fame. Truth is, the "timing" of the shooting in
Orlando also suggests the propaganda machine may have already been kick
started. Bottom line is this. They claim the event is to "empower the church and awaken the culture to Jesus"
in the article. Statements like that coming from people who are by no
means Biblical Christians should give us all pause for concern.
Especially if the Pope, the ultimate example of a nonbeliever, and prohomosexual Hillsong
pastors are involved. For those of us that read, study and actually
believe our Bibles know, when you meet the real Jesus as His Word
outlines, and then look upon the "other Jesus" as prophecy said the
lukewarm will promote, (See 2 Corinthians 11:4) it's easy to see the
enemy of souls is building his troops up wherein "his Jesus" is much
more attractive that the true Jesus Christ of the Bible. And by the way, the only reason I see the Pope
chiming in here is because he must keep up appearances as per Vatican II
dictation. His office was commanded by Satan to push the ecumenical
charge forward wherein all churches join under one roof no matter how
much they disagree doctrinally. This confusion within the ranks is the
only way Satan can win. And since this event appears to be gaining
ground the Pope has no choice but to make an appearance so as to stand
in solidarity with his comrades of confusion. After all, Satan knows to
divide is to conquer. He has done this with the church on one hand by
gathering his forces from the church itself to stand undivided with him.
But as Goliath and many others found out the hard way. We don't need
large numbers to see God's hand move. We only need faith.In
any event, one thing is certain. The only way I can see a real
Christian attending such a gathering as this is to go forth in faith to
hand out tracts exposing the "other Jesus" while at the same time
introducing the true King of kings, and Lord of lords to any and all
that will listen.
Catholic church says PRAY IN SILENCE so as not to offend!
"Catholic charity helps facilitate mass migration
to Europe. ...Catholic charity has shut down prayer in one Italian
church so migrants who are in the community are not offended, in fact,
taking parishioners to another location so they could recite the rosary.
...It’s also not the first time Christian churches have given in
entirely to a Muslim agenda that puts all other faiths and their members
in second class. Previously the Archbishop of Canterbury told
members of churches in England they should not evangelize Muslims. In
the latest manifestation of the dominance handed to Muslims, members
of the Christian church of St. Anthony in Ventimiglia in Italy were
told by volunteers from Caritas, a Catholic organization working for
migrants, to pray in silence or go somewhere else." -Source
First and foremost all have to realize that if you actually open a bible (which most refuse to do today) you will find that the Roman Catholic church is not a Christian church at all. Like Westboro Baptists, they only claim to be Christians so as to make Christians look bad. The Vatican is actually a hard core Pagan church hell-bent on destroying Christianity for Satan. Just a few of many quotes from their own lips confirm this. When speaking of Christians that refuse to convert to Roman Catholicism, the Popes Rome stated long ago the following: - "Experience teaches that there is no other remedy for the evil, but to put heretics (Protestants) to death;
for the (Romish) church proceeded gradually and tried every remedy: at
first she merely excommunicated them; afterwards she added a fine; then
she banished them; and finally she was constrained to put them to death." -Cardinal Bellarmine famous champion of Romanism cited by Schumucker p. 76
- "that malicious and abominable sect of malignants," if they "refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes."--Wylie, b. 16, ch. 1.
- "On August 24, 1527, Roman Catholics in France, by prearranged plan, under Jesuit influence, murdered 70,000 Protestants within the space of two months. The Pope rejoiced when he heard the news of the successful outcome."-Western Watchman, Nov.21, 1912 (Catholic)
- "The Catholic Church has persecuted ... when she thinks it is good to use physical force she will use it... Will the Catholic Church give bond that she will not persecute?... The Catholic Church gives no bonds for her good behaviour." -Western Watchman, Dec. 24, 1908
- The church may by divine right confiscate the property of heretics, imprison their person, and condemn them to flames. In our age, the right to inflict the severest penalties, even death,
belongs to the church. There is no graver offense than heresy,
therefore it must be rooted out." - Public Eccliastical, Vol. 2, p.142.
- Click here for many more quotes like this.
The Word of the true Christian God says... "They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me." John 16:2-3 Did
you notice the above quote wherein the prelates of the Roman Catholic
church stated in writing for all to see that when it comes to
persecuting and even killing Christians, they see nothing wrong with
what they called "good behavior" no less! Only a devil worshipping soul
can speak such words because for Genesis to Revelation anyone with the
ability to read and trust the Word of God knows, Satan is the ones that
hates like that! And such violent and life ending acts as he has
inspired the Roman Catholic priests, bishops, cardinals and Popes to do
over the centuries confirms who it is the prelates in Rome truly
As for the rosary of the
church of Rome. No, that is not a Christian format of prayer as the
obviously Vatican inspired photographer intimated by the picture used in
this article. In fact, it is expressly forbidden in the Word of God to
pray rosaries or any type of repetitive prayer unto God the Father. For
it was stated by Jesus Himself in Matthew 6:7, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." (click here for more on the rosary) For
the Catholic church to demand its people to "pray in silence' is
actually proof they are in fact Pagan in nature. What I mean is. Jesus
also said in Matthew 6:6, "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret;
and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." In
other words, real Christians already know they should never pray before
the people seeking glory of man. In fact, as Jesus also stated in the
previous verse (Matthew 6:5) those that do such things already have
their reward. Don't believe me? The next time you see a Catholic priest
in robes standing before the people praying as did the prophets of Baal
in Elijah's day, notice how all the Catholics come up to the priest
after the prayer patting him on the back, praising him for his holiness
and slipping him a few bucks for his prayers. He has exactly what he
sought after. The approval of man and the glory of self. But the real
Christian seeks the blessings of the true God in Heaven that nary a
praise of men, slap on the back or even trillions of dollars can compare
In this one article we see two of literally dozens of biblical proofs showing the Roman Catholic church is purposely against Christ and His teachings.
If they were Christians they would never have to ask their flock to
pray repetitive prayers like the rosary in the first place. And they
would never have to tell them to pray in secret either. As
anyone that used to be Catholic knows; if the Bible says don't do
something, the Vatican actually teaches the people they must do it
anyway. We just saw Jesus Himself say we must pray in secret as well as
say we must never pray repetitive "as the heathen" does. But because
Rome teaches their people to pray openly before the people, and to do so
repetitively with rosary in hand, they must now tell them to stop so as
not to offend the Muslim. Me thinks to avoid such political issues here
in the last days, the prelates in Rome should have considered all that hundreds of years ago when the Pope wrote the Koran.
poGm VIDEO: Ancient
Vatican Pedophile Games This is a video of the Pope demanding the authorities in government and the
church step up to protect the children from rapists and other strange people.
But I have to ask, why do all the popes in the last 4 generations always say
the same thing and yet the molestation of the children by Roman Catholic priests
still gets worse? It's because the Roman Catholic church is not a Christian
church and they will do as their dying god demands of them. This has been going
on for literally centuries and everyone keeps looking the other way?!
here for video on YouTube or click
here for video on John1429.org)
As for who will shut the Vatican down soon as I suggest
in the video as the only way to fix things? See 1John 5:7 and Revelation 18:9,10,21.
Pope in historic talks with Grand Imam of Al-Azhar
"Pope Francis has met the grand imam of Cairo's
Al-Azhar Mosque at the Vatican in a historic encounter that was sealed
with a hugely symbolic hug and exchange of kisses. The first Vatican
meeting on Monday between the leader of the world's Catholics and the
highest authority in Sunni Islam marks the culmination of a significant
improvement in relations between the two faiths since Francis took
office in 2013. ...Ties were badly soured when the now-retired Benedict
made a September 2006 speech in which he was perceived to have linked
Islam to violence, sparking deadly protests in several countries and
reprisal attacks on Christians."
One has to realize the craftiness of the beast to really appreciate what's going on here. Benedict, as evil as he was as pope,
was not the catalyst that brought the Muslims to anger that caused them
to start killing Christians en masse. If it was, the killings would
have begun at his remarks in 2006 wherein he said the (so called) prophet Muhammad's teachings were "evil and inhuman." CoNfUsEd? Yes,
some will be confused no doubt. As prophesied the harlot church was to
mix truth with error so as to build on that foundations which would then
allow the definition of the word "Babylon" to come to fruition which is
actually "confusion." (See Strong's #897) I was Catholic 29 years
and I know all too well how confusing Roman Catholicism can be when you
try to find where they stand on any one issue. Be it doctrine or
political. They purposely do this so as to prevent any real discovery of
their agenda by the common man. For example:
I was a young man I was interested in prophecy. Even from an early age I
wanted to know what would happen tomorrow and I also wanted to know
what had already happened before I was born. Hence the reason I
befriended so many old people when young. Problem was, I was raised
Catholic and so when I was told to look into the teachings of the church
to understand prophecy, I found that not one Catholic author agreed
with another. And when they used Scripture they would always give
different definitions to the same prophetic symbols. In so doing I came
to believe that Roman Catholicism was a "mystical" based theology
wherein unless you have certain deductive powers from God Himself so as
to directly communicate with him like no other people can, there is no
way you will ever understand the Bible or the doctrines held by the
church. And so you must trust the priests or you will be in a heap of
trouble. Still, the Lord wasn't done with me yet and so He moved me to
open His Bible.
After doing so I discovered the priests were bold faced liars and rather evil men to boot.
I found they kept the people purposely CONfused to prevent them from
discovering who they really were. And so everything from cryptic sermons
and mystifying Catholic reference books naturally generated a people
with a mindset that they had no choice but to trust their priests who
dedicate their lives to study the Word and therefore we don't need to
read the Bible at all. But then I met Christ Jesus
revealed to me that not only is He Creator of all that is seen and
unseen, He is also the Creator of languages. That being the case, and
seeing how He is more intelligent than the most power angel, fallen or
not; He can most assuredly write a book His own children can understand.
It was then the truth became a reality and confusion hit the floor just
as lies always do. In short.. the Popes of Rome wrote the Koran,
Muslims were killing Christians long before Ratzinger's comments as
Benedict in 2006; in fact they were actually killing them before 2001.
Why else would the American Government use them as the culprits in their proven false flag attacks on the towers?
This meeting with the Imam and the Pope has to be spun by the Vatican
in the media so as to hide what's really being discussed behind those
doors. Everyone knows the salute of Rome is an acknowledgment to the
Pope as THE leader across the board. Just as Hitler raised his right arm
to Rome, so do Muslim soldiers today. (click here for proof)
In fact, I did a video not too long ago of a 4 year old Muslim boy
killing Isis rebels in an SUV using the 666 hand sign which is also a
salute to the man of sin. (click here for the video) No
I do not believe the majority of the Islamic soldiers know who they
salute. But some of the more educated do, and most assuredly that Imam
that met with Jesuit Pope Francis does as well. If the Masons can keep
their up and coming leaders in the dark regarding their religion's true
intentions one degree at a time, so can the Vatican as well as their
brothers in Islam. You do not reach that pinnacle of power in Islam
without first understanding who the real power behind your "holy book"
truly is. This meeting with the Pope is nothing more than a political
palm greasing that will allow for more doors to open and some to close
so that Islam can be painted in a better light for the well
indoctrinated masses (sheeple) with the agreement that Shariah law will be implemented
wherever the Pope needs it to be implemented. After all, does it not
state clearly in Revelation 20:4 that those that refuse the mark of the beast will be beheaded? And who today loves to behead Christians? I will give you 666 guesses on that one.
Pope shocker: Promotes socialism, likens Jesus to ISIS
"Pope Francis, in an interview with the French newspaper La Croix,
suggested a likeness between ISIS and Jesus by explaining that while
“the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam,” it was quite
possible to interpret certain passages of the Gospels, particularly in
Matthews, as a call for Christians to go forth with this “same idea of
conquest” in their discipleship." -Source
This is par for the course for every man of sin that has ever stepped into the religiopolitical office Satan built on earth.
They love to take peaceful situations and even glorious prophesied
events to make them appear to be the most evil and even violent times in
Christianity. What I mean is, even though he doesn't highlight which
Bible verses in the book of Matthew, one has to assume he's speaking of
the great commission of Christ which was "Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I
have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of
the world. Amen." (Matthew 28:19-20) Isis
on the other hand teaches to go forth to persecute, torture and even
kill in the name of Satan, the Pope and all political leaders in Islam.
How on earth can that be compared to spreading the Gospel of peace? It
cannot. But prophecy did say the wicked ones of the world in the last
days will "call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for
bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20) And so it will be expected of the man of sin to
do just that. In fact, the Popes have been doing that for centuries. Take the so called seven year tribulation lie the Jesuits put forth centuries ago so as to try and pull the onus off the Popes who killed hundreds of millions of Christians during the great tribulation Jesus spoke of that would happen during a 1260 year period, to hide the well documented (and admitted to)
historical fact that the Popes of Rome killed those Christians. The
Jesuits made up the lie that Antichrist comes in the future during a
seven year tribulation period wherein all sorts of evil events occur so
as to scare the people back into the pews of the Roman church. They
actually took one of the most amazing and loved filled acts ever
prophesied, that being the "week of Daniel" as I cover in detail here,
and made it appear to be one of the most frightening times in man's
history. It is frightening only to Satan because he knows what happened
during those seven years between 27AD to 34AD. It was not only the time
Christ came to teach, die and defeat death for us; it was also the time
the Gospel truth was re-ignited to go forth to all the world. So as
expected, Satan will try to kill two birds with one stone by hiding the
Pope's true blood curdling past as well as the very act that exposed him
as THE liar of all liars during that original seven year period.
Especially with that which happened in the "midst of the week" (Daniel
9:27) for every Bible believing child of the living God. And it's no mistake the Pope mentions how the Muslims venerate and worship Mary in his comments. As I stated years ago, the Popes of Rome wrote the Koran so as to get the Muslims to do their bidding today. I even have a video wherein a Muslim actually admits on camera
that the Koran does in fact glorify Mary and that is why he converted
to Catholicism. Not to mention all the other Catholic doctrines
mentioned by that Muslim. As
I have been saying for years. The Popes of Rome are the handiwork of
Satan himself and so they will echo his sentiments to the letter so as
to assure all that is needed to be set up before the mark
is enforced will be set up. And as is obvious here, when they get VERY
close to finalizing their plans the lies will eventually come out into
the open so as to push the agenda further home. And that day is now! What
I mean by that is, like Hitler's right hand man said, if you tell a lie
long enough the people will eventually believe it to be the truth. No
longer do the Papal plans regarding his evil desires to push Socialism
need to be hidden. This is why the last three popes and especially this Pope
have been pushing Socialism. What used to be only said behind closed
doors and then purposely "leaked" via a global network of Catholic
priests and politicians in numerous "New World Order"
back room comments and private meetings from pulpits that spread like
wildfire, which were then repeatedly denied in the open when asked about
them; they can now be proclaimed as truth and embraced by all because
the ball rolling down the hill this far cannot be stopped. Socialism
WILL happen because the mark WILL be enforced. Truth is, they have to go out in the open now because the final stages (the TPP)
have to be put in place. Something that global and that universal
cannot be done quietly, and so now it's going to be painted as if it's
all the rage from nation to nation. That is of course regardless of the
fact that some nations will not want to play by such rules. And so, as
expected, those nations will have to deal with wars, terrorist attacks
and even man-made calamities until they comply. Bottom
line is this .. prophecy will be fulfilled, and we will see that
eastern sky split very soon with our own eyes if we are worthy to be in that number.
Those that think they can coddle the Lord as if He's some wimpy
changeable God who is not going to judge them unworthy as long as they
declare Him "Lord" to their friends while cross dressing, lying,
smoking, drinking and fornicating have a VERY rude awakening headed
their way. (See Matthew 7:20-23) Not a lot of time is left to make your
paths straight; for He that said He will return WILL return ... ready or
VIDEO: Pope Francis will receive Charlemagne Prize for
being Europe's voice of conscience There were no comments posted with this video. -Source
is the ultimate out and out farce, but thanks to the controlled media,
most have no clue as to what's actually happening here. This man
represents all that is wrong and all that is evil in this world. Worse
yet, he represents just how evil mankind can become. What I mean by that
is, he is a bloodthirsty Roman Catholic Jesuit priest standing in the
most powerful political office on the planet. His office represents the most gruesome and torturous murders of hundreds of millions of Christians during the Vatican inquisitions during the prophesied 1260 years from 538AD to 1798AD just as the prophet Daniel and then the apostle and prophet John declared. And to this day the Vatican is still killing Christians to the tune of 1 martyred every 2 minutes on this planet under the long expected disguise of Islam and still, billions of people (as expected) think this man of sin is holy and the reason for peace on earth? Worse yet, he is now declared as the "conscience of Europe" no less! As
I stated years ago while echoing that which was written in the
prophetic Word of God, there will come a time when a Pope, who is known
to be very evil, will be exalted as holy in the last days
because by then the people of the world will have been so conditioned
to accept that which is evil as being good and that which is good will
be declared evil, and now we see this Pope vying for the 'moral authority' on earth
even though, as a Jesuit priest he had to recite the following oath (in
red below) so as to be ordained by the demons running Rome to perform
the task of hell upon the innocent citizens of Heaven... I
furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present,
make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics,
Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and
exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare
neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay,
strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs
and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the
walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when
the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup,
the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet,
regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or
persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or
private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the
Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of
Jesus. (click here for his entire oath as well as the sources for it) This
Pope, like all his predecessors are the prophesied fulfillment of
Scripture when it comes to the definition of Antichrist. Many years ago I was Roman Catholic.
However, as many others before and after me, I opened a Bible and found
many truths regarding the proper method of worship towards our Lord
Jesus Christ. I also found in that very same Bible all the prophetic
events regarding Antichrist that matched perfectly with well documented
historic acts of the Popes of Rome. After discovering this evidence I
promptly left the Roman Catholic church and denounced it as the home of
Satan and his minions. As is obvious by the massive size of my website, I
still have a love and a burden to warn God's people still trapped
within this church as well as all the churches that are now controlled
by the Pope so as to echo the words of the fourth angel of Revelation to
"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and
that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto
heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she
rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the
cup which she hath filled fill to her double." - Revelation 18:4-6
Pope Dropped Christian Refugees, Takes in ONLY MUSLIMS
"Christians are being
annihilated - wiped from the face of the earth in Syria. Christians are
becoming extinct everywhere in the Middle East except Israel. The Pope
has abandoned his people. The Pope imports the oppressors not the
victims – his own people. ...Christian brother and sister refugees from
Syria say they have been ‘let down’ by Pope Francis after he left them
behind in a Lesbos refugee camp despite promises they would be given a
new life in Italy."-Source
still, will we see no exodus from the Roman Catholic church? Sure, some
will leave as God's people are in every church. And as a seed of truth
there and a seed of truth here is planted, watered and blessed with an
increase wherein they see they are in the long prophesied church of Antichrist who hates Jesus Christ and His people with a passion,
some will leave as Revelation 18:1-5 prophesied they would. But, the
majority? Not happening any time soon. In fact, it is prophesied the
majority will never leave. In fact, you can see that prophecy coming to
fruition with ease just by watching how they react to the fruits of
their church today. The recently announced fact that 98% of the priests in the Vatican are homosexual yet most Catholics remained in the church. Years ago it was proven the AIDS crisis was started by Roman Catholic priests, yet the Catholics remained in the church. Not long after that fact was released the scandal that confirmed hundreds of thousands of children are being molested but the Catholic priests every year around the world and still it didn't move the Catholic to leave the pew. Worse yet after the Pope they all claim is now a saint admitted to that and much worse in his mea culpa, the church still kept the bulk of its members. The last decade or so we have seen Christians being killed by Muslims to the tune of 1 every 2 minutes
yet the Pope who actually claims to be a Christian does absolutely
nothing to help the Christians. The political scandals of the church
haven't moved the people out. The bankster scandals and actual murders
of Vatican bankers won't get them to leave. Nor will the murders inside Vatican walls, to the priests being caught holding Satanic masses force them out. Or what of the testimonies of Catholic nuns that have left convents due to Vatican torture, rape and murder. Or will the fact Mother Teresa admitted she was an Atheist or that the priests in every nation have been caught beating and even killing people in drunken brawls? And now for the last few years we have seen the Pope pushing Socialism, homosexuality, Atheism, and even claiming Allah is God, yet most Catholics still insist this is the church of Jesus Christ?! Well I have some shocking news for those Catholics. Jesus Himself said in Matthew 16:18 that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Now do you see why your church leaders insist that the Bible is a "dead and speechless book" or a "poisoner of souls?" This is also why they have drummed the idea that Sola Scriptura
is a lie. They know how dangerous the Bible is to their long term
agenda that involves YOUR damnation. Jesus said in your very own Roman
Catholic Bible in Matthew 7:15-20, "Beware of false prophets, which come
to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye
shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs
of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a
corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth
evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every
tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the
fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." He also said in
Revelation 18:4 that you need to "Come out of her, my people, that ye be
not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Bottom
line is this.. if you had a friend that did a fraction of the evils
your priests have been caught doing since your church started, or you
were part of a club that had most of its members delving into all sorts
of evil activity, how long would you still hang with that friend or
maintain the membership in that club? That being the case, why are you
still a Roman Catholic?
Pope condemns pedophilia as details of girl's death shock Italy
"Pope Francis called for "severe punishment" for
pedophiles on Sunday after new details emerged in Italy of the 2014
death of a six-year-old girl who is alleged to have been thrown from an
eighth-storey balcony by her abuser. "This is a tragedy. We should not
tolerate the abuse of minors," Francis said, departing from prepared
remarks at his weekly Sunday message and blessing to tens of thousands
of people in St. Peter's Square. "We must protect minors and severely
punish abusers," he said. Though the Catholic Church itself has been
rocked by its own abuse scandals, he did not mention them on Sunday as
he has in the past." -Source
again? I've been alive a few years now and I know that the last 5 popes
have all said the same thing. Yet the Roman Catholic church still keeps
molesting little boys and girls. In fact, after their global scandal of
molesting hundreds of thousands in America over the last few decades,
new reports still keep coming out about children being molested, raped
and yes, some are even killed by these crazed men. So.. when will the
people demand the Catholic church be closed? On my site I have a page that not only has hundreds of articles about Roman Catholic priests raping and killing children, I have links out to sites that list tens of thousands more. Worse yet, I have a link to the Didiche Documents of the Vatican itself wherein nearly 2000 years ago those involved in the foundational structure of this prophesied woman on a beast
knew all about the men their dying god called them to join hands with.
They actually admitted as such in writing all about their perverted lust
for the flesh of innocent children as a favored sexual past time. Hence
the reason the Roman Catholic church has had so many well-funded
orphanages over the centuries and still has to this day. Anyone with
have an ounce of sense knows that an orphanage is the perfect place to
cultivate and window shop for fresh sexual victims. Worse yet, as we saw
in Canada, Ireland and Spain recently wherein 350,800 missing children were found in mass graves on Vatican property,
it's also the best place to get away with murdering these children
because they have no living parents that will insist on prosecuting
those that harm their babies. Many of those dead children were found in
the church's septic tanks no less! Back in July of 2014 the present Pope admitted the church had many pedophiles in their ranks. Me thinks that statement was his way of whitewashing the ICLCJ's case against him
publicly a few months after the charges went public. He tried to make
the amount of child rapists in the priesthood appear trivial by claiming
only 2% of the 414,313 priests were pedophiles. But doing the math that
means he openly admits 8,300 of his priests rape children. And I say
"his" priests because they are in no way connected with the God of the
Bible, unless of course you count Bible prophecies regarding this
horrific beast. Worse yet, without realizing it, the Pope actually
confirmed the Italian Press numbers wherein they reported 98% of the Catholic priests were homosexuals.
His math is a bit too coincidental in my eyes as that only leaves 2%
left to act as if they are heterosexual. And this Pope declares 2% are
in fact child rapists. But we all know homosexuals do in fact practice
pedophilia as well, but insist they do not even though the news reports are growing in number wherein homosexual couples are being caught raping the children they adopt.
But the numbers are going to be very low regarding those that will make
the connection here and so Rome can skate though another generation
continuing their boogey man agenda. Just
as those that penned the Didache Documents of old knew and tried to
hide, the prophet Daniel stated long ago that the Roman Catholic priests
would "not have a desire for women."
And so we see yet another Christian prophecy has been fulfilled by the
Roman Catholic church declaring the statement assured in that every
prophecy that has ever been uttered in Scripture regarding Antichrist
have been confirmed fulfilled by the Popes and prelates of the Roman
Catholic church.
As long as I've
been alive the Roman Catholic popes have always declared they would do
something about the child rapists they call priests. Yet with each
pontificate comes nothing more than a Didache infused cover up so as to
keep the people in the pews so as to have the well deceived crop of new
victims in each and every family they can infiltrate with a smile. The
children are still being raped and killed and the Popes are still being worshipped by the Catholics.
So be it.. the centuries of warnings from the living God in Heaven
about the leaders in this church that have been ignored by all those in
the pews is about to come to its long prophesied end! And for most it
will literally be Hell to pay! MARANATHA!!
Pope warns against those who resist God's initiative with “so-called fidelity to the law.”
YouTube video
description is: "Pope in Santa Marta: warns against those who resist
God's initiative with “so-called fidelity to the law." -Source
What's amazing here is how sugarcoated this current 'man of sin'
can present heresy so as to get the masses to believe it. What I mean
is, in one sentence he says you will find joy in doing as the Lord
commands, but in the other he says to totally ignore the Word of that
very same God. And his indoctrinated flock believes it? Here's an
excerpt from the exact same passage this Pope claims to be preaching
from in this video. It is the 'official' version of the Roman Catholic
Bible. It is found on the Roman Catholic website, 'Catholic.org.'
Notice if you will that something is most assuredly missing here, and
they don't even try to hide it! Below is an exact copy of the Catholic
Bible's translation of Acts 8:35-38. Word for word, all spaces and
punctuation intact. See the original source by clicking here. 35 Starting, therefore, with this text of scripture Philip proceeded to explain the good news of Jesus to him. 36
Further along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said,
'Look,is some water; is there anything to prevent my being baptized?' 37 38 He ordered the chariot to stop, then Philip and the eunuch both went down into the water and he baptised him. Notice
the gaping hole where verse 37 should be? No explanation and no notes
telling the reader why that particular passage is blanked out. All we
see is the number "37" and then the next verse is shared. Now notice the
exact same section of the book of Acts 8:35-38 as it is recorded in the
original King James Bible. The very bible with the preface that declares the Pope to be evil. Acts 8:35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. Acts
8:36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and
the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be
baptized? Acts 8:37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Acts
8:38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down
both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. For
those that missed what the Vatican removed from their Bible, I
underlined it for you in the passage above. It is the passage that
declares you must proclaim Christ Lord before being baptized. So again,
in one sentence the Pope is saying you will find joy in doing as the
Lord commands in His written Word, but in the other he says to totally
ignore the Word of that very same God when it goes against their creed.
What this prophesied? Yes, of course. In fact, Jesus stated the
following in Mark 7:7, "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for
doctrines the commandments of men." Why did they remove that verse? Two reasons: #1, the Vatican, (as admitted in writing)
is nothing more than a watered down 'Christian' version of ancient
Paganism. Pagans of old baptized their infants unto whatever Pagan god
was in vogue at the time of their existence in history. As everyone on
planet earth knows, babies cannot speak, let alone control their bowels,
walk or even prevent drool from spewing forth. And rightly so, they are
infants. So, the verse had to be removed from the Catholic Bibles
because parents that seek baptism for their babies
may eventually run across that verse in Acts 8 that says in order for
their children to be baptized they would have to publicly declare Jesus
as their Lord and Saviour, and since everyone knows babies cannot do
that, the verse was ripped out of the Bible because the priests cannot
give a good answer for how its written.
#2, the Vatican's well documented hatred of Jesus Christ's followers, and their repetitive statements of hatred for His Word
openly dictates to any rational thinking mind that any mention of
obedience towards Him and His Word is something that must be shunned by
the Vatican if they were ever to keep the church's control over the
people. Verses that confirm their doctrines to be completely outside the
Bible as well as in tune with Paganism, as listed here;
are always to be avoided by the priests and completely kept from being
mentioned in sermons and then if need be, be twisted whenever questioned
by the flock on such passages. And when the passage is as blunt as Acts
8:37 is, they are ripped from the Bible like their starting a mower.
By the way...
Since this Pope stated the from the White House that the Koran was as holy as the Bible, does this mean he will have a meeting with his Vatican prelates to discuss deleting certain statements from the Koran his predecessors wrote centuries ago?
I doubt it. Historic fact has confirmed, the Popes of Rome hate the
Christian Bible and will do all they can to uplift mankind in its place,
and so man-made books like the Koran will be lifted up as the only book
inspired by God will be ridiculed, chopped up, and burned so as to
'keep the peace' that Rome itself took away in the first place. So be
it, it's not like we weren't warned about all this in the very book they
hate so much. And yes, that is one major reason they hate it. That
Bible exposes the Pope and his cohorts, their long prophesied agenda,
and their wide open acceptance of Satan as their dying god. MARANATHA!
bows before Muslims and kisses their feet "There’s a federal refugee program that hands out $1 billion
per year to non-profit charities… Five of the top nine are Christian
charities, one of which is Catholic Charities. And they get a $70
million per year refugee resettlement budget. Ninety-eight percent of
that comes from the federal government. ...And the Catholic charities —
they’re paid by the head for each of these refugees, many of whom are
Muslim. They bring them in. They’re paid handsomely. And after four
months, they’re not required to learn anything about these refugees:
Where they go, where they live, what they’re up to. They’ve got their
cash and they wipe their hands of it, and they go on to import more.
...Pope Francis kissed Muslim so-called refugees’ feet only days after
Muslim terrorists denoted suicide bombs in Brussels, killing 34 and
wounded hundreds more, along with Catholic, Hindu and Orthodox
individuals." -Source
When you get time stop by my "Pope and Islam"
page on the site and you will find some interesting information as to
why the Pope is doing all he can to puff up the Muslims in politics as
well as in the American churches. As I stated on that page, as history
has proven, Hitler was used by the Vatican
to kill off as many anti-Vatican dissenters worldwide so as to allow
the Vatican to assure laws were enacted in certain nations that would
benefit them and them alone. Laws that could easily be drafted in a
global format later on when the other shoe drops. And according to
Christian prophecy, it will drop! As we look at what Islam has done recently, and what Rome has done in the past, and how Rome has been making friends with Muslim nations the world over, do we see a pattern emerging? (Notice how Rome's "salute" is used by the Vatican and it's Muslim cohorts to this day) As
we look at many of the laws that have been passed around the world in
Vatican friendly nations, all of these laws help the Vatican gain power,
while at the same time guarantee Muslims powerful political benefits at
the same time. But only if they do as the Pope commands. I have no
doubt Rome has control over all these nations, but then one must expect
most will not believe Christian prophecy and so the door for Vatican
control will be propped wide open. But to hopefully enlighten some; I
did a Newsletter back in March of 2006 showing the American government is owned and operated by the Popes of Rome
since Ronald Reagan handed them the keys late in his first term, which
by the way solidified his second term in office. That being the case, is
it any wonder now as to why the man of sin in Rome would choose a Muslim to lead as president the last 7+ years? They did this very same thing with Hitler, did they not? Still, since we now know the Vatican was moved by their dying god to invent the religion of Islam, it stands to reason they also invented the Koran. Yes, many will balk at that last statement, but we now have proof they did that very thing. Click here for a video I did 2 years ago wherein an exMuslim
lets the cat out of the bag on all the Vatican dogma in the Koran. This
cannot be a coincidence when even Old Testament theology that most
Muslims still claim to embrace confirms the Paganism of Rome found in the Koran is proof their book was not penned by the same God of the Old Testament Bible. The
other basic fact the Koran contradicts itself repeatedly in how the
newer verses are to be taught to supersede older verses proves it was a
work in progress by man and not a never changing God. The true God never
has to change His Word when society changes due to Satanic influence
running amuck because truth is eternal and lies always fall to the
ground on a regular basis. The devil's lies have to be continually
updated and re-written throughout time so as to keep the deceived
trusting the Koran under Rome's proverbial thumb. This can also be seen
in Roman Catholic doctrine wherein it changes over and over again with each new pope.
So the Koran is going to be no different in its flip flopping theology,
as its author is none other than he that wrote Rome's dogma in the
first place. And by the way, where you
aware that when speaking of the throne of Peter which is a counterfeit
throne sat upon by the Popes of Rome that it has been discovered "when
the French soldiers under General Bonaparte took possession of Rome,
they found on the back of it, [the throne] in Arabic, this well-known
sentence from the Koran, "There is no God but Allah, and Mahomet is His Prophet" -The Two Babylons, you will find the following on Page 213 in Chapter 6, Religious Orders, Section L. Now
do you see why the Pope calls the Muslims their brothers; who like the
Popes of Rome all throughout history have killed Christians by hundreds
of thousands each year? They are blood brothers indeed! And being as
such, the political powers of Rome will allow Shariah Law to eventually come to fruition in America as well as all the other nations bowing the Roman/American interests so as to assure the laws are in place that allow for the mark of the beast to be enforced worldwide via the long prophesied beheadings that Revelation 20:4 speak of?
VIDEO: Pope Francis prays to Statue So many Catholics claim their priests, nuns and Popes never teach them to
bow before statues, pray to Mary or worse yet actually pray to statues of Mary
and other Catholic saints. If that's true, then why is the present pope, like
all the popes before him, openly praying before statues?
poGm VIDEO: 4
yr old Muslim boy Kills & Salutes Pope
GRAPHIC WARNING! In this video we see a four year old boy pushing the button
on a remote device that causes a bomb to explode up in an SUV filled with ISIS prisoners.
What he does directly after praising Allah confirms the Islamic nation is in
bed with the Roman Catholic Pope just
as students of prophecy have been saying for decades. That little boy was taught by his very
own parents
to perform that salute. It's the very same salute the Popes, and now everyone
in Hollywood and politics that are in allegiance with the prophesied man of sin
have been using for years!
See the followings videos
for more on this 666 hand sign
Pope imposes new rules for saint-making after 'abuses' of system
“Pope Francis has brought in new regulations for
the Vatican’s process of making saints after allegations of abuses in the
system. Two recent books claimed officials get huge payments for investigating
candidates for sainthood, with little control over how they spend the money. The
new rules mean external oversight of the bank accounts concerned.” – Source
First and most assuredly foremost, see
the picture Rome released for the article? That’s a picture of aJesuit
Pope holding a “bent” or
“broken” crucifix crosier that the
artist of the piece actually named “The Antichrist” yet every
one of the Popes have
carried that crosier with pride. They know what the artist named it and they
know the twisted image on the bent/broken cross belittles and mocks Jesus Christ
and they know keeping His distorted image on the cross makes them feel that much
more powerful in that as historic record confirms, Rome has always hated the
Lord Jesus Christ. Historic record
confirms: It was a Roman official that wanted to
kill baby Jesus causing the deaths of many innocent baby boys, it was a Roman
Governor that condemned Jesus to die in a court he knew was corrupt, it was a
Roman soldier that whipped Jesus, it was a band of Roman soldiers that beat and
mocked Jesus, it was a Roman solider that shoved those crowns unto His head, it
was a Roman executioner that crucified Jesus, it was a Roman official that
sealed the tomb of Jesus for the corrupted Sanhedrin, it was a squad of Roman
soldiers that kept watch on the tomb of Jesus hoping He wouldn’t arise as He
predicted, it was a Roman governor who then placed all followers of Jesus in
peril of death, it was in the Roman Coliseum where many Christians were fed to
lions, it was the
Popes of Rome that killed hundreds of millions of Christians during the 1260
year prophecy, and it is now the Popes of Rome who pride fully
display a dead and disfigured image of Jesus on a satanic bent and broken cross
before all the world. Vatican
As for rules and regulations about
becoming a saint. The Vatican is making billions on this one lie alone; and the
amount of money is so astronomical that the Pope has to set up rules and regs to
make sure it’s spent the way he wants it spent so as to be benefit Rome’s
agenda. And it won’t be spent investigating saints. My Bible is very clear on
that. If you have the King James Bible on your computer, type in the word
“saints” and you will find it used 95 times. Just a smattering of those verses
will make my point very clear.
- Acts 9:32, “And it came to pass, as
Peter passed throughout all quarters, he came down also to the saints which dwelt at
- Acts 26:10, “Which thing I also did in
Jerusalem: and many of the saints
did I shut up in prison,
having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to
death, I gave my voice against them.”
- Romans 12:13, “Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to
- Romans 15:25, “But now I go unto
Jerusalem to minister unto the saints.”
- 1 Corinthians 14:33, “For God is not
the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
The Popes of Rome declare the only way
to become a saint is if you must literally die first. After the person dies, the
Vatican waits for the money to roll in. That is of course unless they have plans
to make someone a saint that they can use to benefit the Vatican later on. John
Paul II is one they recently made a “saint” even though he is very
evil. His Dios
Domini written in 1998 is
key to helping them make up the excuse for future Sunday
Laws because he actually
mentions the need for such in that document. But that’s a whole nother
topic. Getting back to why the Pope needs to
set up rules for the money earmarked for canonization purposes, after the person
wherein their family seeks sainthood, after they send the Vatican a LOT of
money, they claim to then investigate the lives of the people before they died
and if enough money comes in from donations, those people will be declared to
have performed miracles from heaven, and then they are officially declared a
saint. But the Bible openly calls the obedient believers to be saints when they
are alive. Problem with that truth is, the Vatican can’t make any money that
way. So, they made up the dogma of Catholic sainthood so as to assure enough
money comes into the church that they can spend on whatever they want to spend
it on. Because the truth is, it’s all made up anyway and so there is no way for
the people donating to know what they’re doing with the money because there’s
really nothing they can do to investigate a dead soul no matter how many lies
are put forth.
Think about that biblical reality for
a minute. Common sense and biblical fact is, there is no way to investigate
anything anyone does after they die because the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9:5,6
“For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the
memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy,
is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in
any thing that is done under the sun.” (See more Scripture about the state of the dead
here) That means they cannot perform a
miracle let alone answer a prayer. So, the basic reality here is the Vatican
simply lies and says they did something on earth, or “under the sun” as the
Bible says is impossible and the people believe them because they simply don’t
read Bibles
Pope calls Jesus a sinner!
"The Pope reflected on the Sunday reading from
the Gospel of Luke in which a young Jesus stayed in Jerusalem in the Temple,
causing great distress to Mary and Joseph when they could not find him. “For
this little ‘escapade,’ Jesus probably had to beg forgiveness of his parents,”
the Pope suggested. “The Gospel doesn’t say this, but I believe that we can
presume it.”
Again this Pope shows how he has never read a Bible. It's
amazing how he quotes Scripture and declares all sorts of off the cuff theology
as if it's truth and people bow to him as if it's all Gospel truth. Reason most
believe him is because the Popes of Rome claim they are infallible when it comes
to ecclesiastical statements. When speaking in a sermon where he claims to
declare Scriptural truths, that is most assuredly an ecclesiastical proclamation
wherein he claims infallibility! Hence, he is boldly declaring via the Papal
dogma of infallibility that Jesus Christ is in fact a sinner! And yes, this will
make it that much easier for him to garner support from the already loyal
Muslims who do not believe Jesus is God let alone Saviour. That fact alone irks them to
the point they kill hundreds of thousands of Christians annually. But if the one
church they believe is the ultimate Christian church says Jesus is a sinner,
then they won't have issue joining ranks.
Notice what it actually says in the
- Luke 2:46-50, "And it came to pass, that after three days
they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing
them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his
understanding and answers. And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his
mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father
and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said unto them, How is it that ye
sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? And they
understood not the saying which he spake unto them."
Nowhere in this passage do we see Jesus admitting He was in
sin. In fact, we see quite the opposite. The fact Jesus said to His parents that
"I must be about my Father's business" confirms He was doing exactly as His
heavenly Father wanted Him to do that day. But the so called "infallible" Pope
declares what Jesus did was sinful and he had to "beg forgiveness of his
parents." But then this Pope also says practicing homosexuals in the priesthood can be
Christians that lead others to Christ, America
should not build walls to keep out Muslims even though the Vatican did that exact thing in
846AD, he said "people need to move towards what they believe is
good" which then gives them license to call evil
good and good evil just as Isaiah 5:20 prophesied they would do, he is also the
one who said "the Madonna is more important than the
apostles" yet you will not find a single Bible verse
to back that claim, and he has also said Atheists will be in Heaven, yet again there is no such bible verse to back that up. I can go on
for hours as there are MANY quotes from this man of sin all
over the Internet, but I am sure you get my point.
That being?
Jesus never sinned as this openly sinful
Jesuit Pope accuses Him of. The truth is, as we just saw in Luke 26, Jesus
corrected Mary when He told her about having to be about His Father's business.
But then, being the Pope, who is a man that declares himself "another god on earth," you will most
assuredly believe you have all truth and can therefore spout just about anything
you want and your well indoctrinated flock will follow you just as Jesus
predicted in Matthew 15:14 when He spoke of the blind leaders of the blind.
Bottom line here is; if this Pope feels Jesus messed up and
disobeyed His parents, then this Pope demands we must all trust his
theology simply because he says so. And this means even though the Bible says
the exact opposite of what he preaches, we must follow him blindly? NO THANKS!
As for me and my house, we will love and serve the very Lord you mock
'Catcalling' now a Roman Catholic Academic Course?!
"Catcalling now is being studied at a university alongside
physics, English, economics and philosophy. At St. Louis University, a Catholic
institution no less. ...They see catcalling as a symptom of living in a
patriarchal culture that makes women’s bodies sexually available whenever
they’re in a public space; so that’s kind of where they’re coming from,” she
Why would a Roman Catholic University invent such a course
as this? It's
the end times! No, I am not being redundant or repetitive here at all. What
I mean is, the
Vat of sin knows that most people, and especially those under their
parochial thumb, have finally been indoctrinated to a point "morally" wherein Roman
Catholicism can truly shine as it did in its infancy when it was first
brought forth by Satan in what most call "neo paganism" today.
Don't believe me?
The fast approaching festival of Easter, which by the way
has absolutely nothing to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at
all, (See proof
here) is a time of year wherein all Pagans enjoyed taking part in, and would
gather in huge numbers to take part in what most would call a festival of sexual
celebration. And yes, this is why Herod postponed Peter's trial until after
"Easter" as it is noted in Acts 12:4. Many wolves claiming to be Pastors declare
the mention of Easter here confirms it was what most called Easter today because
of the timing of the year. What's not being mentioned is how Easter's date is
calculated each year. If it was about the death and resurrection of Jesus, it
would be on an affixed date since the death of Christ cannot change once that
date is set. Easter's date changes with every passing year. Why? Ask a Pagan or
a Catholic priest and they will tell you that the date for Easter is based on
the first full moon of Spring. When that date occurs the following SUNday is
Easter. And yes, it usually falls around the same time of year the Jews used to
keep Passover. But that's a whole nother topic. (click here for
more on that)
So.. why did I mention all that?
Easter is the ultimate Pagan festival of the flesh! "Easter
week" as they still call it today; is where they took part in many different sex
games. That is why MTV does as it does during "Easter Break" each and every year
at this time and this is why all the Vatican controlled
Government schools grant the children time to partake in the age old
debauchery by giving them 2 weeks off to revel in sin as well as end up with
everything from deadly STD's to an unwanted pregnancy wherein a child can
be offered to Satan in an abortion clinic. Check out this
video where an actual Satanist admits this is what abortions are really all
Even the symbols of Easter are all about sex. The Easter
bunny, is the symbol for sexual promiscuity because everyone knows how bunnies
like to copulate. The Easter egg is also used as a symbol of new birth. Even the
name "Easter" comes from the Pagan goddess Eostre, and yes you guessed it; she
was the goddess of love and fertility.
Do any of you recall the "hot cross buns" you had as a child
during the Catholic season of Lent, which is another Pagan time of year? Most
nations still hold to this tradition to this day. Where did it originate? The
"hot cross buns" or "cakes" as they were referred to in ancient times is
mentioned as a form of worship that angered the Creator God in Jeremiah 7:18,
"The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and
the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the
queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings
unto other gods, that they may provoke me to
As usual, if it offends God the Roman church demands it of
their flock because as prophesied she is the whore of Babylon and her duty is to
make as many as possible trust her as "religious" so as to lure them into hellfire with her.
In fact, in many European nations they still have "Easter fires" so as to not
only please Satan, but to mock the Lord who warned that all such acts lead to
Now do you see why a Roman Catholic University is teaching
students how to cultivate more sexual activity by being more effective in
"cat-calling?" Pagans are mostly into sex. It is literally part and parcel to
their faith. And since the time of the end is so near, the prophesied "craze for pleasure" among those refusing
to read Bibles is going to be the norm. Rome knows this
because their dying god is finally showing his fear regarding how little time he
has left. He needs to fill the trophy case with as many souls as possible and
so, expect more decadence in the days ahead.
Pope Francis: obstinate Christians are rebels and idolaters
"Christians who say “it’s always been
done that way,” and stop there have hearts closed to the surprises of the Holy
Spirit. They are idolaters and rebels will never arrive at the fullness of the
truth. That was the message of Pope Francis at Mass on Monday morning at the
chapel in the Casa Santa Marta."
This is always how the enemy of souls has worked since day
one 6000 years ago. He moves people to commit sin, and then he points to the
real Christians that don't do such sins as the ones that are to blame for the
end result of the sins.
What I mean is, this Pope is the ultimate hypocrite in his
statement regarding rebels and idolaters. Literally over 85% of
Roman Catholicism is extra biblical tradition that have "always been done
that way" by Roman Catholics as well as all the recently infiltrated Protestant
churches. But the Pope twists the reality of that long prophesied fact to make
it appear Catholicism is not the problem but the remedy instead. His statement
illustrates a demonic tactic that is as old as the planet itself. What he's
doing here (like all his predecessors) is trying to make it appear that every
nonCatholic is the problem and only after they become Catholic can the issue be
rectified. Students of prophecy have expected this "homily" all along. And so
far, every
Pope in the last 30+ years that I can see has not let us down. In fact, they
have all vindicated the Holy Spirit does exist in the hearts of His obedient
flock in that we do proclaim the prophetic facts and the man of sin
does in fact fulfill them.
With that said, watch in the coming months and even years if
the Lord tarries much longer how real Christianity is made to look more and more
"outdated" by the Pope and his political pawns so as to make Catholicism appear
much more acceptable to the lukewarm populace. After all, when THE Antichrist
appears (Satan incarnate) he will be displayed as one in agreement with the man
of sin so as to assure all follow his lead into the pit. So, unless Rome's image
is puffed up it's not going to fly well with people that actually read Bibles.
No matter how
bogus those Bibles may be. Seeing how that's a literal dying breed on earth,
most today will accept the Pope and his many
Herods in all the nations and churches as if they are the ones with the
oracles of truth and those outside the apostate churches (the real Christians)
will appear as the freaks, cults, and fanatics. In other words, Just as Noah and
Lot saw in their day, we too will see in ours. In fact, we have God's Word on
that! (See Luke 17:26-30)
Big Bang Theory: A Roman Catholic Creation
"While the Big Bang is as old as the universe
itself, our concept of it is still strikingly new — less than 100 years old. And
if you dig into its origins, you come across a curious fact. Atheists, devout
Christians, you might want to sit down for this: The Big Bang theory was first
proposed by a Roman Catholic priest. It wasn't
just any priest. It was Monseigneur George Lemaître, a brilliant Belgian who
entered the priesthood following his service as an artillery officer in the
Belgian army during World War I. He was also an accomplished astronomer and a
talented mathematician and physician. After earning his graduate degree in
astronomy from the University of Cambridge in England, he came to Boston and
spent a year at the Harvard College Observatory before earning his doctorate at
Amazing how the Vatican likes to keep facts like this well
hidden isn't it? But then, we didn't really need any proof that they would
preach such things as it is par for the course for the man of sin
to make sure as much cOnFuSiOn is pumped into the churches of the world so as to
assure the Paganistic theology of the Vat of sin
has a fighting chance at luring as many souls into sin with them as is possible.
And no, please don't mistake my sentiments with sarcasm either. It's what Rome
was prophesied to do and it's what Rome has been doing ever since it became a
church and state.
So again. Even without the proof the Vatican was behind the
big bang theory, we have already heard from the last three Popes who have not
only declared "evolution scientifically sound," all three of them also declared
"Jesus is not needed to gain salvation." So having the smoking gun on the big
bang, (pun very much intended) doesn't really matter as the cards have already
been stacked against Rome on this one. And yes, this is exactly why no one reads
Bibles today. Satan knew his time was short and the only way to get people to
fall for his blatant lies was to keep them as far away from the truth in
Scripture as possible.
By the way.. If you have ever sought out the definition of
the title "Babylon" as it is
defined in the Word, you would know that it is not only the basis of apostasy,
it is also defined in the Greek as "confusion." (Strong's # 897) And so, keeping
true to its name, which is actually the only thing it can do truthfully, it will
mix truth with error so as to keep the confusion spreading while at the same
time keep sin painted in a light that's not so offensive to the worldlings in
her pews. That way, religions like Islam, Hinduism, Paganism, and even
Catholicism can flourish thanks to so called "scientific" theory offering its
hypotheses, which is nothing more than a fancy word for "a mere guess," as if it
is scientific fact. And since most people today refuse to open or even read
Bibles, if it sounds scientific enough for them and if they see enough
scientists or so called "educated" leaders bowing to it, then most will run with
it as if it's confirmed truth and that is why Rome does as she does. In fact,
that's why they made sure to point out the priest that made up the big bang
theory was "an accomplished astronomer and a talented mathematician and
physician" with more than one sheepskin hanging on his wall from ivy league
colleges. If you're going to have a priest lie he has to be puffed up as
"intelligent" so as to make most believe the lie is actually the
Praise the Lord for REAL truth. For as Jesus declared long
ago, apostasy as it is preached today can in no way influence His bride. For our
King, Lord, Saviour and Creator clearly stated in His Word to us that His elect
CAN NOT be deceived!
fires woman in same-sex 'marriage,' judge says OK
"A Missouri woman who was found to be in a same-sex
relationship has been rebuffed by a federal court in her lawsuit against a
Catholic diocese over termination of her employment. ...The diocese said her
same-sex union “contradicts church laws, discipline, and teaching and the
diocesan Policy on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry.” ...But the judge said:
“For the court to inquire into the knowing falsity of the diocesan agents’, Frs.
Vowells’ and Garcia’s, representations to plaintiff about her sexual orientation
relative to her position in the diocese would impermissibly entangle the court
in matters and decisions purely canonical, since the court must necessarily
examine the religious views and practices of the diocese in an attempt to
perceive the reasonableness of plaintiff’s reliance on the diocese’s
First and foremost, the claim that her "same-sex union
contradicts church laws" may be true as per their own catechism in an offhand
manner, but in reality it's the exact opposite as per their
own Pope. But then that is how
Catholicism works. They claim "in writing" one thing so as to keep up
appearances while in reality they do as they see fit. And when the people lower
themselves to the standards of their prelates, the eventually declares the
strange ritual, tradition, or dogma to be official canon law and the Catechism
books change.. AGAIN.
Yes, as Christians that read Bibles we know what the Bible
says homosexuality being an abomination and deadly for both the soul and
society. The government agents some still call pastors can twist the verses all
they like and some of them even claim there's only one or two Old Testament
passages that speak against it when in fact there are a few more than that in
both books. In fact, if you want to do a quick study on this check out a few of
these verses in the following books. Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Ezekiel
16:49-50; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; Genesis 19:4-5; Jude 1:7; 1 Kings 14:24; 2 Kings
23:7; Romans 1:26-27; Romans 13:13; Galatians 5:19-21; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1
Corinthians 6:18; Matthew 15:19; Matthew 19:5-6; Acts 21:25; 1 Thessalonians
4:3; Colossians 3:5; Revelation 9:21
And yes, contrary to popular belief, the homosexuals do know
about these verses because there are many Christians sharing them daily I'm
sure. I mean, why else would they be so angry and moved by Satan to mock the
Lord at every chance they get? But the basic reality that no one on earth can
deny is that the Pope leads the largest known organized group of homosexual men on the planet,
who by the way also happen to be the largest known group of pedophiles on earth
as well. Yet this judge lets the church fire a homosexual couple without so much
as a single court date?
Now don't get me wrong; I believe all churches should have
the right to choose who works for them as well as the right to fire anyone
outside their respective faith. But what we see happening here is a complete 180
on the bench when it comes to how the law refuses to protect Protestant churches
but kotows to Catholic churches on any issue they grimace at. Click here to see a few thousand
articles wherein laws are discussed and passed that
force Christians to hire homosexuals. But the Roman Catholic church which is not
only pro-homosexual as per their 98% of homosexual priests and current Jesuit Pope that
not only sanctioned homosexual marriage via his own lips, he did all he
could to legalize homosexual unions in Argentina before becoming Pope, and
still this judge says he can fire the homosexual women when courtrooms all over
the nation are trying to force Christians in other churches to not only hire
them, they are forced to pay huge fines for firing them?
Why is this happening?
It's the end times. Anyone not in bed with Rome (literally)
will be hunted, persecuted, sued, jailed and even tortured and killed if they
don't follow the status quo. And when they cannot do so legally, they will
simply contact a few Vatican ordained Muslims to do the work for them. That is if
course if and ONLY if the true and ever living God in Heaven allows
PS.. I am not surprised this article never named the judge.
Could it be his biased judgment was based on his Roman Catholic faith?
Those Vatican walls? Designed to repel Muslims
"Pope Francis’ statement this week Christians should not think of “building
walls” had one major problem. The pope’s sovereign
city-state, Vatican City, is surrounded by giant walls. What’s
more, the walls were specifically built by a prior pope to repel Muslims.
History shows back in 846, Muslim raiders known as the Saracens looted Old St.
Peter’s Basilica and the Papal Basilica of St. Paul outside the walls. The
pirates took priceless treasures from the shrines. Shocked by the sack of some
of the most sacred sites in Christendom, Pope Leo IV created the Leonine Wall,
completely surrounding the Vatican Hill. Additional defenses were added in the
15th and 16th centuries. ...Pamela Geller, a world-famous activist against
Islamization and a WND columnist, slammed the pope for his
advocacy of open borders policies in both Europe and the United States. “He’s a
hypocrite,” she charged. “If he is sincere, let him tear down the Vatican walls
and admit Muslim migrants in unlimited numbers. Some can stay in his luxurious
apartments. Until he does that, he is exposed as a self-righteous leftist
As expected from any Jesuit, and
especially one in the office of Pope, most that
are controlled by Satan (as all Jesuits are) they cannot hold their tongue from
exposing the true fruits of Luciferianism. After all, is it not written in James
1:26 that "If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth
not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's
religion is vain." Just as there is no power in the lies of Satan,
as they will come to naught, those controlled by him will no ability to curb
their tongue or even prevent their prophesied damnation no matter how much they boast
As anyone can tell, Pope Francis is the epitome of an
unbridled tongue. He has declared Atheists Heaven-bound as well as repeatedly
sanctioning homosexual marriage. But then those of us that have been exposing
the Vatican's homosexual agenda for years, we knew the Vatican would
eventually have to endorse it so as to reap the political rewards desperately
needed that not only garner more support of sinners, it will allow for lower
dollar amounts in the tens of thousands of child molestation lawsuits. And as
expected, his political cabinet, what most in Rome prefer to call the Congress
of Cardinals, can't seem to spin this faux pas off the media bullhorns. A breach
of etiquette and or blunder of this magnitude will require some serious
double-dealing if they're ever going to pull this one off. He's just gone way
too far this time.
As most have witnessed the last few years, this Pope has
said some amazingly evil things even for Popes yet his spin-doctors have been
able to make most of the Catholics nestle a bit deeper into the pews assuming
his repetitive slips weren't at the very least Freudian in any manner. But to
call Trump (who is no saint) a nonbeliever simply because he wants to uphold the
laws of the land is just downright spiritually insane to spin. Especially since
Romans 13 is so clear about political and law enforcement leaders being ordained
of God. That same passage even commands the people under them to be submissive
to the laws their leaders enforce. No getting around that basic reality. But the
all-knowing and supposedly infallible Pope messed up big time. He literally
declares as a representative of Jesus (so he claims) that all Mexican Catholics
and American Christians must deny Jesus Himself in His written Word. (not the first time)
But then, so did his (and every Catholic's) favorite "saint" John Paul II who
repeatedly demanded multiple times a removal of church and State in American
politics during his pontificate.
No.. I don't see this mess getting cleaned up anytime soon
UNLESS however the Pope takes advantage of the mindless masses that already worship the Pope who they know will (and have) declare
him "god on earth" if in fact he does something "good" (as some
define it) and in his present Jesuit state, uncharacteristic. What I'm getting
at is; just as the prophesied insincere mea culpa (apology) of
John Paul II was accepted by all that hate Bibles, having Francis apologize
to Trump may (and will) spike his popularity factor up a few notches like
nothing else can. Will he do it? Time will tell.. Me thinks he has no choice. In
any event, being the card caring Jesuit as he is, he will have to do something
rather dramatic in the next few days to try and dig out of this major hole his
repetitively lose lips have dug for him and his pals in Rome.
Pope rips Trump, capitalism on Mexico trip
update below article ) "Pope Francis, flying back to Rome from Mexico, took time
to rip Republican Donald Trump as a non-Christian for his views on immigration
and border control. ...A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever
they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” the pope said, to
journalists along for the ride. “This is not in the gospel.” He then followed up
with this: “As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not
to vote, I am no going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not
Christian if he has said things like that."
The Pope is actually claiming Donald Trump a Christian even
though Trump did claim to be a follower of Christ more than one time on camera.
Yes, Trump doesn't see things we see, but that's between him and our Lord.
Besides, the Lord only judges by the light given. If Trump doesn't realize he's
in sin in this area, that area, or that area, the Lord will not judge him worthy
of hellfire. Basic reality is, Trump is not a preacher, pastor or teacher of the
Word. But the Pope? He does claim to not only be a Christian, he claims to be an
authority on the subject and he openly declares himself to be THE example and
THE leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, as well as all the other denominations that
elected him the leader of the one world church John Paul II set up, not to mention of
course all the
Muslims that salute him daily just as Hitler and
his infamous Nazis did on camera. But seeing how the Pope claims to be
the successor of Peter, even though there is yet a passage in Scripture to
back that claim, or the fact he claims infallibility in the ecclesiastical
realm, the fact he claims Trump is sinning by upholding laws already on the
books in America shows AGAIN the Pope doesn't read his bible. For it is
written in Romans 13:1-2, "Let every soul be
subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God:
the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever
therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that
resist shall receive to themselves damnation."
Since day one the Popes of Rome have done all they could to
demand Roman Catholics, and especially those from Mexico, break the laws of the
land in America for the sole purpose of flooding the American voting block with
pro-welfare voters as well as Vatican approved politics confirms the Pope is not
a Christian either. Demanding Mexicans enter the country illegally is a sin
according to Romans 13.
And just so you know
I don't plan to vote for anyone running for any political
office in the USA either. In other words, this post isn't a republican,
democratic or independent rant by yours truly. It's about the fact that the
Pope claimed a man that is not claiming to be a supposed authority on
Christianity like he claims to be. Trump is a man like most other men who only
sits in the pew of his church to listen to the Vatican echoing from his pulpit
like the majority of the people attending churches in America do already. But
the Pope does claim to be an authority on the Bible as well as one who teaches
all the so called pastors what to preach today. That being said.. I have a few
questions to ask the Pope regarding what he preaches which if looked at using a
Christian Bible suggests he is not a Christian at all. For example, Mr
Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis;
- Do you preach Jesus when you glorify Mary as
- Do you preach Jesus when your priestly ambassadors of Jesus
are drunks, smokers, child molesters, thieves, and murderers?
- Do you preach Jesus after your predecessors killed 500
million Christians during the dark ages?
- Do you preach Jesus while placing tradition over and above
the Scripture?
- Do you preach Jesus when you teach of Purgatory instead of
Salvation in Jesus?
- Do you preach Jesus when teaching you must suffer to be
saved, making the cross insufficient?
- Do you preach Jesus while going to man for forgiveness
instead of God Almighty?
- Do you preach Jesus when you say "Evolution is fact" making
Jesus the Creator a liar?
- Do you preach Jesus when you teach gambling is acceptable
Christ-like activity?
- Do you preach Jesus when the Pope praises and embraces
Buddhism on global News networks?
- Do you preach Jesus when you preach that "Fellow believers"
stoned Stephan on EWTN?
- Do you preach Jesus when the Pope preaches "Mankind can
protect you better than God"?
- Do you preach Jesus when you must be loyal to YOU to be
- Do you preach Jesus when you teach people must bow down to
kiss your feet?
- Do you preach Jesus while killing millions for merely
reading their Bibles?
- Do you preach Jesus when you ignore Jesus example, and
baptize babies as do Pagans to this day?
- Do you preach Jesus when you put His Bible on the list
"forbidden books" back in 1229ad?
- Do you preach Jesus when you "venerate" crosses, statues,
images, relics, etc?
- Do you preach Jesus when you sell indulgences making the
cross insufficient?
- Do you preach Jesus when you preach you must worship a
Eucharistic wafer?
- Do you preach Jesus when you preach a cloth "scapular" will
save you instead of Jesus?
- Do you preach Jesus when you put books in the Bible that
Jesus nor the Apostles ever quoted or used?
- Do you preach Jesus when you say Mary was "utterly without
- Do you preach Jesus when you declare yourself infallible
and Jesus' Word fallible?
- Do you preach Jesus when you claim to be a god on
- Do you preach Jesus when you say the "church" is a must for
- Do you preach Jesus when you make war with the Saints of
Jesus as prophecy said Antichrist would do?
- Do you preach Jesus when you slowly torture followers of
Jesus to death?
- Do you preach Jesus when you destroy entire nations for
political gain?
- Do you preach Jesus when you declare homosexuality is
acceptable to God?
- Do you preach Jesus when you ABOLISH the Sabbath that Jesus
kept and sanctified and adopt the Pagan day of the Sun?
Talk about someone tossing stones from a house of glass eh?
But then, this
is the prophesied man of sin we're all dealing with here. May God have mercy
on his soul.
One last thing:
Why is the Pope slamming Capitalism?
It's all part of his prophesied plan to create a
format for all governments around the World,
starting first in the United States of America.
He (and Hitler) call it his "New World Order."
"While Pope Francis is in the
United States effectively advocating for a borderless America, many people are
amused by the irony of the giant wall surrounding his own Vatican
Amazing isn't it? The Pope DEMANDS all nations open their
borders and take down their walls yet the Vatican itself, which is a nation unto
its own, it's called "Vatican City," it has what looks to be a 75 foot wall
surrounding the entire country! Just as Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites
2000 years ago, it appears the same traditionally bathed "religious" leaders are
just as hypocritical as the enemy of souls prefers to bake them today. (No typo.. I
meant to say "bake.")
BAD Samaritan!
This is just another video showing the
anti-Christian antics of Roman Catholic priests. As you can probably tell, I am
trying to build somewhat of a stockpile for those needing videos such as these.
All I need is one or two more to make my point, so thank you for bearing with me
on this. This one happens to be of an old Truth Provided
Broadcast from way back in 2003. But I do touch on some of the articles I
have compiled over the years previously that even though they are many, they are
nothing compared to what’s already
Pope unleashes 'super confessors' to tackle special sins
"Pope Francis has dispatched 1,000-plus priests
to travel around the world and forgive sins that can only normally be cleared by
top Catholic Church officials – those deemed grave sins. Among the so-called
grave sins: defiling bread and wine that’s been consecrated, violating
confessional secrecy, abortion and plotting to kill a pope, BBC
Is this a joke? Seriously? No.. the sad reality is.. it's no
joke. But at the same time it's not actually what you think. First and foremost,
the biblical truth is, there is not a single Bible verse that says a
Pope, priest, or any Vatican prelate can absolve any sin that any man, woman or
child has ever committed. The Pope is merely echoing a false doctrine that has
been handed down over the centuries that was first invented so as to have
political secrets shared with the Roman priests in confessionals.
What I mean is, as we know by the Jesuit oath
itself, the Vatican plays both sides of every war on earth so as to have
inside information on whatever benefits can be siphoned off either side. So, in
order to guarantee a windfall, they invented the confessional so that kings,
queens and nobles would be "spiritually forced" into telling their priest their
sins in the so called privacy of the confessional. And yes, as you probably
already guess, some of the sins had to deal with espionage and other
illegal political acts that the one confessing knew were sinful to commit. Hence
the reason they're confessing. But the confessor, unbeknownst to him, was conned
into thinking the priest would never repeat what was said to him by the head of
State. Once that confession was made, that Roman priest would quickly report to
his superior all that was said in that "so called' private confessional so as to
gage what political act was then necessary for Rome to commit that would be the
most beneficial to the Pope and mother Rome.
So, how does Rome twist Scripture to make the people sitting
in their pews believe they have the ability to absolve them of their sins? Now
keep in mind that before being able to use the Bible verses on the people they
must first CONvince them the Bible was not worth reading by declaring that Roman Catholic
tradition is to be considered at the very least equal to the Bible. (See the
Islamic connection?) Now that the end is
near and over 90% of Roman Catholics believe their lying priests, they can
then use any Bible verse they want to create a doctrine as long as Roman
tradition is shown as historic, and in this case their "doctrine of
reconciliation" or as most Catholics call it, the confessional booth gives them
that ability. The verse they chose to use was of course Matthew 18:18 which
says, "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound
in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in
Since they chose to use the Bible to back their doctrine,
(which 86.2%
of the time they cannot) we need to see what the Word of God says about how
to define a doctrine. And some of you, (especially Catholics) may be surprised
about is. There is actually a verse in the Bible that dictates how to do
that precisely. It's found in Isaiah 28:9-10 which says, "Whom shall he teach
knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand
doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the
breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line
upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a
In other words, you cannot create a doctrine by using ONE
Bible verse out of context. If that were ok to do, all of us would be allowed to
smoke Camel cigarettes because Genesis 24:64 says, "And Rebekah lifted up her
eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the
camel." Or we would all have to go to Bible book stores to eat
lunch because Jeremiah 15:16 said, "Thy words were found, and I did
eat them;"
Basic reality here is, this Vatican doctrine of
reconciliation has to be one of the easiest doctrines of devils to expose. If we
follow Isaiah's outline on defining doctrine with the verse in Matthew 18, we
discover the real truth in context. And when you do the "hear a little and there
a little" and search the Word that backs up the doctrine with "precept upon
precept," which in simple terms means; when the Lord shares a certain truth in
one book, you will most assuredly find the same truth written in another book of
the Bible, even though the human authors used by God to pen that truth are
thousands of miles or hundreds of years apart from each other wherein they never
met each other in life yet they all penned the exact same doctrine.
Using the Bible's method for defining doctrine you will find
Rome's confessional has no other verses in the Bible that back up their spurious
definition of Matthew 18:18. So.. let's look at that passage in Matthew 18 again
but this time with the preceding AND trailing verses to get the REAL context of
what's being said here by our Lord and King Jesus Christ.
- Matthew 18:15-20, "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass
against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he
shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear [thee,
then] take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three
witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear
them, tell [it] unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church,
let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. Verily I say unto
you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and
whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say
unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that
they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For
where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of
The Biblical conditions are as follows when
"binding" or "loosing" someone in sin...
- #1 "...if thy brother shall trespass
against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall
hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother."
- #2 "...take with thee one or two more,
that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be
- #3 "...And if he shall neglect to hear
them, tell [it] unto the church: "
These are easily seen as three conditions that
are NOT met by simply stepping into a confessional to
share your sins with a Roman Catholic priest. Nor do we see that an ordained
priest of Rome or even a pastor in any other denomination has to be present at
the start when you see someone in sin. The Bible is plain here. When a person is
in sin you kindly and privately bring it to their attention in the hopes of
helping them see they are in danger. If they agree and repent, they have been
"loosed" from their sin and you have been blessed with witnessing a soul find
his back to the path towards Christ. If they ignore you, the next step is to let
them know that more than one person has noticed their sin (hence the "two or
three witnesses" reference) and that you and the one you brought are concerned
for them in their sinful state. Jesus knows that sometimes we think others have
strange opinions and understandings, but when "two or three" people see the same
problem, then it usually makes us stand up and take notice that repentance is
needed. Still, if they ignore you and the witnesses, then Jesus clearly says you
all need to bring this matter and the sinner before their church family so as to
let them know everyone sees them as being in open sin. If after seeing that
their entire church family is in agreement that they are in sin, and if they
still refuse to repent; it is then obvious they have decided not to be part of
the church family any longer and are choosing on their own accord to live in sin
from that day forward. Hence the reason Jesus says they are then to be treated
"as an heathen man and a publican." In short, they have purposely declared Jesus
is NOT their Lord and so the Christians must leave their side for it is also
written in 2 Corinthians 6:14, "Be ye not unequally yoked
together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"
Then and only then are we authorized by God to
"bind" them in the sin they have chosen to partake.
Again.. stepping into a confessional as this Pope
commands his "super confessors" to demand of the sinners in his flock is by no
means biblical. I believe the only reason he is doing this now is because we are
VERY close to the end and he needs to make sure he gets as much inside
information as possible via his "super confessors" because many high ranking
officials in many nations around the world are devout Catholics. Just as many
rulers and high ranking prelates have stated in writing in the past, the leaders
of today will do whatever their "Lord god
the Pope" demands of them. So often the verse # 18 is the only
verse used to acknowledge the authority of the Priest in confession. However,
when you read the entire series of verses above, and below this verse; the truth
is made crystal clear. I pray wholeheartedly that ALL Catholics get used to
going to their Bibles before and after they ask a Priest for advice. This I pray
is what will eventually open their eyes to who and what those priests truly
represent. It's
what opened my eyes 30+ years ago!
Vatican pays tribute to David Bowie
"It’s no surprise that after the death of
British rock star David Bowie, tributes from around the globe poured in. From
Madonna to British Prime Minister David Cameron, all paid respects after his
death Sunday following an 18-month battle with cancer. What’s more surprising,
however, is that the Vatican also weighed in, and in at least two separate bits
of praise. The Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, carried a piece on him
in its Tuesday edition titled “Bowie: Never banal.” ...As L’Osservatore Romano
notes, throughout five decades of rock music, the artist succeeded in arousing a
growing consensus, leading the head of the Anglican Church, Archbishop Justin
Welby, to remember Bowie’s music as a “personal soundtrack.”
Why did the Vatican praise David Bowie and the Anglican
Archbishop admit he has his music in his "personal soundtrack?" If you look a
little deeper into David Bowie's music career and strange lifestyle you will
find out why. In the 1970's he obviously bowed to Roman Catholicism and made an
album about the Vatican version of the "Stations of the Cross" wherein the present
Pope declares Christ was "a failure" on camera.
It doesn't end there
What really stands out in a very telling manner as to why
the Pope, the head man in the Vatican wherein Satanic masses are held would give honor
unto a man like David Bowie. It appears obvious Bowie was worshipping the exact
same demons of the Vatican prelates. I say that because many years ago I came
across rock hard evidence that it was the Vatican itself that initiated the UFO
movement. I did a Newsletter years ago on this and a video back in
March of 2014.
Bowie released the album titled "Loving the Alien" in
1985. Not only does it coincide with the demonic message of the Vatican,
it also mocks the Lord Jesus Christ by subtly
suggesting those that worship Him are actually "loving the alien." (See lyrics here) I
won't post his video on this as it is quite demonic further confirming his evil
ways. But the video does in fact many Roman Catholic symbolism all throughout.
Everything from halos to confessional booths.
The fact Bowie, an admitted bisexual, also stated in 2003 that "I'm not quite
an atheist and it worries me. There’' that little bit that holds on: Well, I’m
almost an atheist. Give me a couple of months" also
suggests why such church leaders like the Pope and Archbishop Welby would praise
him so highly. Bowie also said "I was young, fancy
free, and Tibetan Buddhism appealed to me at that time. I thought, ‘There's
salvation.' It didn't really work. Then I went through Nietzsche, Satanism,
Christianity... pottery, and ended up singing. It's been a long road."
In Bowie's song "Seven" we find the lyrics, "The gods forgot that they made me - So I forget them, too - I dance
among their shadows - I play among their graves" and
so it is quite clear that he has moved deep into full blown Atheism as he
intimated and this is why the Pope and his friends are so pleased with him and
his work. Do an online search and you will find a few articles declaring Bowie's
music was considered offensive to Christians.
The Roman Catholic people as well as all Anglican
people that borrow quiet heavily from Roman Catholic
Paganism never seem to bother looking into such things and their leaders
know it. After all, their hatred of Sola Scriptura and dogmatic teachings wherein
Bible is declared a lesser book compared to tradition has most of
them spiritually harnessed by their trusted leaders. So.. they (the leaders) can
do and say some of the most demonic things known to man and none of their people
will be the least bit concerned because unless you read a Bible and ignore the
wolves on the pulpit you can't possibly see the danger all around
When the Pope steps up to proclaim
homosexual marriage is ok, Atheists can gain Heaven, evolution is true, or he
praises Atheists that hate the Lord like David Bowie just to name a few, the
devil laughs out-loud knowing the Catholic people have the Bible available to
each and every one of them nearby wherein they too can see they are being lied
to. But most of them refuse to heed the most loving call every made in the
history of all mankind because the lies of the Pope brings them comfort because
this has been their comfort zone all their lives.
So again.. when the Pope makes crazy statements and promotes
sinful acts and people he only does so to make Jesus look bad as well as grieve
Him. What's really sad in all this is how much the Lord actually loves the Pope
and his cohorts. The Bible was written for them just as much as it was written
for us. And Jesus died for the Popes and prelates just as He has for any man or
woman alive. So please pray for them. Because prophecy does say many of them
will in fact "come out" of that church very soon.
VIDEO: Why the Pope
calls it Climate change Many
people are unaware of the sinister reasons behind the present Pope’s pushing of
climate change so invasively all over the world, and especially here via his
pawn Obama in the White House. But then, most people don’t read their Bibles
and so this climate change agenda is going to be very effective in getting most
people to stand in line in agreement with the Pope about “doing something” to
get the Lord to stop the calamities. Climate change was prophesied. But not in
the way the Pope is claiming
New Palestinian terror theme: Water ground with blood
"The report comes the Palestinian
Media Watch organization, which monitors, reports on
and analyzes developments in the Palestinian media, including social media.
According to its new report, “The Facebook page of official spokesman of the PA
Security Forces Adnan Al-Damiri posted a message from Fatah Shabiba youth
movement to children that the way to succeed in ‘revolution’ against Israel is
to ‘water it with blood.’” The message said, “Teach your children to love the
land. Teach them that we live a life of suffering. Teach them that there is a
seed in the ground. If they water it with blood, a revolution will flower. Teach
them that Fatah is the eternal revolution. That the ‘storm’ is the blade of the
intifada, and that the Shabiba are the knights of the rocks.”
Some may think they are jumping the gun (literally) here but
I say not at all. Why? In another article located here, we see
how the Pope has been a major cog in this wheel towards a Palestinian statehood.
Now don't get me wrong, I believe every race of people deserve their own land
they can call home. But why does it always have to come at the expense of so
many lives just so they can stand on dirt? And why is it whenever the Pope of
Rome gets involved in such things we always see the bloodgates (yes I said
BLOODgates) burst open? We saw it during the Inquisition when
the Popes finally gained control over the civil authorities, we saw it with
World War II when they had their man Hitler at the helm, we also saw Islam grow in power
literally off the charts almost immediately after the Vatican demanded all her schools teach the children
about Allah, and now we see all this happening directly after the Vatican
signed papers with Palestine on June 26, 2015 the very same day they created the
United Nations in 1948, the same day they created the one World Church in 2000,
and the exact same day they caused the Roman Catholic Supreme court to legalize
same sex marriage we see this announced online...
- "The Vatican's first accord with the Palestinians -- an
agreement that Israel has attacked as counter-productive to the Middle East
peace process -- has come into force, the Holy See announced Saturday. ...The
accord covers the operation of the Church in areas of the Holy Land under
Palestinian control but its significance has been seen in broader terms as a
symbol of growing international backing for a Palestinian state. "With
reference to the Comprehensive Agreement between the Holy See and the State of
Palestine, signed on 26 June 2015, the Holy See and the
State of Palestine have notified each other that the procedural requirements for
its entry into force have been fulfilled," a Vatican statement
Everywhere the Pope goes a trail of blood is bound to
follow. And as you see by the videos posted in the original article I posted
today, they are teaching the children to hate the Jews. Worse yet, they even
teach the children that murder is acceptable and perfectly legal!
Now for something hard to
Notice the beautiful little girl holding that huge butcher
knife in the video in this article who is being coached by her very own parents
to say "I want to stab a Jew." That precious little soul is going to have very
few chances at a happy life let alone eternal life thanks to the Pope and his
many pawns in Islam who not only kill themselves for a god that has been
declared and confirmed to have been invented by the prelates in Rome so as to
use the Muslim nations as pawns in their bloodthirsty wars against their
fellowman, they are teaching their precious little children to have bold hatred
for their neighbors. May God have mercy on their souls.
VIDEO: Pope Francis prays before the statue of Mary in Rome's Piazza di Spagna "As he does every year on the Feast of
the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis visited Rome's Piazza di Spagna to pay
homage to Our Lady. He prepared a special prayer for the occasion."
Roman Catholics have declared for centuries that they do not
worship statues. Yet every Roman Catholic church has statues in, on and around
them and all of them have "kneelers" placed before them so as to prompt the
Roman Catholic people to bow down before the statues in prayer. This is why they
removed commandment #2 from the Roman Catholic version of the ten commandments. They will
of course claim that they're not worshipping the statues; but Scripture does
declare bowing before such things while in prayer are indeed an act of worship.
In fact, bowing before man, or in this case, every Pope of Rome is an act of
worship. See this video I did on this back in September of
2007. There's also an HD version of this video online thanks to the talented efforts of Pastor
Craig as well.
Ever notice this?
The Pope's get caught holding Satanic masses inside Vatican
walls, they sit on thrones with upside down crosses on them like the
Satanist does while inside a Vatican shaped
like an upsidedown cross, they declare in writing that
Mary is co-saviour to the Christians and just recently this Jesuit Pope has
declared the cross of Jesus a failure. Once on October 9, 2015 and again on November 29, 2015!
You walk into a Catholic church and you see all sorts of
statues depicting a dead Jesus on the cross, a dead Jesus in the arms of His
mother Mary, you see Him as a helpless infant in the arms of Mary, you see Him
depicted with His heart ripped from His chest wherein He points to it to make
sure you look at it, and you also see Him as a helpless child on the back of
statues called "Saint Christopher." But as you look around you also see the
other statues that depict a healthy and adult version of Mary, Christopher,
Stanilaus, Anthony, etc. All of these statues have kneelers in front of them
prompting the Catholic to break commandment #2. And all of these statues appear
to be quite capable of hearing and acting on your prayers just as the ancient Pagan
god Dagon did. But Jesus? He's either depicted as a dead body, a helpless
child or one with His heart ripped from His body suggesting Jesus cannot help
you at all. And now we see some Vatican controlled politicians in the USA
declaring Jesus should be denied?
And once again we see a Pope praying before the "Queen of
Heaven" statue so as to glorify her before all. Why does he do that? It
is because his office has declared in writing that he is a Pagan. Basic
reality is, he and all Popes do doing the exact same thing the Pagan
prelates of old did when Jeremiah declared they needed to stop worshiping the
"queen of Heaven" for it angered the true God when they did this. There's no
getting around what the Bible says on that fact alone. For it is
- Jeremiah 7:18, "The children gather wood, and the fathers
kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the
queen of heaven,
and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger."
The Pope knows exactly what he's doing for his dying god.
Just as Pagan's of old worshipped Satan in all sorts of strange ways, he too
worships Satan. But because for most of history doing so was considered taboo
and downright deadly to the soul, they kept their Luciferian ways behind closed
doors. Truth be told, promoting his blasphemous acts today in the name of
Christianity before all the world is what every Satanist hopes to do for their
dying god Beelzebub so as to gain recognition and hellish powers from the father
of lies. Never before in the history of mankind has there been one who had the
ability to move billions to worship Satan than the man of sin in
Rome. It was prophesied to be this way and so it is. May God have mercy on
those refusing to open their Bibles to see how to truly worship the God of
Heaven. Playing the "ignorant" card doesn't work with God because He did in fact
write a Bible everyone on earth can read.
And as for you, Mr or Mrs Catholic. You are precious just as
any soul on earth that was created by the Lord. But you are in grave danger.
Your Popes teach that the Bible as if it is secondary at best and Vatican
tradition is all that matters. But do not think for a moment that you can escape
damnation claiming ignorance of that which is written in the manuscript of
Heaven your Pope calls a "dead and speechless book." In these last
days the Bible has been penned in every language known to man and is still the
#1 best selling book on the planet since they started to keep track of such
things. You have the opportunity to look into that book and see that which I
proclaim to you is not only the truth, it is written in the Word of God for all
to see. In fact, there is one more verse I would like to share with you that may
just open your eyes. It is written in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject
thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of
thy God, I will also forget thy children."
Pope says fundamentalism is 'disease of all religions'
Francis said fundamentalism is "a disease of all religions", including the Roman
Catholic Church, as he returned from a three-nation tour of Africa in which he
preached reconciliation and hope. "Fundamentalism is always a tragedy. It is not
religious, it lacks God, it is idolatrous," the Argentine pontiff told
journalists on the plane back from the Central African Republic. ...He was given
a rapturous welcome by thousands of people as he visited a mosque in the
flashpoint Muslim PK5 neighbourhood of the capital Bangui, on what was the most
dangerous part of his 24-hour visit to the
Amazing how the man of sin can clearly echo
the lies of Beelzebub without skipping a beat. First and foremost, the term
"fundie" was coined by Vatican prelates long ago and it's just a quick way of
calling anyone that's not a Roman Catholic a heretic (As John Paul II called them in his mea culpa) or a fundamentalist as Pope Francis is now declaring. So, what is a
( fun'd?-men'tl-iz'?m) n.
1. A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism. |
other words, people that believe the Bible 100% are considered fundamentalists
by the Popes of Rome. They must declare this because it will allow their
congregants to look at real Christians as the problem as well as keep their eyes
off the fact that Roman Catholicism is 86.2% Paganism. In fact,
their own church leaders admit their dogma is Pagan in
- Cardinal
Newman admits in his book that; the "The use of temples, and these dedicated to
particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense,
lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water;
asylums; holydays and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on the
fields; sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the
East, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie
Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the
Church. {374}" -An Essay on The Development of the Christian Doctrine
John Henry "Cardinal Newman" p.359 (Click here for more quote son this
most Catholics never look into their own church documents, just as most SDA's refuse to do as well, most are unaware
their leaders have declared such things in writing. But when the occasional true
Christian opens a Bible and then looks into the teachings of their
church, when they discover rampant apostasy they are not only led by
Christ Jesus to leave that fallen church, they are moved by His Holy Spirit to
warn those they love still trapped in the apostasy. And this is why the Pope as
well as all apostate leaders to shun "fundies" to the point of ridiculing them
at every turn.
you are correct in assuming that it's shocking to see how the Pope is claiming
the real Christian to be evil the false ones to be holy. But that too was
prophesied by our Lord in His Word long ago. It is stated in Isaiah 5:20, "Woe
unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and
light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for
is also why the Pope calls the fundies "idolaters" when in fact Roman
Catholicism is in fact THE absolute pinnacle of idolatry on planet earth right
down to the tens of thousands of statues, relics, rituals, and traditions they
declare venerated and holy. Click here for a rather
telling expose' on all this.
and anyone walking in his ashen footsteps cannot tolerate truth as it is written
by the God of love, or as it is displayed in the character of His people and so,
as was always the case, they will do the evil act and then blame the Christians
that love and obey the Lord as the culprits of the evil acts. Not to worry dear
ones. This was prophesied just as frequently in the Word as was the end result
of their efforts. It states clearly in Malachi 4:3, "And ye shall tread down the
wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in
the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts."
right! Rome has even lied about hellfire. They claim all
will have eternal life in hellfire just as Satan told Eve in Eden that "Ye shall
not surely die" in Genesis 3:4. Calling God a liar never ends good for Satan or
his followers. Billions of lukewarm Christians as well as millions of Satanists
are about to find out the hard way that Rome, and their dying god, simply lied
to them so as to have as much company as possible in the ash upon the ground
that day. After all, the old saying still holds true ... misery loves
Why They Block 'Certain' Videos
week I received an email from YouTube that they
blocked my video titled "Nazis
Pledge to obey Pope on Camera!" I
did a little digging into this and found out why
"certain" videos are now being blocked
by YouTube and other mainstream News outlets. And
yes, most of you will already guess why on this
one. It's also interesting to note that you can
see a pattern as to why they block the videos. Being
we are in the last days and on the precipice of
the New World Order, certain videos must be blocked
in certain nations to keep the people in those nations
unprepared for what's headed their way. (In any
event, all my videos that are blocked can be seen
in their entirety at John1429.org)
VIDEO:Pope says Cross
& God a failure AGAIN! I was
actually working on another video when I stopped to take a break and check my email. It
was then I discovered a brother in the faith sent me this short video wherein the Pope
AGAIN declares God as well as the cross of our precious Saviour to be a
FAILURE! Worse yet, right after he says that, the people applauded!
Philadelphia Baby’s Brain Tumor Shrinks After Kiss From Pope
"Two months ago, Warrington residents Joey and Kristen
Masciantonio say they experienced a miracle when Pope Francis spontaneously
kissed their one-year-old daughter, Gianna, on the head. Now, two months later,
they believe it helped lead to recent scans that show barely any sign of
Gianna’s tumor."
Praise the Lord this little girl's tumor is shrinking ...
but that does not prove she is actually healed and it certainly does not prove
the Pope had anything to do with it. In fact, there are videos and pictures all
over the Internet wherein the Pope has kissed all sorts of sick people and
children the last two years and so the actual odds were that one of them would
eventually be getting better simply due to God's will, or as some call it, "by
chance." Reason being is, if you do a tad of statistical research, if 1000
people were sick, one would think at least 10 or so would be getting better
without any apparent reason when it comes to medical
To claim the Pope caused a miracle is not only highly
unlikely, it is downright biblically impossible. The Pope has stated many times
that his theology does not coincide with the theology of the Lord who wrote the
Bible that when read grants us the wisdom and understanding to pray the prayer
of faith that eventually leads to the healing. The Pope does not read a Bible.
numerous strange actions and comments since being elected into political
office confirms this hands down. Anyone with a Bible knows this. And by the way,
those of us with Bibles also know that whenever Jesus kissed, touched or prayed
for men, women or children 100% of them were healed each and every time. Not
just one in a thousand as this poor Roman Catholic couple assumes. (please pray
for them)
Reality check:
The Bible clearly says in James 5:15 that "the prayer of
faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have
committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." Did any of us see the Pope pray for
that baby? No, none of us saw that at all. And there were thousands of cameras
on him the whole time he was here. Worse yet, the Pope had no clue who the baby
was or that she was sick. All he knows is a secret service agent that supposedly
protects the Pope (because God won't) brought the baby to the Pope. Just like
any other politician that kisses babies, the Pope merely kissed the little girl
and moved on to the next.
Still.. one can have hope that this baby girl was touched by
God somehow and that blessed healing will one day help her parents see that
having faith in Jesus, the Great Physician, is for more powerful than having
faith in a man who took an oath that has him vowing that if that mother was not
a Catholic that he would, "rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and
crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever
their execrable race." Don't believe this Pope took that oath? Click here.
Pope's Angelus: It's blasphemous to use violence
in God's name "During the
Sunday Angelus prayer, Pope Francis condemned the terrorist attacks in Paris and
expressed his closeness to the French people, particularly those who lost loved
That's all well and good, but I must ask the Pope and every prelate
under his reign why it is they demand some people stop using violence when at
the same time they use it to this day? No, I am not going to touch much on the Inquisitions wherein
over 500,000,000 Christians were tortured and killed for their faith by the
Popes and it was all done in the name of "religion" as a duty to mother Rome
by all Catholic civil authorities. No, I am speaking about Islam itself today
wherein we have irrefutable evidence that the Roman Catholic
Vatican did in fact write the Koran. We even have ex-Muslims
declaring on camera that the Koran is loaded with Catholic theology.
Especially when it comes to the glorification of Mary the mother of Jesus Christ. We also have
the Vatican as the leader in the global movement some call "Chrislam" today
wherein the Vatican was the very first so called Christian church to demand it's teachers to teach Islam to their Roman Catholic
children in parochial schools the world over.
Now for the clincher
This Pope is a
Jesuit. And thanks to the Vatican's many
crimes, it was unavoidable that eventually the Jesuit oath would be offered
as evidence in a courtroom wherein its contents would be transcribed as part of
a well documented court case. You can read the entire oath as well as the valid
source of that oath on my website by clicking here.
all being said, I have to ask the Pope who just stated on camera "Such
barbarity leaves us shocked and we wonder how the human heart can conceive and
create such horrible events, which have shaken not only France but the whole
world. Faced with such acts, one can only condemn the unspeakable affront to
human dignity. I want to reaffirm strongly that the path of violence and hatred
does not solve the problems of humanity and those who use God's name to
justify that path are committing blasphemy!"
First and foremost, Muslims are not doing anything in "God's
name" at all. They are following Satan, a dying god who uses the name "Allah" as
a way to suggest the loving God of the Bible is a bloodthirsty tyrant hell-bent
on killing you the moment you sin. But because Rome must keep
declaring Allah is God, he must say this in order to keep his agenda moving
ahead. Secondly, why is it every time this Pope speaks publicly he does so
reading from a pre-written script? If he was the true leader of the Christian
church; John 14:26 says, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the
Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things
to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." But the Pope doesn't read Bibles. Therefore mankind must put their
words on paper for him to read instead.
Since the Pope just admitted on camera using violence in the
name of God is blasphemy. And since he claims to be a Christian who follows the
God of the Bible; then I would like to know how this Pope defines his recital
and oath taken some years back wherein he swore to uphold the agenda of the
Jesuit priest? As I stated earlier, if you want to read
the entire oath, click the link I posted above. But I would like to post just
one paragraph from that oath wherein this Pope admits, he is in fact a
Pope Francis Vowed: I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity
present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics,
Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate
them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or
condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive
these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush
their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their
execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use
the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden
bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or
persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I
at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the
Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus. (The Jesuit Oath of Induction is also recorded in the
Congressional Record of the U.S.A. (House Bill 1523, Contested election case
of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913, pp.
3215-3216) It can also be found in the book entitled, "Subterranean Rome"
by Charles Didier translated from the French and published in New York in
1843. Dr.)
Pope talks end times, terror in Paris
Francis struck a somber note with his most recent message to pilgrims at Saint
Peter’s Square, telling the ten thousand or so gathered to consider their
lives, their coming face-to-face with God and the state of the world,
particularly in light of the Paris terrorist attacks. ...He also denounced the
radical Islamists’ use of God’s name to justify the attacks as “blasphemy,” he
said, and reminded of Jesus’ preaching about the end times and the coming
“apocalyptic elements, like war, famine and cosmic catastrophes,” he said,
Breitbart reported. In those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will
not give its light and the stars will be falling from the sky and the powers in
the heavens will be shaken,” he said. “Our final goal is the meeting with the
resurrected Lord. … [And in the end] Jesus’ triumph will be the triumph of the
thing is sure that when someone doesn't read the Bible, their comments as per
bible facts will be filled with disbelief, error and even lies. First and
foremost, the great tribulation Jesus speaks of that ends right before the sun
is darkened, the moon does not give her light, and the stars start falling
has already happened centuries ago. But the Pope must keep the lie that the
"great tribulation" is something that happens in the future. Basic
reality is, if he preaches the great tribulation as per historic fact and
not Jesuit folderol then everyone will know the inquisitions
of Rome wherein 500,000,000 Christians were tortured
and killed by the Popes of Rome will be clearly seen as the
great tribulation just as Jesus prophesied.
said in Matthew 24:29, "Immediately after
the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not
give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the
heavens shall be shaken:"
If we look back in historic record
we find that the Vatican killed 500 million
Christians during the years 538AD to 1798AD. Jesus said after
that tribulation the events with the Sun, moon and stars will happen. In the
year 1780AD the Vatican was doing all they could to hang unto ropes of
sand politically. Revolt was absolutely everywhere due to their
bloodthirsty and torturous ways. In fact, the word "torture" became synonymous with the
office of Pope. Way too many people knew all about how the
Popes and priests tortured and killed their neighbors, friends and family
members because quite often it was done in their home villages to keep terror
in the hearts of the people and control of same under Rome's thumb. Revolt had
finally spread to a point that some men that no longer trusted the Popes and
their false religion were catapulted to key positions of power so as to help
remove the Pope from power. The Vatican was so busy trying to repair the
public relations nightmare created by all those killings forced them to
stop killing so as to protect their political power. As the old saying
goes, it was too little too late.
It was in 1780AD that the long
prophesied signs of our Lord Jesus started to appear in the Heavens confirming
the prophetic fact that the mortal wound was soon
to be administered to the Pope. On May 19, 1780 the following historic
statements were made and forever recorded in the annals of history .
- The remarkable Dark Day of May 19, 1780, is
described by Samuel Williams of Harvard, The professor
relates... "between the hours of ten and eleven a.m., and continued
until the middle of the next night,... Candles were lighted up in houses;
... the birds having sung their evening songs, disappeared, and became
silent;... the fowls retired to roost; ... the cocks were crowing all
around, as at the break of day; ... objects could not be distinguished but
at a very little distance; and everything bore the appearance and
gloom of night." -Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences [through 1783], vol.1 pp. 234,235.)
- Jesus said, “Immediately after the tribulation of those
days shall the sun be darkened....” The United States had barely been born
when on May 19, 1780 it witnessed what has been remembered in history as
the great Dark Day. According to the Boston Gazette, “there was the
appearance of midnight at noonday.” The darkness began around 10 a.m.
Candles were lighted; animals thought it was night. The Connecticut
Historical Collections describes the tension in the state legislature
where, “a very general opinion prevailed, that the day of judgment was at
hand.” The poet John Greenleaf Whittier called it “a horror of great
- The moon was at it's full, and had the appearance
of blood. Stone's History of Massachusetts
- "There was an appearance of midnight at
noonday," and in the evening, although the moon was just past full,
"perhaps it was never darker since the children of Israel left the
house of bondage." In connection with this extraordinary phenomenon the
moon was reported to appear red. (Letter signed "Viator" in
the Independent Chronical [Boston], May 25, 1780, p.2;
see also the Pennsylvania Evening Post [Philadelphia],
June 6, 1780, p. 62)
- Frederick Douglas, in reminiscing about his early days
of slavery, says: "I witnessed this gorgeous spectacle, and was
awe-struck. The air seemed filled with bright messengers from the sky... I
was not without the suggestion at the moment that it might be the
harbringer of the coming of the Son of Man; and in my then state of
mind I was prepared to hail Him as my friend and deliverer. I had read
that "the stars shall fall from heaven, and they were now falling."
-Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1941 ed.), p.117. (Click here for more quotes and info on these
prophesied events)
Just as Jesus predicted, when the
Vatican stopped killing these signs appeared. It got so bad for the Pope
that by 1798AD Napoleon finally had the political power necessary to force the
Pope into exile so as to mortally wound him as prophecy predicted. But, because
this prophesied event was so graphic and so telling in that only one church on planet earth was pointed out as the one
used by Satan to perform it, and that was of course the Roman
Catholic church, the Popes of Rome and their Jesuit counterparts cooked up some
false prophetic events to hide the truth about this. We know those false
prophecies as the "seven year tribulation",
"the secret rapture" and a "1000 years of peace" today. Thanks to
their efforts as well as placing these proven lies into the "helps"
of many Bibles starting with the Scofield Reference Bible, almost every
church on earth preaches these lies so as to prevent the population at
large from discovering the truth about what history recorded and the Bible
predicted as a long struck death knell to the Vatican when it comes to exposing
them as THE home to Antichrist! And that is why this Jesuit Pope is right now claiming those
prophesied signs regarding the darkened sun, blood red moon and stars falling
is a future event. To do otherwise would be political and spiritual suicide for
the Roman Catholic church. So lie they must to continue the agenda of Satan
their dying god.
Pope Francis Says the Devil Is Keeping Evangelicals and Catholics Divided:
"Pope Francis has said that it's the devil himself who keeps
evangelicals, Catholics, and Christians from other denominations divided, and
rejected the notion that it's heretical to believe that all Christians are one.
"Division is the work of the 'Father of Lies,' 'the Father of Discord,' who does
everything possible to keep us divided," Francis said in a video message to a
gathering sponsored by the John 17 Movement, according to Catholic Herald.
This is one more open and obvious sign that this Pope (or
any pope for that matter) does not read Bibles. For Christians to come together
in the ecumenical movement Rome started at Vatican II is the
exact opposite of what the Lord says we must do. However, it is a prophesied
fact that the
man of sin will demand all join him under one roof in these last days. Hence
the reason for Vatican II in the first place. This is also why the One World
Church started on June 26, 2000 (June 26? hmmm) and the Pope was the elected leader of it. So
of course, the Pope is going to claim it is within the Christian's best interest
to join with him and his fallen cohorts.
But what does your Lord say?
Our King, Saviour, Commander and God says in Amos 3:3, how
"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" He then stated through His
obedient servant Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:33; 6:14 & 6:17, "Be not deceived:
evil communications corrupt good manners. Be ye not unequally yoked together
with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?
and what communion hath light with darkness? Wherefore come out from among them,
and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will
receive you,"
How I ask can the Pope say the "it's the devil himself who
keeps evangelicals, Catholics, and Christians from other denominations divided"
when in fact it's Jesus who wants to keep His sheep safe from wandering off into
danger with the wolves claiming to be of the faith? Do you think the parable of
the lost sheep is really about some little lamb wandering of into wolf country
looking for greener pastures and tasty flowers? Or did He share that to
illustrate the Popes, prelates and all the so called Protestant churches joining
hands with the man of sin are in fact very dangerous?
Jesus also had Paul declare in 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14, "Now
we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw
yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the
tradition which he received of us. And if any man obey not our word by this
epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed."
Still, all too often people choose to ignore this passage and stay with their
friends so as to not offend them or lose favor with them. You don't have to be
mean and shun them with anger and malice to obey your Lord. You can be gentle
and kind while letting them know that the Lord has instructed you that their
church or their pastime antics are not conducive to your faith walk with the
Lord that says we must do such things. In so doing they
may become ashamed knowing you're doing all that because you love Jesus FIRST!
And since you're walking away from them in their strange activities or even
false worship they have ample evidence you've chosen the better path and the act
of your leaving their side may actually make them realize they need to clean up
their walk. As Jesus planned they will truly become ashamed and seek repentance.
On the other hand..
When you do as the Pope suggests, your friend feels
vindicated in their evil ways and no longer feels they are sinful because you're
still hanging with them as a friend. What happens then is your disobedience
has caused your friend and YOU to be in danger of damnation together and that is
exactly what the man of sin and all those that preach ecumenicalism with him are doing. James
4:4 says, "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of
the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world
is the enemy of God."
Bottom line is this:
Matthew 10:32-37, "Whosoever therefore shall confess me
before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But
whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which
is in heaven. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to
send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his
father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her
mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that
loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son
or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."
That being said, who do YOU think are best to obey? The Lord
Jesus Christ? Or the man of sin in Rome?
'Dire Threat' L US Soldiers battle scorching new enemy
"With the stroke of a pen, Ashton Carter turned the focus of the U.S. Department
of Defense in a new direction. Instead of making ISIS and Islamic terrorism the
first priority, the new focus will be on global warming and climate
You do realize what this means don't you? It means the
demons in the Vatican are running VERY scared now! Why? Those fallen angels know
prophecy better than any student of prophecy on the planet, and that's not because we
are all lacking in our duties, it's just that angels happen to be supernatural
as well as extremely intelligent. That being the case, they know for a fact the Latter
Rain is about to start pouring in abundance upon the bride of Christ and
they need to make sure they have all their ducks in a row before that happens.
Satan (like any commander in war) is going to do all he can
to keep casualties on his end as low as possible. That of course means, he
doesn't want what we are prophesied to do to cut into his ranks which will of
course lower his number of captive souls. He knows he will lose some, that's
inevitable. But by assuring his foundation is well set even before the rain
starts may grant him a better outcome. And this is why the man of sin
in Rome is being moved by Satan to kick it up a notch.
One would think with such super intelligence as an angel
has, fallen or not, why can't they realize they're fighting a losing battle
wherein they will most assuredly die. The only thought I can muster on such
idiocy is because he knows he will lose no matter what and so he wants to take
as many into that fire with him as he can. He knows what happened at Calvary and
he knows Christ has already won. But perhaps he thinks making him grieve is
somehow worth the effort. I really can't say in that I am not one to waste time
trying to figure out Beelzebub mental issues. All I need to know is
what prophecy and Scripture already outline and that is Satan was prophesied to
be that blind.
In any event, one of the nice things about studying the Word
and especially the prophetic areas in the Word is that we not only have a
plethora of "signs" all around us illustrating the times we live in are in
fact coming to
a close. We also have an angry angel showing his hand out of desperation.
What I mean is, the very fact he is accelerating his efforts by moving his man
of sin in Rome to force the US military to place Rome's climate change agenda on
the top shelf over and above national security makes it that much easier to see
we are VERY close to what we have been praying for brothers and sisters.
Prophecy says they will the "calamities" as their main excuse for passing Sunday Laws and
this is why they are promoting climate
change worldwide now. That being said.. are you ready? ARE YOU
VIDEO: Vatican arrests high ranking monsignor and lay woman over leaked documents
"The Vatican
Gendarmerie has arrested and interrogated a senior Vatican official and a lay
woman regarding “the removal and dissemination of news and confidential
documents.” They are the Spanish Msgr. Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda and Italian
Francesca Chaouqui."
This is without a doubt one of the most telling evidences of
how corrupt the Vatican is. First and foremost, they claim to be a CHURCH even
though prophetic fulfillment clearly shows every fruit says
otherwise. Still, they do claim to be a church, yet they have secret
documents? And because those documents can cause problems for them, which means
they no doubt contain criminal acts within them, they need to keep them secret
from the public. And the Vatican prelate on camera actually claims for all to
see that the Vatican is one that embraces full transparency?
Where have we heard that before?
That's right, from the lips of ever lying politician in
recent years when transparency literally started becoming a major issue for
those that must do things behind closed doors to avoid jail time. Every American
politician that uses that term, and this is of course including Obama, have been
proven on many different levels to be lying. To list the evidence would mean I
would have to shut down the ministry so as to expose them and that simply is not
my calling. In any event, we now see the Vatican doing
the same thing every politician on earth doing.
But then...
Rome has always been a political entity and this is the
reason the
501c3 was set up decades ago so as to protect the Vatican from too much
exposure. What I mean is, it prevents all those signed on from speaking of
political crimes committed by politicians and this includes the Pope. Yes, the
biblically uneducated preacher or pastor with the 501c3 can merely claim they
are not speaking politically when exposing the Pope, but the minute they try to
do so they are then informed that because the Pope is also the king of his
sovereign state, that being Vatican City of course, any statement made against
him can be construed political by those holding the signed document against the
Now do you see why Satan moved all the disobedient preachers
and pastors to buy into the 501c3 contract? Better yet, now do you see why the
obedient pastors and preachers in the SDR church
never did? Being obedient one can see joining with the Government is prophesied
as a deadly act to one's soul, the church and the prophesied end time message.
Keep your eyes on Rome. Soon another "Vatileak" is bound to
happen and me thinks it going to be a whopper.
Pope Francis Says the Bible Is a 'Highly
Dangerous Book' "Pope Francis says the Bible is "a highly dangerous book"
due to the fact that so many people in the world are arrested or murdered for
owning one. In a prologue that is part of a youth Bible slated for publication
this week, the pontiff wrote about the dangers of having a Bible, according to
the Catholic publication Aleteia. ...Francis' prologue was to the
newest edition of the Youcat Bible, a German language youth-focused version of
the Good Book."
Now, I am sure that some of the Vatican prelates will once
again have to spin the Pope's comments so as to make it appear as if he meant
nothing but good when saying such things. After all, it's not the first nor will
it be the last time they have to do this. Yes, it is true that owning a Bible
can get you killed in some areas of the world. But, calling the Bible itself a
"dangerous book" is nothing more than the Pope using reverse psychology on the
youth he was speaking to at the time. Rather than proclaim the Bible as the most
powerful book ever written that shows mankind the path to salvation in Christ
and eternal life, he opts rather to make the owning of said book appear as a
very scary thing to do. And when speaking to children, (as he was) it will most
assuredly have a negative effect on them and THAT is his demon inspired plan.
Truth is, the Vatican has targeted children for eons. So this is nothing new.
The approach is new, but the end result is the same. If you molest a child, odds
are that child will deny Christ later in life. If you tell the child the Bible
is dangerous, odds are he will never pick one up and then deny Christ later in
life when seeking to save his life when the mark is
The Vatican has declared their hatred for this book written
by the God of love over the centuries in many ways. They hate it because they
know (by historic record) that any honest Roman Catholic opening the Bible up to
find more about Christ will eventually discover they are in the church of Antichrist and
then leave it just as I did 30+ years ago. They also burned many Bibles after
the Council of Valencia declared owning a Bible to be illegal. They also rewrote
the Bible in a dead language (Latin) so as to prevent anyone from understanding
what it said. And in modern times they have rewritten it again with the excuse
it would be easier to read and while doing so remove thousands of verses that
expose them and their false doctrines. (Proof? Click here)
But.. nothing shows their hatred of the Word of God better than their very own
comments that for some strange reason they felt the need to place in writing for
all the world to see.
The Vatican's own words when it comes to God's
- "The belief in the Bible as the sole
source of faith is unhistorical, illogical, fatal to the virtue of faith, and
destructive of unity." -The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XIII,
"Protestantism", Section III A - Sola Scriptura ("Bible Alone"), Nihil Obstat,
February 1, 1912 by Remy Lafort, D.D., Censor, Imprimatur. +John Cardinal
Farley, Archbishop of New York. (online source: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12495a.htm )
- The decree set forth in the
year 1229 A.D. by the Council of Valencia... places Bible on The Index of
Forbidden Books. The doctrine withholds "it is forbidden for laymen (common man)
to read the Old and New Testaments. - We forbid them most severely to have the
above books in the popular vernacular." "The lords of the districts shall
carefully seek out the heretics in dwellings, hovels, and forests, and even
their underground retreats shall be entirely wiped out." Council
Tolosanum, Pope Gregory IX, Anno. Chr. 1229
- "Socialism, Communism, clandestine societies, Bible
societies... pests of this sort must be destroyed by all means." The
encyclical Quanta Cura Issued by Pope Pius IX, December 6, 1866
- "The Scriptures indeed is a divine book but it is a dead
letter, which has to be explained, and cannot exercise the action which the
preacher can obtain." -Our Priesthood, p. 155
- "...A dead and speechless book." -Question Box,
p. 67
- "The simple fact is that the Bible, like all dead
letters, calls for a living interpreter." -The Faith of Millions, p.
- "The Bible was not intended to be a textbook of
Christian religion." -Catholic Facts, p. 50
- click here
for more quotes of this nature.
Also see this Truth Provided
Newsletter from September of 1999 titled "Vatican Declares Scriptures Dangerous!"
Why comment
on the Pope's apology?
Thank you all for the articles and videos sent to me
regarding the Pope's "apology." One such video is the following..
- VIDEO: Pope begs forgiveness for 'scandals'
hitting Rome, Vatican
The reason I am not doing a long comment or even a video on
this is because this is not the first time the Pope has done this and I am sure
it won't be the last. What irks me the most about all this is how often they get
caught and then apologize and how often the Roman Catholic people ignore the
fact that with each apology comes no change. When Jesus gets here and all the
sins of Rome (and everyone else) are shouted from the rooftops. (See Luke 12:3)
When that finally happens some may recall all this idiocy and realize, it was
always business as usual with the Roman Catholic priests. They commit the most
perverted of sins known to man.. they get caught.. they apologize... they commit
the sins again.. they get caught... they apologize... and so on and so
forth. Honestly.. I'm tired of it all.
One thing I do like about his apology is that the Pope,
(like the others) have confirmed the prophetic statement made about their
"future" apologies in a very big way. Click here to see who declared they would
do exactly as they're doing right now.
Pope said WHAT?! Yes, I am aware this video is about a week old, but I
ignored it for a day or so and then when no "warnings" popped up about its
legitimacy I proceeded to look into it a bit deeper to assure its authenticity
and found he really did say this on camera! Many of you may not believe
this! But then, some of you (that study
prophecy) will believe this!
By the way,
some Catholics are also having doubts that he said
this. They too are shocked! So, some of the more
dishonest among them are now are accusing me (and
others) of editing the audio to make it sound like
the narrator changed what the Pope actually said
to make exposing the Pope that much easier for Catholic
bashers. But if you CLICK
HERE, you will see the Vatican website posted
the Pope's entire speech wherein he did say exactly
what we heard him say. (Scroll down to the end of
paragraph eight)
Meet the pope's Bilderberger guru
"Pope Francis’ affinity for global governance was evident
during his recent trip to the United States, with his remarks on his arrival at the White House echoing his embrace of the global-warming agenda in
his first encyclical, “Laudato Si,” and his historic speech to the United Nations endorsing the U.N.’s new Agenda
2030. Behind the pope’s proclamations is a powerful
Vatican adviser who is highly regarded among global governance advocates,
Peter Sutherland, a non-executive
chairman of Wall Street investment banking powerhouse Goldman Sachs who served
as chairman of oil giant BP through 2009. Sutherland’s globalist credentials are
exceptional. Born in Ireland, where he also served as attorney general, he was
appointed to the European Commission in 1985 and headed the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade, which has evolved today into the World Trade Organization.
Later, he was appointed to the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group and
served as the honorary chairman of the Trilateral Commission. In addition to his
global governance credentials, Sutherland is one of an estimated 100 elite Papal
Knights within the Roman Catholic lay religious society Knights of Malta and a
member of Opus Dei. In his 1999 book, “Their Kingdom Come,” Canadian financial journalist
Robert Hutchinson characterized Opus Dei as a secret society of international bankers, financiers and businessman whose goal
critics have characterized as using the influence of the Catholic Church and its
largely tax-exempt worldwide network to advance the aims of global
The only reason I posted all that info from
the article about this man is because it shows the credentials of the man. We
all know about how corrupt BP is and we certainly know about the political
corruption across the board and don't get me started on the political perverted
and quite satanic not so secret society known as the Bilderberg group that loves
to offer sacrifice to Satan in numerous rituals; the most popular site for such
activity being of course the Bohemian Grove wherein they have a massive idol
erected for all to see. Every high ranking official the world over, including
all in the USA attend annual meetings here. That all being said, how can anyone
with half an ounce if viable gray matter believe the Roman Catholic Vatican is a
church and the Pope is a leader of Christians?
As prophesied, the man of sin
is known by all those that know how to study the Bible as well as what it means
to obey the Author of that Bible. The Vatican is the main
headquarters of Satan on earth and the many connections with all the evil
rulers on earth confirms this is indeed Beelzebub's favored hangout. You cannot
be a Christian while hob knobbing with the elite of this world that are guilty
of every crime known to man. And for the Pope who claims to not only be a
Christian, but the leader of same, it becomes childishly easy to see (for those
that read Bibles) that he is anything and everything but a Christian. But.. for
the sake of those that don't believe me and think it's no big deal to be a Pope,
let alone a friend to those that kill, maim, destroy, rape and steal; see that
which is written on this topic alone...
- Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be
- 1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications
corrupt good manners.
- 2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with
unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and
what communion hath light with darkness?
- 2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and
be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will
receive you,
- 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14 Now we command you, brethren, in
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every
brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received
of us. And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and
have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.
- James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that
the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a
friend of the world is the enemy of God
How can anyone who claims to be a Christian think nothing of
having such friends as the Popes of Rome have? How is it that over 1 billion
Roman Catholics don't see how this proves the Pope is no follower of Jesus
Christ that inspired His followers to pen the passages I just shared? Now do you
see why Catholics are taught not to read Bibles? Bottom line is, it's that easy
some times to share the truth and expose the lie.
Pope Francis to Release Pop-Rock Album 'Wake Up!' "The Vatican-approved LP, a collaboration with Believe
Digital, features the Pontiff delivering sacred hymns and excerpts of his most
moving speeches in multiple languages paired with uplifting musical
accompaniment ranging from pop-rock to Gregorian chant. Wake Up! arrives November 27th, with
the iTunes pre-order now available with an instant download of “Wake Up! Go! Go!
Forward!,” which Rolling Stone is proud to premiere."
"Rolling Stone" is the very same magazine that made it very
easy to see the mortal wound of the beast in Rome is now healed, and so it makes
sense they would be very proud to help the Pope in this venture to glorify Satan
and his evil music. Pope John Paul II also did a music video and a DVD called
"Abba Pater" in which two actors
(professional liars) played the part of Adam and Eve completely naked. So,
joining hands with those that revel in flesh is not going to be surprising for
those of us that know all about the unholy fathers of Rome.
Ever notice this?
When speaking of Lucifer before he fell and became Beelzebub
we see this penned in Ezekiel 28:13, "Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God;
every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the
beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle,
and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared
in thee in the day that thou wast created."
- TABRET: 08596 toph {tofe}
from 08608 contracted; TWOT - 2536a; n m AV - timbrel 9, tabret 8; 17 1)
timbrel, tambourine.
Beelzebub, aka Satan, aka the Devil, aka Dr Feelgood, aka
the Candy Man, aka the enemy of souls actually has musical instruments built
inside of his body. Is it any wonder then that all modern day music
is filled with everything from illicit sex to devil worship? And is it any
wonder Satan has always used music to control the masses in one way or another?
In today's world you cannot go to a grocery store, the mall or even an office
building without music being piped in all over the place. Even the elevators
have music as do telephone systems wherein we have all experienced while sitting
on hold. I even recall as a teenager pushing my foot down on the accelerator
whenever my favorite song was played on the radio in my car.
Do you recall this?
Daniel 3:4-6, "Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is
commanded, O people, nations, and languages, That at what time ye hear the sound
of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery,
dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down
and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up: And whoso falleth not down
and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery
This is why the Popes of Rome ask numerous Rock stars to
visit them or even help them in their Rock & Roll ventures as
did Pope John Paul II and now Francis is now doing.
This is also why all Pope and Rock stars as well
as the Popes flash the same 666 hand signs as often as possible. Satan is their dying god and he is right now demanding worship like
never before for two reasons. #1, It allows him to better mock the Lord that
created all that is seen, and this includes himself. #2, It allows him the
chance to put on a fictional show of strength so as to ensnare billions in fear
who refuse to read Bibles so as to have eyes that see the dangers of what his long
prophesied main man in Rome is doing right now.
Please pray for all that are being swept into this worldwide
deception. We should even pray for the Pope that he actually repents and becomes
a Christian before the one who truly started the Christian faith returns to put
an end to all this folderol.
Secret Service agents: Pope's life at risk in U.S.
"Members of the president’s Secret Service detail have
confided to WND concern that they cannot adequately protect Pope Francis in the
United States under current plans that include allowing the pope to ride through
crowds next week in Washington and New York in an open vehicle. ...There is no
person in the world with a higher threat profile than the pope,” he said. “If
Vatican security insists on the pope riding through crowds in an open Popemobile
with minimal security presence running alongside, the Secret Service concern is
Sounds like a setup to me. What I mean is, this Pope is a Jesuit,
therefore craftiness and deception are part of his resume, else he would never
be allowed to be a Jesuit let alone a Pope. That all
being said, how many times has this Pope claimed to "prophesy" about his early
demise? Could it be they plan to fake his death so as to catapult him to
sainthood along with all that he tried to do for the homosexuals and other sin
sick souls in need of salvation and not coddling the last few years? Time will
tell. In any event, there's no sin in praying for this man to not only be saved,
but protected from an early death that will prevent his repentance.
to open Islamic law center "Saleh Abdullah Kamel, a Saudi banker who is now worth
billions of dollars thanks to his success with Sharia-compliant financing, has
donated $10 million to Yale University as part of a successful effort to build
an Islamic Law Center at the Ivy League school. ...Noticeably left out of the
press release is the fact that Mr. Kamel’s Dallah Al Baraka Group, for which he
is the Chief Executive, has been investigated by U.S.
officials for bankrolling al-Qaeda’s operations worldwide. Moreover, the bank
was founded by former al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden along with a group of
Sudanese jihadists, the State Department has alleged, according to
the Wall Street Journal."
Students of prophecy have been declaring for well over a
century that Rome will do all it can to control the world so as to have the
power to enforce her mark. Problem is, they are so bloodthirsty that they still
want to do exact as prophecy says even though they know it exposes them in doing
so. I am of course speaking about how prophecy says many will be beheaded that
refuse the mark of the Vatican. We already know there are over 30,000
guillotines in America right now. We also know the Vatican wrote
the Koran before Mohammed was even born, we also know Muslims have
left Islam to become Catholic because the Koran promotes Catholic dogma, and
we also know the bloodthirstiness of Rome is part of the character of Islam and
rightly so seeing how they not only openly salute
Rome, they have beheaded so many Christians already it's hard to keep count.
At an average of 200,000 killed a year by Vatican controlled
Muslims, it has to be in the millions by now. But, their lust for blood
dictates they have yet to be able to do so in the Western world as well.
However, due to our inherent "civilized" ways, (eh hem) Rome has hit a bump in
the road. They can easily go from house to house in 3rd world countries
slaughtering Christians in the name of Allah, but they cannot do so in America
or Europe.
Sharia Law
Do you recall those videos I did on "Sharia Law coming to America" not too long ago? This is
something we can see coming because obedience to God allows our eyes to be
opened a tad more than most. We already know Sharia law has been "allowed" a
voice in some courtrooms in America already. But it's voice is but a whisper and
Rome knows it. So, of course the one University in America that is known for its
"Skull & Bones" secret society (which Rome
inspired) they are now going to allow for Sharia law to be taught at Yale so
as to build up a foundation for Sharia Law in all American courtrooms. As I've
been saying for decades this is the only way Rome will be able to do as prophecy
says they lust after. They want to literally behead Christians that refuse to
bow to Rome's version of the up and coming global, or "universal" religion, but
they cannot do so while keeping the Pope's "moral" card in play. So, their dying
god (satan) moved them centuries ago to create a religion they can effectively
hide behind to kill those Christians while at the same time presenting a moral
front for all those supporting their political agenda. It worked for quite a
while when Rome did the exact same thing with Roman Catholic
Emperor Adolph Hitler, and it will work just as well today. Even better now
that they have most politicians in their "Hate Jesus" camp
already on the books.
The "Universal" movement of Rome to bring all churches under
one roof was prophesied and is already fulfilled. Although most still can't see
it. No matter, it's not like they need to see it anyway. What the blind need to
see first is the Light from Heaven that point to Jesus as Saviour. Once there,
He lights up their path just enough for them to see what they need to see to get
ready for His return.
And yes, the Latin word "Catholic" is in fact translated as
"Universal" in English. And yes, the "Universal" Studios in Hollywood are very
aware of that linguistic fact. That is why they prefer the "English: version of
that term.
VIDEO: For GOP candidates, better to be with pope than against him
"To some Republican presidential candidates,
it's better to be with the popular pope than against him. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul
and Ted Cruz have deep policy differences with Pope Francis, but the senators
will break off campaign travel to attend his address to Congress later this
month, a centerpiece of his eagerly anticipated visit to the United
Truth is, they better attend that meeting or
they won't have a chance in the next election. The Pope is the father of
politics as it was Rome that perfected the art of politics. Yes, it was
apparent Solomon should never have dabbled in politics in his day for in so
doing it brought the nation itself into apostasy. Still, it was Rome that
perfected the art of political science as it was satan who first introduced it
and Rome was more than willing to run with it. Being Pagans
as were Solomon's "friends" they were already in bed with the devil himself
anyway. And so, this is why Rome has the power it was prophesied to have again
today. Short lived, yes. But powerful nonetheless.
Seeing how the Republican, Democratic
and Independent parties are all about money, they will most assuredly bow to any
political entity that has the ear of billions of voters which confirms he has
the political power that nary a soul on earth can ignore. So it is a no-brainer
why we see Vatican sins and lustful desires appearing in American politics. And
yes I am talking about everything from legalization of homosexual marriage to even the legalization
of alcohol in the old days. Wherever Rome rears its ugly little horn
one can expect society to become that much worse. And so again, it's as I have
said for decades; if you want to have a career in politics you would do well to
grease the palms of Rome and better yet, convert to Catholicism as Tony Blaire
and Jeb Bush have recently done so as to assure political power for life. Or at
least until Rome no longer needs them, as prophetic and
historic record confirms is part of their modus operandi.
One more thing. As we can see now how the
"mortal wound
is healed" one must understand that the Pope, be it this one of the next,
(if there is another) will become a very popular and very "loved" individual.
Watch how Satan moves his hand upon the Pope in the coming days to act as if he
is reforming politics, society and even the church itself. I say this because as
I've been saying for years, (since Reagan's second term) that all presidents,
as well as high ranking cabinet officials, are going to become more and more
evil so as to cause the American people to demand change. The Pope will
eventually swoop in to save the day with numerous "suggestions" (that have been
agreed upon years earlier at Vatican meetings) that are designed to not only
make society "appear" better, they will make the people believe it's all due to
the Pope's amazing and wonderful efforts to help humanity. And then, as the
calamities get worse and the loud cry gets louder, the "dead" popes that
have been canonized will then be allowed to speak from the grave as if they are
saints with special messages from heaven. I have no doubt in my mind that this
is why Pope John
Paul II was canonized so quickly. His Dios Domini
wherein he demand "Sunday Laws" will be promoted as a "heavenly message from
Saint John Paul II" and the people will bow to him thanks to the so called
"loving acts" of the popular Pope of the day.
That being said.. why wait to prepare for
that day when you have ample time to do so now?
About 500,000 refugees could be helped by Pope Francis' proposal "no comments posted to video"
What many need to realize here is that the Pope is a
political leader. Better yet, he is a political monster. All Popes, and especially this
one, have done more in the political arena than in the church. The only time
we see this Pope speak is when it grants him and his loyal prelates in Rome
political benefits. He speaks in a pro-homosexual tone because 98% of the priests in the Vatican are homosexual. There are Roman Catholic activists working worldwide to bring about
legalized pedophilia because the Pope and most of the priests molest
children and legalizing pedophilia will makes things much easier for them. This
Pope also speaks on allowing women to be forgiven for abortions (including some
they do tomorrow) because his church hospitals abort babies. And he commands his many schools to teach Islam and declare Allah
is God because he has finally been able to build up the nation of Islam into a
viable power that kills Christians for him. And yes, they had plans to do this
for quite some time. Notice the following historic excerpt.
When speaking of the throne of
the Pope, it says the following on record: "When the French soldiers
under General Bonaparte took possession of Rome, they found on the back of it,
(the Pope’s throne) in Arabic, this well-known sentence from the Koran,
"There is no God but Allah, and Mahomet is His Prophet" -The Two Babylons, you will find the
following on Page 213 in Chapter 6, Religious Orders, Section L.
(For more info on the Pope & Islam, click here)
But does the Pope read the Bible?
No, this Pope as well as every Pope before him have made
comments that even babes in Christ can use to declare none of the Popes read
Bibles. However, they do say in writing how much they hate Bibles. The only
time they do read Scripture is during the blasphemy of the Mass or when the
prelates build a doctrine using twisted Scripture that he must "imprimatur" so
as to seal it as Vatican dogma. But his recent statements about divorce,
abortion, homosexuality, and even allowing his prelates to declare Harry Potter is a
"Christlike figure" confirms he does not read a Bible.
So what's up with the refugees?
Have you noticed how "all the world
wonders after the Pope?" Did you see my video
wherein I show the prophecy about the wound being healed has come and gone?
The Pope and his cronies in American media have created a political monster that
they can use to manipulate everything from legislation to societal morality. And
both in a very hellish manner to boot. That being said, they must make the Pope
appear as godly as possible so as to get the last few lukewarm Christians into
their camp. Hence the reason John Paul II was declared a saint only a few years
after he died. That is of course besides the fact that the Bible says you are a
saint when your ALIVE. But then, he doesn't read Bibles anyway and so neither
will those under him that echo his words worldwide. John Paul II can
now "speak from Heaven" in the coming days as a saint and I am sure they will
use his demand for Sunday Laws in his 1998 Dios Domini
as a "command from heaven." But the main reason I posted this article is to
declare one thing I see in this refugee fiasco.
That being...
Not too many years ago the Pope called a meeting of al CEO's
(I cover that
meeting here) and then he called a meeting of all politicians (I cover that
meeting and more here) wherein he not only commanded them to follow his
global lead (or die) he also handed them a Vatican playbook. We happen to be on
the pages wherein the politicians of all the countries "in certain areas" have
agreed at that meeting to cause immigration issues by opening borders, starting
wars, and even persecuting Christians all over the world. That way, when it's
gotten so crazy and so out of hand the Pope can then swoop in with the most
loving smile he can muster ear to ear to save the day. That is what he's
starting to do right now and will be even more graphic in this act in the coming
months. Prophecy says all the world will love and follow him, and so they
will. It's nothing more than a political game of chess wherein the human race
have become the pawns of Satan. But.. not for long. There are only a few game
pieces left on the board. Soon the King of kings and Lord of lord will stand
victorious and we will be on our way home. Maranatha!
Leaders Declare Reunification of Churches Under
the Holy See "Following more than five hundred years of
separation, American and European Protestant leaders met with Pope Francis last
week to finalize the reunification of the two churches under the Holy See. The
historic agreement is the result of a year’s worth of unpublicized talks between
Protestant leaders and the Vatican. Prominent American pastors Joel Osteen and
Rick Warren, respectively, as well as Justin Welby, the Archbishop of
Canterbury, were among the Protestant delegation that met with Pope Francis
last week. Pastor Warren, founder of Saddleback Church in Lake
Forest, California, spoke with members of the international press in St. Peter’s
Square, saying, “Protestants, as a people, have a long history of heresy. The
time for reconciliation is now in order to ensure a full and dogmatic transition
into the folds of the Church."
I did a video back in February of 2014 wherein Kenneth Copeland and a few thousand of his loyal
preachertainers declared on camera after meeting with the Pope that "we are all
Catholic," and the "protest of Luther was over." Luther's theses
had 95 points in it and Copeland, the Pope, his mouthpiece Tony Palmer and
thousands of their loyal cohorts declared the protest was over on ONE single
solitary point yet ignored the other 94 points in that theses. Reason being is,
there is no way to refute truth that exposed Roman dogma as being evil. Yes, the
Vatican claims the Protestants embraced heresy, but the true Protestants to this
day still echo Paul when he said in Acts 24:14, "But this I confess unto thee,
that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers,
believing all things which are written in the law and in the
The man of sin in Rome will declare God's Word to be heresy,
this we know. It's natural for him to do so as he is the main puppet of the long prophesied
Antichrist. So this is nothing new and has been the case since the Vatican came
into power as a Church & State back in 538AD. It was when the Protestant
leaders began to "stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the
Roman power" that students of prophecy were watching for the last few decades
and now that so many so called Protestant leaders have done just that, we now
"know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan, and that the
end is near."
For more information on who it was that prophesied they
would do that. Click here. Now yes,
some will deny this as a prophetic statement. But then most already deny
Scriptural prophecies as bogus as well. What many fail to see is that when the
powers that be do EXACTLY as is prophesied, then the prophecy IS LEGIT! But have
you noticed? The lost of the world declare people like Pat Robertson,
Lindsey or even so called psychic Jean Dixon to be prophets even though
they were all exposed dozens of times as false prophets by making predictions in
writing that simply never came to be. But when people of the Bible prophesy, and
that which they declare comes to fruition just as the Lord declares, no one
trusts them? So be it.. that too was prophesied. For it was written in Isaiah
30:9-10, "That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will
not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the
prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things,
prophesy deceits:"
Pope to use Lincoln's Gettysburg lectern
"When Pope Francis speaks outside Philadelphia's
Independence Hall in September, he will stand at the same lectern that President
Abraham Lincoln used to deliver the Gettysburg Address. Later this month,
conservators will remove the lectern from its display space at The Union League
of Philadelphia to prepare it for the pontiff's speech. ...His (Lincoln's)
two-minute address became one of the most famous speeches in American history.
It ended with Lincoln's resolution that "this nation, under God, shall have a
new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the
people, shall not perish from the earth.""
Why do that you ask? Most seeing all this won't see anything
odd or strange about that at all in today's world and especially if they have
been educated in an American School, wherein all history books have been
re-written so as to indoctrinate the kids towards Rome's way of thinking for the
sole purpose of cultivating a society wherein Rome rules, all forms of sex is
normal, everything from drugs and alcohol is to be considered acceptable play
time activity and God is nothing more than the individual's own private opinion
which by the way must be kept completely to one's self.
However, if you've been homeschooled you may have already
discovered that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits
of the Roman Catholic church so as to bolster their
political positioning in America during an intense anti-Catholic time in our
history. And rightly so, for all the pilgrims in this land knew all too well
about the blood
lust of the Popes. That is why they came to this land and set up the "home
of the free and land of the brave." But as prophecy predicted, Rome's
dying god was to infiltrate this land as well as its churches to destroy it from
So, why is the Pope using Lincoln's
For a Jesuit Pope to be using his lectern is a bold
declaration that their god (Satan) was successful in doing as he planned in this
nation. Yes, he may have won the battle with Lincoln, but the war has already
been won by Jesus Christ. The fact the devil can't even avoid the prophetic eye
of our eternal God wherein he is forced to do as prophecy predicts because our
God sees the end from the beginning confirms our God is an awesome
A little known Historic
"If the American people could learn what I
know of the fierce hatred of the priests of Rome against our institutions, our
schools, our most sacred rights, and our so dearly bought liberties, they would
drive them out as traitors." -J.D. Williams Pittsburg, PA, June 17,
Walsh: ‘This is history here in Vatican’ "Boston Mayor Martin
J. Walsh, who was one of 35 mayors to travel to
Rome, was awestruck after his meeting with Pope Francis yesterday, telling
Boston Herald Radio’s Tyler Sullivan on “Fargo Street” that he had an
“incredible opportunity” to hear the pontiff discuss human trafficking and
global warming. In Walsh’s own words, he describes the experience: “It’s hard to
put in words. You know, when the pope came in the room, everyone just clapped to
him walking in. And then after a few seconds, complete silence. And I think
everyone was in awe of the pope and, you know, and seeing the pope."
First and foremost, why are United States city
Mayors meeting with the Pope? Do you study prophecy? Do you know what time it
is? No? Okay.. to quickly summarize, they were hand-picked (all 35 of them)
because the Vatican assumes these mayors will (obey) have meetings all over the
USA via teleconferencing or even face to face regarding the Vatican's
long prophesied agenda regarding climate change that will of course allow
them to control all nations (city by city) so as to be able to enforce the mark of the
beast. The testing grounds (and first to
implement the mark) is obviously the USA. Reason being is of course our
superior technology (already in place) that will be used to try (I emphasize the
word "try" here) and stop the Loud Cry prophecy says will go forth that not only exposes
the man of sin
in Rome, it alerts the masses as to what the mark of the beast really is.
Seeing how Rome knows what the Lord plans to do
in the coming days, because they do hear our message just as much as anyone else
does; they need to have everything set in place to try and prevent the majority
from hearing the truth we preach, just as the Philistines did with Goliath so as
to assume (foolishly of course) that they will be able to prevent (or at least
slow) the prophesied Loud Cry from doing what they know it will do.
So.. why were they clapping?
That's easy.. it has to do with what Revelation 13:3-4 prophesied 2000 years ago. It said, "And I saw one
of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and
all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the
dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying,
Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with
All throughout history the Roman Catholic church has
appealed to the masses merely because sin is very appealing to the lost who
think if they just "say" they know Jesus they will gain Heaven. (See Isaiah
4:1) Most will say that Rome must be the true church because of its immense
size. But looking to Scripture, one can see that size is a true giveaway that it
is the prophesied evil church most "wonder after" in the last days.
Case in point, ALL the world thought Noah and his family were wrong about the
coming flood and end of the world. Only 8 people on the planet were walking with
God at that time. As always, the majority on this dying world is to be those
that are friends with the World. And so when one of them stand on top of the
world as a leader in worldliness, as all the Popes have done, most will "wonder
after him" as the Lord said they would.
Pope Francis ignites a revolt that will overthrow American capitalism
"Pope Francis is the only real political leader that matters
this year. Forget the rest. Here’s why: Pope Francis is not just leading a
“Second American Revolution,” he is rallying people across the Earth, middle
class as well as poor, inciting billions to rise up in a global economic
revolution, one that could suddenly sweep the planet, like the 1789 French
storming the Bastille. ...as Pope Francis’ revolution accelerates, as his
relentless socialist message of sacred rights for all people makes clear. Why?
Our mutating capitalist elite have triggered a massive backlash, a “profound
human crisis, the denial of the primacy of the human person. The worship of the
ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of
It's nice to see that some in the world see what
students of
prophecy have seen for decades. Yes, I understand completely that most can't
see what we see because of their disobedience and therefore lack of wisdom
that is only granted to those that stay in the Word of God. (See Romans 10:17)
Today's society is such that it's too inconvenient for
some Christians to read Bibles when they have pastors that assume are supposed
to do that for them. Which is of course insane. Any Berean can tell you that.
But as I stated in a video I just posted, the government
pastors have stopped reading those Bibles as well. Still, why
some Christians think they don't have to read Bibles is not something one can
easily explain. But then, the means by which Satan moves within the hearts of
his pawns is not something one can easily list in a few comments on a
blog. In fact, a few years in obedient daily Bible study is usually the
means by which the Holy Spirit educates us on how to identify all the darts
Satan uses to get permission to move into the lives of God's people.
In any event, we have been preaching for decades
that the Vatican will move the governments of the world towards a
Socialistic format, and first they would have to implement their plans in
the United States because unless they do so their long prophesied
enforcement of the mark will have to be tabled for a few more decades.
Seeing how all the technology needed to bring that prophecy to fruition is in
place today, one has to expect the now revealed
man of sin is going to strike when the iron is hot. And that is "one" of the
main reasons the Pope is planning to speak before the United States Congress in
September of this year.
That all being said, Are you ready? ARE YOU
Pope rips unbridled capitalism, 'idolatry of money'
"Pope Francis appealed to world leaders on Saturday to seek
a new economic model to help the poor, and to shun policies that "sacrifice
human lives on the altar of money and profit. ...Putting bread on the table,
putting a roof over the heads of one's children, giving them health and an
education, these are essential for human dignity,"
That's all well and good, and it's actually
what many nations are in fact doing, EXCEPT the Vatican! When was the last time
you heard of a Pope selling one marble statue, ancient painting or solid gold icon to feed the poor? If the Pope was to sell one
or two paintings, statues or icons a year he would be able to feed all the poor
around the world for an entire year.
This Pope, more than most, is actually a
hypocrite. And lying doesn't seem to be very high on his list of moral no no's.
He has
been lying about climate change, lying about what the Bible says about
celibacy, he lies about homosexual marriage and he even lies about what the Bible says about heterosexual marriage and the
divorce of same. So lying about his
reasons for a socialistic form of government for his new world
order is par for the course. Like Obama, he is a
politician and like all politicians he will lie to better his agenda
politically. This is his fruit and this is prophesied as the absolute
nature of the man of sin.
Yes, some say I am a bit too blunt when I
speak of these corrupt leaders in the church and in government. But they have
been approached hundreds of times by preachers with good intentions for decades
and it goes in one ear and out the other. So it has become quite apparent the
soft approach doesn't work for them. Sadly, neither does the strong approach. So
the best avenue that I have found always works best no matter what they do is to
keep it real. Did Jesus beat around the bush when He called them hypocrites? No.
And why not? Truth is truth and in some cases it has to be said and quite often
that truth angers some people no matter how much you sugarcoat it. One can only
hope it leads some to repentance as it did Solomon in his later
That being said, the answer is yes. You can
and should pray for these men in political power no matter how evil they
may appear to be. We do not have the ability to see or even judge their hearts
to know if they have become reprobate. Only God can read the heart. So again,
pray for them. They may actually repent and make it home to surprise many of us
in New Jerusalem. Wouldn't that be nice? :)
Pope says it can be 'morally necessary' for couples to split
Francis said on Wednesday that it may be acceptable
or even "morally necessary" for married couples to split up if they are at war
with each other. The head of the Roman Catholic Church, an organisation which
has traditionally been implacably opposed to divorce, said there was even
greater justification for separation in cases where the wife was being abused by
her husband. ...The Jesuit pope acknowledged that separation and divorce had
created many “so-called irregular families, even if I don’t like this word”.
...The Pope has shown a more inclusive, compassionate approach to issues such as
divorce and homosexuality since being elected two years ago, though he has
stopped short of introducing any doctrinal changes."
This poor deceived soul has attacked the Word of God
non-stop since stepping up to his admitted "god on
earth" throne 2 years ago. But then, that has been par for the course of
every Pope seeing how their statements confirm clearly they either don't read
the Bible or they hate it with a passion. Sadly, their well historic comments
confirm the latter to be the case. In fact, his office has stated quite often in
writing the Bible is useless. In fact, one of his predecessors stated long ago
that the Bible is "a poisoner of souls." Another called it a "dead and
speechless book," and another stated it was "not intended to be a textbook for
the Christian religion." (see all those quotes and more here) So of
course he is going to echo their exact same sentiments as much as possible. Just
sitting in the office of Pope blasphemes the Author of the Bible, so of course
he's going to have issues with it. So... when it comes to marriage, this has
always been Rome's #1 target.
How so?
All priests must remain celibate. (unmarried) All nuns must
remain celibate. This Pope has declared his approval of
homosexual marriage as a cardinal in Argentina and quite recently
as a Pope in Rome. And now he has once again spit upon the Word of God by
targeting marriage by declaring it is perfectly acceptable to divorce your
spouse even if they haven't committed adultery as the Bible clearly says is the
only way out of the marriage while both spouses are still alive.
Now I do understand that some spouses are abused verbally
and some physically in marriage. But even here divorce is not permitted.
However, one can separate from the abusive spouse so as to protect themselves
and/or the children. But when separated they must not seek another to take the
offending spouse's place. To do so would entail committing adultery.
Pope apologizes for past sins of Christians
"Pope Francis asked forgiveness for the sins of the colonizers
of America which were committed "in the name of God."
It must be understood that first and foremost, Christians
never committed the sins this Pope and his predecessors have supposedly
apologized for. It was Roman Catholic prelates and Roman Catholic civil
authorities that killed those Christians, Jews, and nonbelievers to the tune of
over 500,000,000 dead. The only reason
this Jesuit Pope is
echoing the "mea culpa" of Pope John Paul II is because #1, it allows him to
proclaim on camera that Pope John Paul II is now to be considered a saint, and
#2, it allows him to uplift the statements of John Paul II who is anything but a
saint (see mountain of proof here) as if he is a
heavenly being with powers from on high so as to declare wonderful truths all
the world must now trust, obey and bow to. This is why I have stated many years
ago, and during Pope John Paul II's pontificate many times that I believe he is
the end time pope. No, I am not saying I see him "resurrected" to become
"THE" Antichrist as some false prophets have been caught red handed doing
recently; what I am saying is, what this man did and
what this man placed in writing WILL be used by the Pope of the day to enforce
the mark of the beast. But only after the
Vatican popularizes this evil man they call a saint to such a frenzied position
that all the worldly will wonder after this beast in Rome without question just
as prophesied. That will make their next and final step that much easier.
Why do I see and say this?
Right now we see this Jesuit Pope declaring the man (John Paul II) who sold Zyclon gas to the Nazis to kill
Christians and Jews is now a saint on camera. He is
also echoing the written words of this evil war criminal from his infamous and
long prophesied document titled, "dios domini" that was penned in July of
1998 which was partially shared during his mea culpa back in March of 2000 so as to
further declare this evil man as especially blessed and insightful so that
whatever he says must be followed religiously by the masses in agreement with
the Vatican, which is actually ALL the 501c3 churches as of June 26, 2000 when the United Religions Initiative was
ratified. Why uplift John Paul II's words as if they
are saintly you ask? It has to do with them having the power needed over the
people when they enforce the mark of the beast. Pope John Paul II literally said
the following words in his Dios Domini...
""Christians will naturally strive to ensure that
"civil legislation" respects their
duty to keep Sunday
holy." -Section 67, "Dies Domini", July 7,
Those words will be used by the Pope of the day when that
mark is enforced. This is why they canonized this man as a saint o as to have
the "spiritual" leverage needed over the weaker masses that need a "word from
Heaven" that this is God's will when it comes to Sunday Laws
that are being advertised (at that time) as a way to stop the calamities
happening all over the world. Of course students of prophecy know they won't be
seeking to enforce those laws for that reason at all. The real reason is to try
and shut up the soon to swell up Loud Cry coming from the lips of God's obedient
remnant that's emptying their pews; but it is then they will be fighting
against God and we all know how that will end. In fact we have God's Word on
that! His hand will move just as Psalms 119:126 declares for, "It is time for
thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law."
By the way, it was prophesied the Popes of Rome would apologize so as to make themselves and their heresies more popular in the end
with the well-conditioned sheeple of the world. THAT not only started 15 years
ago with that mea culpa of John Paul II, it has been exemplified this very day
as expected!
Pope's science advisor is a Pagan
"St. Francis of Assisi’s hymn Laudato Si’ spoke of “Brothers” Sun and
Fire and “Sisters” Moon and Water, using these colorful phrases figuratively, as
a way of praising God’s creation. These sentimental words so touched Pope
Francis that he named his encyclical after this canticle... Neither Pope Francis
nor St. Francis took the words literally, of course. Neither believed that fire
was alive and could be talked to or reasoned with or, worse, worshiped. Strange,
then, that a self-professed atheist and scientific advisor to the Vatican named
Hans Schellnhuber appears to believe in a Mother Earth."
The author of the article obviously doesn't know anything
about Catholicism to think that this Pope didn't actually declare Catholics
should worship the Sun, moon, fire and water. In fact, the prelates in the
Vatican that elect the Popes have stated the following for centuries.
"It is interesting to note how often our Church
has availed herself of practices which were in common use among pagans...Thus it
is true, in a certain sense, that some Catholic rites and ceremonies are a
reproduction of those of pagan creeds...." (The Externals of the Catholic Church, Her Government, Ceremonies,
Festivals, Sacramentals and Devotions, by John F. Sullivan, p 156, published by
P.J. Kennedy, NY, 1942)
"It has often been charged... that Catholicism is
overlaid with many pagan incrustations. Catholicism is ready to accept that
accusation - and even to make it her boast... the great god Pan is
not really dead, he is baptized" -The Story of Catholicism p
Cardinal Newman admits in his book that; the "The use of
temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions
with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on
recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons, use of
calendars, processions, blessings on the fields; sacerdotal vestments, the
tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date,
perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison [Note 17],
are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church.
{374}" -An Essay on The Development of the Christian Doctrine John Henry
"Cardinal Newman" p.359
The penetration of the religion of Babylon became so general
and well known that Rome was called the "New Babylon." -Faith of our
fathers 1917 ed. Cardinal Gibbons, p. 106
"In order to attach to Christianity great attraction in the
eyes of the nobility, the priests adopted the outer garments and adornments
which were used in pagan cults." -Life of Constantine, Eusabius, cited in
Altai-Nimalaya, p. 94
"The Church did everything it could to stamp out such
'pagan' rites, but had to capitualet and allow the rites to continue with
only the name of the local diety changed to some Christian saint's name."
-Religious Tradition and Myth. Dr. Edwin Goodenough, Professor of Religion,
Harvard University. p. 56, 57
In Stanley's History, page 40: "The popes filled the
place of the vacant emperors at Rome, inheriting their power, their prestige,
and their titles from PAGANISM."
Amazing isn't it? Authors of articles all over the world
don't know the first thing about doing research before making comments those of
us that do the research can easily expose as being uneducated as well as bold
faced lies. These are the last days and in these days we must understand that Satan
(the father of lies) knows his time is short. Being as such, he needs to pull
out all the big guns, move his generals of sin into position, and even make his
native tongue (lies) to become the norm on the lips of billions. This is why I
have been saying for many years that we are in the age of lying. And yes, that
is the FINAL age. We have God's Word on that!
Francis: It is a scandal that some Christians behave like pagans
"They go to Mass on Sunday but do not live like Christians,"
the Pope said at Santa Marta.
Oh wow, where do I start? This man has to be without a doubt
the most evil man alive. He stands before the people claiming to be the leader
of the Christian church while wearing the Pagan headdress of Dagon worshipping
on the Pagan sabbath of Sunday as well as wearing the scarlet robes of the Pagan
literally covered head to toe and even down to his undergarments in Pagan
symbolism and he says it's a scandal to go to church on Sunday while living as a
Pagan? The man
Mr Bergoglio, (aka Pope Francis) besides the Pagan clothing
and Pagan sabbath, your official Papal title is derived from Pagan deities. Just
to name a few, and this is only scratching the surface of Paganism that is
taught by the Roman Catholic church, how can you claim to be a Christian while
teaching your flock that the birth of the lesser Pagan Sun god 'Tammuz' on
December 25 is the birthday of Jesus the Christ? Every true Pagan on earth today
knows that's the date of the Winter Solstice, Saturnalia or Brumelia as the
Pagans of old (and today) call it. Why is it you also celebrate the Pagan's
midsummer festival on June 24 claiming it's the nativity of the apostle John? Or
how about the fact you call Mary the mother of Jesus Christ the "Queen of
Heaven" when every Pagan, and even every Bible reader knows that's the title of
their Pagan goddess? (See Jeremiah 7:18) You even decorate small cakes and buns
with Pagan symbols on them (hot cross buns) as do the Pagans did as an offering
to that queen. (See Jeremiah 44:17,19)
What about the Pagan 40 days of fasting for Tammuz that
Pagans have done for eons (See Ezekiel :14) that you now call the Catholic
season of Lent? Better yet, what of the blasphemous festival of Easter that
Pagans still embrace today, as well as in Bible times. (See Ezekiel 8:16) You
are aware that this is why the festival of Easter is always on a different date
each year? How can Easter have anything to do with the death and resurrection of
our King, Commander and Saviour when He did what He did for us on a specific
date that never changes? For those reading that didn't know about this. Ask a
Pagan priest or a Roman Catholic priest why the date for Easter changes each
year and they will both tell you the exact same thing. The date for Easter is
calculated by the Pagan worship of the moon. When the first full moon of Spring
appears, the following Sunday is declared Easter unto Baal. In other words,
Easter is all about the worship of the Sun, moon and stars and not the Creator
of the Sun, moon and stars! Mr Bergoglio, you even command your flock to
venerate graven images (statues) throughout the streets on "holy week" just as
the Pagans of old did to venerate Tammuz.
There's more?
What about the doctrines of the Pagans that are not
found anywhere in the Christian Bible that declare eternal life in hellfire,
purgatory, dead visiting the living on "All souls day," (November 1) repetitive
prayers on beaded prayer chains, Gregorian chants, the burning of incense and
candles, (See Jeremiah 11:17 & Ezekiel 8:11) the signs and symbol of a Pagan
cross, the many symbols of the Sun on wafers, cakes, clothing, churches and
Pagan businesses, amulets and idols that are designed to protect the faithful.
(They now call them crucifixes, medals, relics and scapulars) What about the
Pagan christening of babies with sprinkling of water you now call infant
baptism? You are aware the Pagans talk to their dead loved ones in prayer right?
Of course you do, because Catholicism teaches the people to pray to their fellow
man in "prayers to the saints." What about the first day of the week that was
made sacred so as to honor the Pagan Sun god Mithra and therefore declared
"SUNday" which you now call the Christian Sabbath? Pagans used to declare Janus
and Cybele had the "keys to Heaven and Hell." But you and all your
predecessors teach that you and Peter have those keys now. You even place those
very same keys upon your Vatican flag and crest for all the world to
Not done yet!
The Pagan high priest of old (and today) was considered to
be the incarnate of the Sun god. Do you not declare yourself "another god on
earth" in dozens of documents, and do you not demand all bow before you in
worship as well as call you "Holy Father?" In case you didn't know, that title
was given ONLY to the true God of Heaven and only found one time in Christian
Bible as a title Jesus gave unto His Father while in prayer. (See John 17:11)
Did not the Pagans of old carry their high priest on a throne to the temple of
his favorite god just as your prelates in the Vatican do for you and your
predecessors before many cameras? Did not the Pagan's of old house prostitutes
in special houses for the priests that weren't homosexual with tunnels leading
to their beds just as your many Convents house nuns to this day? The Pagans of
old declared gold to be the flesh of the Sun god just as you now declare that
same gold to be the flesh of Christ in many gold statues in the Vatican and many
cathedrals. Pagans also had gargoyles atop their churches to "protect" them just
as you have on the Vatican and thousands of cathedrals all over the
(taking a breather)
Ok.. I just noticed I went a bit far, BUT.. I have a literal
ton more on this well researched fact that Pope Francis like any other Pope,
Cardinal, Bishop, Priest or Nun are all card carrying Pagans located here. But I would like to share
one more thing that proves hands down Mr Bergoglio is a bold faced liar. His
very own church prelates stated the following not too many years ago.
Cardinal Newman admits in his book that; the "The use of
temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions
with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on
recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons, use of
calendars, processions, blessings on the fields; sacerdotal vestments, the
tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date,
perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan
origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the
Church. {374}" -An Essay on The Development of the Christian
Doctrine John Henry "Cardinal Newman" p.359
Now do you see why they censor my website as well as shut
down websites like mine all over the world? There's just too much information
out there to prove that EVERY prophecy that has ever been uttered in the
Scriptures that speak of Antichrist and his agenda have ALL BEEN FUFLILLED BY
Pope slammed as 'scary,' 'out there' on genuine faith
"A man of religion, the vicar of Christ, seems to have
fallen in with the communist way of doing things,” Limbaugh said on his national broadcast
Wednesday, “controlling mankind through command-and-control governments backed
by police or military power. This is what the pope is essentially calling for.
The problem is, human beings suffer under collectivist or communist regimes.
They do not prosper. That’s the history of the world. The history of humanity is
tyranny, and the people who live in tyranny do not prosper, by definition.
...The pontiff said if Christians don’t dig deep and generously open up their
wallets, they do not have “genuine faith.” “I’ve not heard this before,” said
Limbaugh of the pope’s comments. “So people’s faith in God, religious faith is
now, according to the vicar of Christ, directly related to how wide open their
wallets are. ...Limbaugh explained that every bit of the pope’s mantra is
related to man-made climate change. “I predicted that militant environmentalism
will become the new home of communists, and it has,” he said. “Now, the pope
seems to have fallen for this.”"
What Limbaugh fails to see here is, with all his knowledge,
all his political insight, and all his power to decipher the right from the
wrong (as it pertains to his own political definitions) he should have at least
added to his library of books the Christian Bible, of which we see that not only
was this prophesied regarding the Pope's
bold desire for a Socialist format for government, it's what historic and
prophetic record has shown to be the end result of Beelzebub taking over the
powers that be in any given generation so as to prevent mankind from prospering
because we all know how easily money and power can be wielded to fog the brains
of leaders to the point that they want it all no matter what it costs to the
people they take it from.
Mr Limbaugh is however starting to see the obvious picture
in all this. As I am sure many others are as well. Hence the reason
forRevelation 17:16 being penned. One can only hope many
more will jump on this bandwagon of common sense in the coming days. However, I
do fear for Limbaugh in that, if his comments do cause some to see the truth
behind the present Pope's actions, one can only wonder what will happen next.
Only two scenarios are possible here. Limbaugh is approached by the bloodthirsty
Jesuits of Rome and then agrees to clam up as did all the 501c3 preachers
that used to expose the Popes of Rome. (including the
SDA church) Or, he stands his ground and ends up in grave danger of being
killed by those Jesuits who
admit in writing is their duty to the Pope, who now happens to be a
Jesuit himself. In any event, two things need to be seriously considered
#1, We need to pray for Rush Limbaugh that
the Lord keeps him safe from Rome.
#2, Mr Limbaugh needs to take a few hours
to peruse the articles posted on this page as soon as he can.
Truth is, both things need to be done here. And Mr Limbaugh,
if you get wind of this post, and you do finally do check into the articles on
that page I have linked out above, you will find that the Pope did not "fall for
this" communist militant environmentalism as you assume. His predecessors
invented it. He is merely running with it.
Pope Francis calls Abbas 'angel of peace'
"Francis made the compliment during the traditional exchange of gifts
at the end of an official audience in the Apostolic Palace. He presented Abbas
with a medallion and explained that it represented the angel of peace
"destroying the bad spirit of war." Francis said he thought the gift was
appropriate since "you are an angel of peace." During his 2014 visit to Israel
and the West Bank, Francis called both Abbas and Israeli President Shimon Peres
men of peace.
--This man, Mahmoud Abbas is by no means an "angel of peace." But then this is
par for the course for Rome and all those associated with them. Do you recall
when Vatican controlled US President George W. Bush (who declared
the Pope a "god" on camera) stated that "Islam is a religion of peace" back in September of 2001? Since that statement we have seen well
over three million Christians tortured and killed by devout Islamic Muslims.
(200,000+ per year)
But Bush had to make that statement so as to assure Rome's "Chrislam"
agenda with Islam would move ahead in all the churches as well as all government
schools. Seeing how they all bow to the powers that be as per their signed 501c3 documents,
they must echo whatever the Pope echoes as his office is the
one running things in DC since Reagan's second term.
Who is Mahmoud Abbas?
As we all know, Palestinians have been
attacking Jews and Christians for many years. During that time, and for at least
the last ten years, Mahmoud Abbas has been their elected president. It would be
hard to count how many soldiers on both sides of the border have died since this
man took office, but as Rome always does, because they need that region to be
under their thumb so as to plant their tabernacles deep into the soil, they must make
this crazed man, who's bio looks like a who's who in terrorist politics since
the mid-1950's, appear to be an "angel of peace."
Abbas, has also stated on record more than
once that he believes the Holocaust what invented so as to cause the Jews to
have the political might needed to create the Jewish State in Jerusalem. His
defense of Roman
Catholic Emperor Adolph Hitler is more than enough for many to realize he is
not only working with Rome today, he has been working with them for
And by the way, this is all without
mentioning the fact his sons have been exposed as "suspiciously wealthy" by many
movers and shakers on the other side of the fence as well as some of their own
countrymen in recent days. The apple of political corruption certainly hasn't
fallen far from this man's tree and if he is allowed to be further uplifted, his
sons will no doubt follow in his footsteps.
So again.. when the present Jesuit Pope, or
anyone under his thumb says "peace & safety" they really mean the person
they are referring to is bloodthirsty and by no means a trustworthy human being.
At the same time; when they declare someone is violent and warlike, they are
actually someone you can trust to be the exact opposite, but being an "enemy" of
the Pope, the media will support the Pope's claims and sling as much mud as they
can at his enemy.
As repetitive both prophetic and
historic fact has shown, Rome will always gild the lily when their political
agenda demands it. In fact, this is why this Jesuit Pope just canonized two Palestinian
nuns on Sunday. (5-17-15) Coincidence? Not at all.
He just declared Abbas an 'angel of peace' before the world and so as to further
indoctrinate all looking on into agreement, the Pope canonizing nuns from
Mahmoud Abbas' nation will place the cherry on the cake. So.. even in death.. if
you know someone that Rome needs to schmooze, you can gain sainthood? Now that's
For some reason, many claiming to be
Christians have ignored this Pope's evil ways simply because he knows how to
smile for the camera as well as kiss babies like any other politician seeking
public support. This man is an avowed Jesuit assassin! Nothing more, nothing
less. To be a Jesuit you must take the oath of a Jesuit. In that oath (posted here in
its entirety) one can find the following diabolical words...
"I furthermore promise and declare that
I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or
openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do,
to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I
will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil,
flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and
wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order
to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done
openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel
of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or
authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life,
either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent
of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of
How is it everyone keeps missing the fact
this man took a vow to kill them if they refuse to be Catholic or at least agree
with political actions of the Vatican?! Prophetic fact is, many are aware of
this and soon everyone will know and Rome will burn. We have God's Word on that!
(See Revelation 18:5-9)
And now, just over two short years since
stepping up to the position of the official man of sin we
see him supposedly mending fences with Communist Cuba and the United States, he
has bolstered the agenda of the homosexual, and he has even allowed more
pedophiles to flourish in the priesthood. And now he is making nice nice with
Palestinians hell-bent on killing anyone that is a Jew or a Christian? Makes no
sense to the Bible believing God worshipping Christian, but makes all sorts of
sense to the
man called Antichrist.
Vatican recognizes 'Palestine' despite desecration of holy sites
"In a new treaty finalized Wednesday, the Vatican officially
recognized the “state of Palestine,” providing the Palestinian Authority with a
new victory in its bid to seek unilateral recognition of a state outside the
framework of talks with Israel. ...The Vatican move comes despite the PA’s
history of holy site desecration, the persecution of Christians and the
Palestinians’ failure to ensure freedom of worship in territories under its
control. The Vatican treaty governs the Roman Catholic Church in the Palestinian
territories. ...The document “aims to enhance the life and activities of the
Catholic Church and its recognition at the judicial level."
--This is par for the course in Rome. Take China for
example. Christianity is illegal there unless it's a government regulated form
of Catholicism sanctioned by Zyklon B
salesman Pope John Paul II in talks with Communist leaders in China. And so,
one can expect this to be the same format Palestinian Christians will see very
shortly in their neck of the woods. The fact the Vatican is already sidestepping
the fact Palestinians are for the most part extremely anti-Christian confirms
this to be their favorite political pool to wade in. After all, it's not like
the Vatican has ever hid their open
hatred of Christians have they? One would think most would realize that
after hearing about how the Vatican killed over 500 million Christians and then admitted of
same not too long ago. Talks of "religious freedom" will soon begin in
Palestine and like China we will soon see a form of government regulated
Catholicism as being the only "Christian" religion allowed there. And also like
in China, that prophesied act will never slow the forward progress of new
Christian converts in Palestine any more than it did in China.
And yes, this is also why we see many violent seeds of
unrest being planted all over the USA as well as talks of "religious freedom"
right here in the States. As prophesied, Rome's plan to be truly "Universal"
worldwide are right on schedule. Does that matter? Not one bit if you're an obedient
Christian. But if you're lukewarm in any way or fearful in the slightest bit
my only advice to you is that you need to repent. After you do that you need to
get into the Word of God each and every day now and you will also need to get on
your knees at least three times a day as King David and the Prophet Daniel did.
If you choose to ignore all the signs
around you about the urgency of the times we live in so as to continue pandering to
your flesh day after day, you will become one with Antichrist in
Rome and forever lost because God's Word is truth and prophecy WILL be
It is a sad but truth filled fact to report that when the
Eastern sky splits to reveal the "Kings of the East" (Revelation 16:12) most on planet Earth will declare "the
harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." -Jeremiah
My only prayer is that YOU do not echo those words at all.
In fact, my prayer is that you echo Isaiah 25:9 instead which says, "it shall be
said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save
us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in
his salvation."
Now do you see why it is called a "great and dreadful day"
in Malachi 4:5? It is great for the obedient, but dreadful for the disobedient
that will soon be those that "weeping and gnashing their teeth." -Matthew
8:12; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30 & Luke 13:28;
places Cardinal that protects molesters as protector
of minors?! "Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston has reportedly made
known to Pope Francis, in the guise of bishop accountability, the concerns of
members of the Vatican's Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors over
the pope's appointment of a Chilean bishop who has been accused of covering up
--Yes, I've posted articles like this in the past. Many
times in fact. And no I don't think it's redundant in that I do hope that some
Roman Catholics will finally wake up when reading yet another article like this.
Absolutely every generation since the church of Rome started
to gather as a church, people that have followed and even trusted these awful
child molesters have had to deal with this insanity. In fact, on the Vatican
server itself they have documented information in the Didache documents that since 60 AD
the then infant Roman Catholic church had a problem with homosexuality which we
all know eventually merges towards child molestation simply because once the
"thrill" subsides in their present perversion, they naturally seek to try
something even more perverse to regain their old thrill they once felt. Not to
mention their demon inspired lust to mock and insult the Creator that made them.
In any event, was all this prophesied? You tell me. When speaking of the future
Roman Catholic beast we see the prophet Daniel declaring the following quite
Daniel 11:37, "Neither shall he regard the God of his
fathers, nor the desire of
women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify
himself above all." (for more info on this verse, click here)
How I ask can anyone deny this prophecy fulfilled when 98% of the Roman Catholic priests in the Vatican are in fact
homosexuals. I have literally hundreds of articles on this website
alone confirming these men are in fact homosexual as well child molesters. Not
to mention of course the hundreds of thousands of articles
So, as many already guess, I must continue to post such
articles whenever they come out to prove the Pope of each generation is by no
means honest when he says he will do all he can to stop the child rapists that
to him as a god on earth. The fact the popes have been saying that since
60AD should make any honest Catholic take note that their historic and modern
day modus operandi is in fact to lie. And for those Roman
Catholics reading this, you know for a fact he is lying here now. You have no
excuse and YOU WILL answer for this if when Jesus returns He finds you still in
this church.
The Roman Catholic priesthood is the prophesied home to the
Antichrist. Absolutely every prophecy that has even been uttered in the Word of
God regarding the Antichrist have been proven to have been fulfilled by the Popes of Rome.
It's bad enough Roman Catholic people ignore their very own bibles to remain in
this church, but to ignore the cries of their own children who are being
molested and raped by these possessed men of Rome is worse than any crime I can
imagine! Those poor innocent little boys have no way out of their terror thanks
to mom and dad ignoring their horrific plight. Think about that for a moment! A
child only has two people he can trust to help and protect him. That's his mom
and dad. When they fail he is truly in a very scary place!
Jesus Christ said, "And whoso shall receive one such little
child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones
which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about
his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world
because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that
man by whom the offence cometh!" -Matthew 18:5-7
May God have mercy on the souls of those Roman Catholics
that allow this demonic activity to flourish! !
Vatican aligns with U.N. on 'world governance'
"..the Vatican’s attempt to join forces with the United Nations on the issues
of global warming and climate change as additional evidence the Vatican is
following a blueprint “for structuring the world’s political and economic
authorities into a centralized world government. He points out that Cardinal
Peter Turkson, the head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, helped
write the first draft of the pope’s encyclical and also wrote a document in 2011
on behalf of the Vatican calling for establishing a global authority to
eliminate economic inequalities and redistribute wealth.”
--This is what students of prophecy have been declaring for literally
hundreds of years now. But because most that study
prophecy and do all they can to follow the Lord, most "Christians" look at
them as fanatical, cult like and even Jesus freaks. But one good thing about
living in today's end time society is, many of the seeds those students
have planted over the years are finally being watered. It appears the one that
wrote this article may be one that has been blessed in this manner. Yes, he is
still a bit off theologically in some areas, he has made some wild claims
prophetically in the past, but he may make it all the way to truth in due time
if we lift him up in prayer.
That being said, what he's seeing here is what we have been expecting. In
fact, it has to do with those ten toes of Daniel I've been making videos about. No, I don't plan a video on
this article in that it's already known and there is no need to repeat it.
So.. I have to ask those that refuse to embrace the truth as it is known. Is
it finally sinking in? One can only hope. But it has become obvious to many as
to why there are so many bogus bibles out there. People that do read the Word in such
corrupted Bibles will often times be unable to see what those that read the
trustworthy KJV can see simply because certain verses exposing the Vatican's
plans aren't found in their Bibles.
In short, all that has been stated in prophecy regarding the Pope's New
World Order are coming to fruition on almost a daily basis now. That being
the case, are you still dragging your feet towards the cross of Christ so as to
escape damnation and be found saved from God's prophesied wrath? You know this
kinda thing concerns you right? So why put off till you're older what you have
already decided is a good thing to do today? After all, you never really know
when you're going to die. None of us do. And yes, you may look at the Christian
walk as lacking the fun things you now enjoy in sin. But absolutely every
Christian that walks with Christ today not only say they don't miss any of that,
they all wonder why they waited so long. Plus, they all can now see they CAN do
things in Christ they never could do without Him. So.. if you want to meet Him..
Pope again stokes World War III fears
"At a time when Christians worldwide are facing persecutions of historic
nature, Pope Francis, in his homily delivered Sunday at Mass in the Santa Marta
residence in Vatican City, expressed concern that “World War II is upon us” and
urged Christians to proclaim their faith fearlessly, without concern for the
consequences. ...That courage of our faith in Jesus Christ must come from the
Holy Spirit, because only God has the power to transform without instruction
simple men like Peter and John, removing their fear and imparting unto them even
the courage to proclaim their final witness to Jesus Christ, even if it meant
surrendering their lives in martyrdom."
--Keep in mind this Pope is a Jesuit who took an oath to
kill anyone, including men, women and little babies (some still in the womb)
that refuse to bow to him as the leader of Christendom, or as "God on earth" as
his office's many documented statements confirm, and at least one president
has agreed to on camera. He is not declaring Christians must "proclaim their
faith fearlessly" as he intimates here at all. In fact, this demon possessed man
is going to be just as crafty as the prophet Daniel predicted he would be so as
to garner obedience and worship.
What I mean is, the Word of God is plain. Jesus Himself said the following in
Matthew 24:15-16, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of
desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place,
(whoso readeth, let him understand) Then let them which be in Judaea flee
into the mountains:"
Students of prophecy know the "abomination of desolation" Jesus is referring
to here is in fact the Roman power that was to destroy Jerusalem 40 years after
He made this statement. (70AD) We also know that Jesus didn't say as this Pope is
saying. No, I am not saying we should not proclaim our faith. That is our duty.
And no, I am not saying we should fear the consequences because that too is our
duty as well. After all, 2 Timothy 1:7 clearly says, "For God hath not given
us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." What
I am saying is, knowing who this man is and knowing what the Bible
clearly illustrates what he represents, there are two reasons he's saying he
wants the Christians to stand and fight.
What I am saying is, as this man makes the claim that Hitler and Stalin where
monsters, what he isn't saying is his very office of Pope is what moved Hitler
to do as he did for the Pope of his day. Hitler was an
obedient Roman Catholic. But this Pope won't admit that. The fact he's sidestepping his duty to explain why his office funded
Hitler proves he must keep painting his loyal puppet (Hitler) in a negative
light. He can only use him now as a way to further the flames of confusion as
the prophet Daniel predicted all the Popes will do for Satan.
This Pope knows over 200,000 Christians are being killed every year by the very Muslims
he leads into battle against Christ. That means, he knows their numbers are
very low right now in the Middle East and so he wants them ALL DEAD so as to
prevent them praying to the God he hates! So, instead of telling them to go into
hiding as Jesus did in Matthew 24 when this Pope's predecessors went after them
back then, he is telling them to come out of hiding to proclaim their faith so
the Pope's Islamic army can find them and kill them. And no, I don't say that
lightly. This man is a killer! He took an oath to kill Christians. But
because he has used the Internet, the media and word of mouth of 1.2 billion
indoctrinated followers effectively, he has been able to CONvince the world he
is a loving and holy man everyone can follow and trust.
As I stated in a video back in January of 2014, the wound has been healed! All
we see now is a man possessed by the spirit of
the Antichrist doing all he can to destroy the Christian church in every
region he's focused on at present. His embrace of the homosexual lifestyle,
agreement with Allah, and leadership of Islam confirms this all hands down.
Bottom line... Mr and Mrs Scoffer, who would you rather follow? A man that
has taken a vow to kill you and your loved ones? Or the Creator of man that
wants to give you eternal life?
"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye
will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other
side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as
for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." -Joshua 24:15
Pope announces extraordinary Holy Year
"Earlier, he told a Mexican TV channel Friday, the second anniversary of his
election, that he "had the feeling" that his papacy "will be short." ..."I have
the feeling that my pontificate will be brief: four or five years; I do not
know, even two or three," said Francis. "Two have already passed," he added. "It
is a somewhat vague sensation. Maybe it's like the psychology of the gambler who
convinces himself he will lose so he won't be disappointed and if he wins, is
happy," the pope continued."
--This not only confirms the man is a false prophet, he is also extremely
conceited. If he was a prophet of God, words like "maybe, perhaps, could be or
possibly" would not be in the same breath as a prophetic statement. But then,
this is how Rome always works.
For example, the demon calling itself "Mary" or "Queen of
Heaven" has made many "prophetic" statements wherein "she" (it) also states,
"but if you pray, this can all be diverted." That means, it was NEVER a prophecy
from God, but only an agenda of Rome.
What I mean is, like the present Jesuit Pope,
these demons know that if they are unable to get a certain task done they will
still "prophesy" about it but use extreme vagueness while doing so "just in
case" their plans fail. That way, if their agenda fails, they can also claim the
prayer of "the faithful" was answered, or the event delayed.
As for the conceit of this Jesuit in Rome that took an oath to
kill men, women and children that refuse to bow in worship to him, if he
dies in "two or three, maybe even four or five years" the media can 'puff him
up" to be seen as a prophet so that the next pope can use his "sainthood" to his
advantage. Could it be that's what they tried (and failed) to do with John Paul II's
canonization? In any event, read your Bible. In it is Rock hard prophecy that
has no gray areas. That way, you won't be fooled by all the Vatican smokescreens
spewing all around the world.
Alarms raised over pope's sex-abuse commission
"Several members of Pope Francis' sex abuse advisory board are expressing
concern and incredulity over his decision to appoint a Chilean bishop to a
diocese despite allegations from victims that he covered up for Chile's most
notorious pedophile. ...It was an almost unheard-of vote of no-confidence for a
bishop in an overwhelmingly Catholic country in a part of the world that the
Argentine pope knows well. ...It goes completely against what he (Francis) has
said in the past about those who protect abusers," --The last three Popes had
the exact same negative press releases after "promising" to do something about
the homosexual child rapists in in the Vatican and people are "shocked" at how
this Pope (like all others) has gone back on his word? Really? It's appalling?
No.. not really, it's business as usual. When are the people finally come to
realize that these pedophiles in the Vatican have been raping children
from day one and they will never stop EVER? So when will these people
realize all this? When their sins are finally shouted from the rooftops. These
Roman Catholic
priests are the most vile men on the planet in every generation since Satan set up this church. Worse yet, the Jesuits
are even more diabolical in that they not only rape children, they have taken
an oath to kill them as well as their mothers and fathers. And now, the most
evil church on earth has a Jesuit Pope? It's only a normal end result of the decadence
embraced by those that worship Satan claiming to be Christians so as to
destroy the faith of billions. Not to worry though... they have very
little time left to continue. MARANATHA!
Francis Predicts His Papacy Will Be Brief
“I have the feeling that my pontificate will be brief — four or five years; I do
not know, even two or three,” he predicted in an interview with a Mexican
broadcaster. “Two have already passed. It is a somewhat vague sensation,” the
pope said, reiterating his belief that “the Lord has placed me here for a short
time, and nothing more.” --This man is a card carrying Jesuit. That being the case, he
has taken the
Jesuit oath, of which declares he will
kill men, women and little babies for his beloved church. In his oath he has
also vowed to infiltrate and even "become" any denomination his "Lord god
Pope" commands of him. Now that he himself is pope, he can do much more
damage for the cause of his dying god. What I mean is, many trust the false
prophecies the Jesuits have taught many denominations over the years to not only
instill fear in the hearts of many, but to fill the pews of the
prophesied whore in Rome. His claim to having only a few years left is
obvious. He has an agenda and in this agenda he must popularize his image so as
to make all wonder after the beast. This, he has
already done. But, if he can "die" as Pope and better yet, within a few
years as he has been "predicting" for some time now, he can then stand as a
prophet for the Vatican as well. Not as a true bible prophet of course
because he says 4 or 5 years or maybe 2 or 3 years is when he will die. This is
how the demon claiming itself to be "Mary the mother of
God" prophesies as well. The demons have an agenda, but they cannot lock
down any specific dates because they truly have no clue as to how successful
they will be. And so, their prophecies will always be vague and will always have
a plethora of dates of fulfillment. They also use words like, "maybe, perhaps,
could be, and probably" when speaking prophetically because they truly have no
clue. PLUS, some of these demons have even gone so far as to say through their
victims, "but if you pray these things may not happen." This gives them "an out"
if they are completely unsuccessful, which as Nostradamus proves, is often the
case. Basic reality here is, all Luciferins know, as does the demon in the Pope,
that the Creator has the final say on anything they plan to do. No, I am not saying
God allows the evil for His own benefit. What I am saying is God will
prevent the evil in certain areas and at certain times to protect His unready
but obedient children. That is why when the judgment is complete and the plagues
begin, the enemy of souls will flex his hellish muscles because now, all those
that are saved will remain saved, and those that are lost will remain lost. He
can actually run amuck! By then, the Gideon Band
will be prepared and the Lord will be glorified!
Americans of all religions (and atheists) agree: We like the pope "Even among religious "nones" (those who profess no particular religion, or
identify themselves as atheists or agnostics), the pope scored a rating of 68
percent, up from 39 percent immediately after his election." --It's no surprise
that even the atheists like Jesuit Pope Francis. He's not a Christian, and except for pretending to
oppose abortion and same-sex marriage, he pretty much approves of things so
deviant and immoral that even the most militant God hating atheists out there
can identify with him. Ironically most Christians can't seem to figure out
Francis isn't a Christian at all. But then, you need to read a Bi8ble to see
that truth. As many of you may recall due to some articles posted here, some
atheists even respect the Vatican's counterfeit Sabbath so much they actually
hold "church" services on Sundays now. Obviously their churches are God-free zones, but then again so is every
Catholic Church on the planet. What blows my mind is how almost all of the
lukewarm Christians don't have the slightest clue Francis is the man
of sin. The whole world wonders after him (see Revelation 13:3) and his
obviously unbiblical views yet somehow they just don't see it. But then it was
prophesied that he would be popular directly after "the wound was
healed" was it not? And thanks to the fact that they don't read Bible
anymore, how many of these lukewarm Christians believe in the false Islamic
Antichrist doctrine? They would probably cite the recent story of ISIS having 46 thousand plus followers on Twitter as alleged
proof the world wonders after them, while not even blinking an eye at the 16 million followers Francis has also on Twitter. Still,
Twitter does not a prophetic fulfillment make. Historic FACT
matched to Bible prophecy is how the remnant discovered who Antichrist is.
Americans and the rest of the world for that matter can love him all they want
today; but sadly it will be too late for most of them by the time they come to
"hate the whore" (the Vatican) "that great city, which reigneth over the kings
of the earth." (Revelation 17:16-18) Yes, they will see her burn, and then
shortly after that event they too will be destroyed. But remember. Prophecy also
says many will also join with us. So it's imperative we reach as many people as
we can "while it is still day for the night cometh, when no man can work." -John
Pope Francis and human ecology
"Austen Ivereigh looks ahead to the pope's encyclical on ecology." --Not only
does the Pope's mouthpiece admit on camera in this video that he (the present Jesuit
Pope) was the one that caused homosexual "civil unions" to be legalized in
Argentina when he served as their Cardinal, he admits the Pope has somehow been
able to meld the economy into his climate change
agenda as well as human ecology so as to have the perfect foundation for
enforcing the long
prophesied mark of the beast. This will happen. Prophecy will be fulfilled!
In fact, every prophecy that has ever been uttered regarding the
Antichrist and the man of sin have been fulfilled. Now that that's all behind
us, his mark is next on the agenda and now you will see MANY seeds of truth that
have been planted all over the planet by real Christian begin to be watered when
the Latter
Rain starts to fall. Everyone on planet earth will know what the mark really
is when that Loud Cry is performed as prophesied. Sadly, even though most will
know it, they will still choose to receive it because their livelihood has
become their heaven on earth. So be it. It's not like the Lord didn't do all He
could to save them. By the way.. for those of you wondering why it takes so long
for some prayers to be answered. Can you see why now? "The Lord is not slack
concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to
us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to
repentance." -2 Peter 3:9
Pope to mafiosi: repent and Church will welcome you back
"Pope Francis urged members of Italian organized crime groups on Saturday to
repent, saying the Catholic Church would welcome them if they promised to stop
serving the cause of evil." --Hypocrite! Why doesn't he say to the homosexual
community "repent and we will welcome you back" instead of already welcoming
them with open arms as they continue in the sin his own Bible declares an
abomination. Why doesn't he say "repent" to the thousands of priests
that molested millions of children? He can't because he nor his predecessors
ever excommunicated them, so he need not ask them to repent to "come back" to
the church they never left. Or what of the Vatican bankers? I've never seen a
single statement from him or any other pope regarding their need to repent after
numerous scandals hit the presses. In fact, the mile high
stack of scandals in this church make it next to impossible for him to ask
them all to repent because in so doing would turn the Vatican into a ghost town.
Truth is, that's exactly where it is heading as we speak. Prophecy WILL be
Francis steers Catholic Church away from sex to real-world politics "He’s met with a transgender man, told Catholics not to breed like rabbits and
washed the feet of a Muslim woman. While all this may sound like he’s ready to
overturn dogma, Pope Francis’ real interest is geopolitics. In less than two
years in office, Francis has nudged the conversation away from abusive priests
and used the image makeover to wade into such as matters as Cuba-U.S. relations
and climate change. In September, he will become the first religious leader who
serves as a head of state to address a joint session of Congress. "He’s
capitalizing on the fascination that he exercises," said John Wauck, a professor
at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. "He’s gotten the
attention of the world and is using it." --The iron-toothed beast of Daniel 7:19
is striking while the iron is hot; sinking its teeth into geopolitics just as
the prophet foretold. All Jesuit Pope Francis did about the child-molesting
priests under his wing is place their horrific acts on the back burner and
change the subject just as every single Pope before him has done for eons. The
writer of this article actually aids and abets him by casually mentioning the
scandal once, then moving on to other things like it was no big deal. Those poor
kids! Not even their parents care about them! No surprise though. Especially now
that we're also eye witnessing the mainstream media aid and abet Francis' agenda
by echoing the lie that 2014 was the hottest year on record even though it's
lie. Francis may have "nudged" the conversation away from abusive priests to
change, but the real conversation he's leading towards is the legal
enforcement of Sunday sacredness. If the mark of the beast
were to be enforced during your lifetime, would you be ready for
it? More importantly; if it were enforced today would you be ready? We don't
know for sure if this generation will be the one that witnesses these things
coming to pass or not because Jesus said in Matthew 24:36, "But of that day and
hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." But I
have to ask, do you want to risk failing the test this late in the educational
process? "Cramming for finals" has taken on a whole new meaning now hasn't it?
Pope calls Prophet Daniel a LIAR!
"It’s not every day that Scottish newlyweds are granted an audience with the
Pope. And it’s even less common for the Pope to ask a Scotsman for a nip of
whisky out of his sporran — but that’s exactly what happened to Dundee groom
Daniel Adams last week." --The prophet Daniel said in Daniel 1:8, "..that he
would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor
with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince
of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself." We all know prophets obey the
Lord who gives them the gift of prophecy. Therefore, drinking
alcohol is in fact wrong. If a prophet says it defiles you, you can know
that it was God told him that. But the Pope is not a
Christian. Never was, and it appears by the oath he took, he never will be either. In
fact, as you can see by the
red paragraph in his oath, being a Jesuit. he has
taken a vow to kill Christians, spiritually as well as physically. So.. "taking
a nip" now and again is not an issue for the Pope. In fact, Proverbs 31:6 does
declare all those headed for Hell are allowed to imbibe. But as for me and my
house, we will serve the Lord. -Joshua 24:15
opens doors to transsexual dubbed 'devil's daughter'
"Pope Francis has met a Spanish transsexual and his fiancee at the Vatican,
opening his doors to a man dubbed "the devil's daughter" by a local priest,
media reports said Tuesday." --Surprised? Well.. if you're Roman Catholic, then
yes. That's expected. But the rest of us know this is nothing new for the long
prophesied evil papacy. Why? Have you seen this old
Newsletter? Or how about this one wherein the Vatican does have and is well
on their way to success with their homosexual
Did Pope Francis Preach Violence?
"The recent terrorist attacks against a satirical newspaper in Paris sparked a
global conversation about free speech and free expression. We saw world leaders
converge in France, and lock arms in the unity. They paid respects to the
victims and stood together in solidarity - to protect free speech." --Notice how
this Catholic journalist defends the Pope and even admits the Vatican had
to "clarify" his statements as if most people on the planet can activate enough
brain cells to understand plan statements made by him. Why is it when
politicians get caught promoting their agenda a bit too boldly or prematurely in
the Press that those watching public response jump forward to "clarify" their
statements as if we're all a bunch of mindless drones incapabale of hearing two
words in unison so as to form a viable thought? It was painfully clear that the
Pope was making demands for limits on free speech. He is THE head politician on
the planet and he knows it. But.. like any other politician, he knows you
sometimes need to test the waters to see if their statements are well received.
Take Catholic dogma for a good example on this. Let's say a Pope steps up to the
balcony after a few years of hinting in sermons, books, novenas and scuttlebutt
that God can actually reside in a cookie. He has watched over the years how some
people get offended and how he is able to "clarify" his words over time to make
it appear more believable to others. Then, after a few decades or even centuries
for that matter, enough statements have been made and numerous sermons spoken
that now they feel the timing is right and transubstantiation is declared a doctrine in the church and
everyone is ok with that. The Pope misspoke the other day. Still.. don't get me
wrong.. he WILL move forward on his agenda to place limits on free speech and he
WILL get his wish. Whether he's able to do this by "clarifying" a few more
statements, schmoozing a few political friends, re-writing a few more sermons,
or even getting a few terrorists to kill more journalists remains to be seen. In
any event, it will happen! Prophecy will be fulfilled! What the Bible says will
become illegal!
US Senate Agrees with Pope on Climate Change!
--Things are moving REAL FAST! Just this last Monday I posted a video about the Pope speaking on climate change, which we all
know is how they plan to enforce the mark politically; and just yesterday the US Senate
agreed with the Pope! I kind of figured they would agree, and I knew it would
probably happen before he visited the Congress in September of this year, but
for the Congress to declare their going to do as he commands IN THREE DAYS?!
WOW! It would be nice if Congress was to act on real issues just as fast, but
then.. they don't worship us.
Francis calls for more market regulation, denies he is Marxist
"Pope Francis has called for more regulation of financial markets and rejected
suggestions that his criticisms of unbridled capitalism smack of Marxism." --He
claims he seeks to help the poor. But how is that possible by financial
regulation? No, the truth here is, he needs to have the global ability to
enforce the
mark he is chomping at the bit to enforce. And so, he needs to get every
nation on board with financial regulations that will allow absolutely every dime
to be counted and traced. Why? Have you read Revelation 13:16-17 that says, "And
he (the Pope) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man
might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the
number of his name." It's time to read the prophetic Word of God. If you fail
now, you will be one to echo Jeremiah 8:20. READ IT!
eviscerate feds' 'hottest year' claim
"A number of reputable scientists also immediately cast doubt on the federal
government’s declaration Friday. “Using the normal rules of science, is 58.46
degrees then distinguishable from 58.45 degrees? In a word, ‘No, ’” wrote
Patrick J. Michaels on the Cato Institute website. His assessment was cited on
Marc Morano’s Climate Depot website, which routinely debunks claims of global
warming. Climatologist Roy Spencer is quoted there: “We are arguing over the
significance of a hundredths of a degree.” And physicist Lubos Motl: “Please
laugh out loud when someone will be telling you that it was the warmest year.”
--OK.. it's this easy to see why they claim it was the warmest year. In the
1990's, Nazi war criminal who later became Pope John Paul II
sought out Al Gore to push a climate change agenda so as to have the tools in
place that will allow them to later claim Sabbath keepers are causing all the
soon to come (now here) calamities. But Al Gore, having a 50/50 chance at
guessing right, messed up. Science and simple reality any one with 2 or more
working brain cells can attest to, we are not "warming" at all. We are actually getting colder on planet earth. But.. too much
work has been done to push the arming hoax, too many laws passed to enfore their
money making schemes, and too many nations are now paying into the new
international restrictions set up by the Pope ..er..um.. Al Gore, and so the lie
has to be shored up daily now. So, NASA scientists had to do as commanded to
help the present
Jesuit Pope with his "climate change" agenda. I guess Hell has to literally
freeze over before some under their thumb can see the truth? I agree with
Meteorologist John Coleman and others who said, "it’s time to dump the theory."
But.. they will never do that unless they can find a way to keep their climate
change agenda intact while doing so.
Pope demands limits on free speech!
--Now that was quick! Just yesterday we saw Obama (under
obvious Vatican orders) announce an anti-extremist summit that would be held
next month to curb religious comments that they claim cause violence when in
fact they expose the dangerous doctrines Rome hopes to get all to bow to as
truth. And now we see the Pope demanding in his own "gentle" way that no one
should have the right to speak to others about their religion no matter what!
Can you guess why he said that? Things are moving REAL FAST now that they have
their most recent crisis to build on. (the Paris attack) And yes, I am sure
these new "religious laws" will be fast tracked on an international basis. Very
soon it will be illegal to speak truth to anyone you meet. Will that stop the
Loud Cry? They hope so, but they have no hope at all when it comes to our Lord's
already written will. Maranatha!
Obama Declares Anti Extremism Summit
This is what students of prophecy have been waiting for. Not too long ago, the
faith of the
obedient Christian was tagged "extremist" and even "hateful" by many in the
media because we refuse to bow to the worldly churches that claim Allah is God and homosexual
marriage is ok. With this new and long expected unjust law will come a
"legal" way for the powers that be to deal with those that choose to obey God
rather than man. Are you ready? ARE YOU SURE?! If not, click here.
Pope Francis slams ‘deviant forms of religion’ after Charlie Hebdo attack
"Pope Francis on Monday slammed “deviant forms of religion” following deadly
attacks by Islamist militants in France last week which left 17 people dead."
--Defining the word "deviant" we see it means "Differing from a norm or from the
accepted standards of a society." One can see the Pope knows how to use the word
deviant as per modern definition just fine. He knows the majority of society, or
"the norm" as it were, is the true deviant form of religion known as Roman Catholicism and
any other truly deviant form of religion that has joined him in his long
prophesied ecumenical charge. Using the word "deviant" today, as this Pope
is doing is to actually declare the Bible and its pure form of religion to be
"deviant" and all that Rome embraces as the norm or "accepted standard of
society." Therefore, the Pope will declare any non-Catholic or unapproved
Islamic format deviant in his eyes, and seeing how "all the world
wonders after this beast" most will follow his lead. This is all par for the
course towards declaring true Christianity deviant and anything Rome agrees with
normal. It's not like this never happened before. Have you ever read Acts 24:14?
Pope says concern for poor is Gospel, not communism
"Pope Francis is insisting that his concern for the poor and critique of the
global economic system isn't some novel, communist-inspired ideology but rather
the original and core "touchstone" of the Christian faith." --The man of
sin in Rome simply cannot speak truth. It is not in his nature. As Jesus
stated of his forefathers in John 8:44, he is of his father the devil and the
lusts of his father he will do. And no, I don't say that lightly. He is a Jesuit
who has taken a blood oath to kill all non-Catholics. If you feel that is hard
to believe, read
the oath he actually took by clicking here. And by the way; if his actions
aren't communist in nature, then explain this page
on my site wherein I compile some of his many quote on how good Communism is
for Christianity. And another thing. If it's not Communism that he's
pushing, and he's not a died in the wool Marxist as he claims, why does he keep
saying it's not Communism and he's not a Marxist? Only the guilty act like that!
In fact, this is how politics in Rome has always worked. When they want
Communism or some other evil government format to flourish, they do all they can
do bring it forth while at the same time claiming it's not Communism. It's as
Hitler's propaganda minister said.. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep
repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be
maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the
political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes
vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for
the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is
the greatest enemy of the State.” However, Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that you
will never be able to deceive the very elect! For those in training to be in that number, you
know it is far better to be concerned with the truth. "And ye shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you free." -John 8:32.
Will Francis be remembered as 'Lenin's Pope'?
“Now we have something different,” Savage told his listeners. “We have a Marxist
pope, and I’m wondering if he’ll be remembered as ‘Lenin’s Pope.’ “Suddenly the
pope, who has no background in science, is saying that global warming is the
biggest threat to mankind,” Savage continued. “No mention of the Islamofascists
who are killing Christians all over the world” --Echo, echo, echo. That
statement has been made countless times over the last year and still this Jesuit
Pope moves steadily towards a
Socialist format globally, or as Roman Catholic
Adolph Hitler called it, a "New World Order" and nary a comment is made by
this Pope, nor a finger raised to help the Christians being killed by his publicly
admitted friends in Islam. That in and of itself shows clearly what has
become important to this Pope. And it's not the welfare of his fellowman. Especially
if they are Christian.
Obama finds an ally on political controversies at the Vatican
"President Obama increasingly is finding a key policy ally in the Vatican, with
Pope Francis standing virtually shoulder to shoulder with the White House on
income inequality and a historic diplomatic reboot with communist Cuba. The
pontiff next year also appears poised to offer greater support to the president
on climate change initiatives and reportedly wants to be a leading voice at a
U.N. global warming summit next year, where the American president will make
perhaps his greatest pitch to date for more dramatic action on the environment."
--Prophecy does say the mark will be enforced in
America first, right? And prophecy also says the calamities, or "climate
change" as they now call it, will be the means by which the Vatican will demand the enforcement of
Sunday Laws.
And now we see Obama and the Pope "shoulder to shoulder" politically? That being
said, are you still a member of a church that not only bypasses preaching on
prophecy or one that missed this massive prophesied event? If so.. WHY?
Francis, Climate change and Sunday Laws
--I posted this article the other day on the main site in the hopes I would get
some feedback.. didn't get much.. so I am making a video about it. Most missed
what's really happening here and you need to see this video! If you haven't been
doing much study in prophecy lately, wait till the end of the video for a bit of
a shock. (it's highlighted) Perhaps now you will start "trimming your lamps?"
control is ‘treason?!’ -- It's absolutely appalling how easy it is to prove now that the Roman Catholic
church and Islam are one in the same. Prophecy said the
Vatican would
start killing again in the end, and now we have mountains of rock hard evidence
to confirm just how they did it. Sad thing is, with this knowledge also comes
the mindset that was prophesied for the times we live in. Yes, I am speaking of
the fact that most don't read their Bibles anyway. So.. who do you
tell? Absolutely everyone! Not to worry, since we can't read their hearts, the
ones with ears to hear it eventually hear it.
Pope Francis Became the World’s BFF [Best Friend Forever]
"The first Jesuit pope has endeared himself to people not so much through his
religion but through his humane politics, which were forged in repressive
Argentina." --There's nothing humane about the Jesuit order. As far as that quote
goes, it's apparent that Francis does use his religion to endear himself to the
world. After all, Catholicism is of the world. Thing is, his religion is also
his politics for Ezekiel 28:5 prophesied Satan would use cunning and make deals
with people in power to increase each other's riches and one can see the Pope is
his main man in that respect. The Bible clearly says his religion isn't
Christianity at all, though it's disguised as such. It is clearly
paganism that is being used to appeal to the worldly desires of the people
including today's widespread lukewarm Christianity that is found in every
Protestant faith including the fallen 9th hour church. True faith
was prophesied to be severely lacking in these last days for Jesus Himself
said of His followers "ye shall be hated of all men for My name's sake" (Matthew
10:22) and "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you"
(John 15:18). And our Lord's beloved disciple was told to put in writing
in Revelation 13:3-4 that all the world would worship the beast and so it's no
surprise the world wonders after their new BFF.
brokered Cuba deal, now set on closing Gitmo
"Having helped broker the agreement to normalize relations between the United
States and communist Cuba, Pope Francis plans next to turn his attention to
closing the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, a goal he shares with President
Obama." --First and foremost, this Pope, like all before him, is
Communist. So, making nice nice with Cuba is a no-brainer, and thanks to the
dance going on with Russia, the timing is perfect. Obama has started a brand new
cold war with Putin and seeing how Russia has been getting friendly with Cuba
lately, Rome moved Obama to jump the gun and make friends with them first. As
for Gitmo? There is absolutely nothing stopping Obama from transferring those
prisoners to other facilities and closing the Guantanamo Bay prisons
immediately. It could have been done year one as Obama promised. This is
purposely being done this way so soon after the release of the CIA torture
report to send a symbolic message to the world that the Pope is the world's
moral authority and the USA can only atone for her sins through papal
forgiveness. Rarely does the USA publically prostrate herself to the Vatican. In
fact, I've never seen it in my lifetime. They usually do it behind the scenes in
order for America to appear all powerful. But just as prophecy declared, America is now under
the direct control of the Vatican. So for the White House to publicly bow
down in subjection like this makes it rather obvious the beast and his image are
very close to achieving their goal of a new world order. Not to mention Sunday Laws.
But they have to make sure everyone looks to the Pope as trustworthy before
doing as he suggests across the board. They've already
got the wicked to worship him, they have all the Catholics
breaking laws for him, and now they're going after the Christians. Having
the most powerful nation on earth claim publicly they need the man of sin's
help will bring that to fruition quickly. And just think.. the Pope is
going to speak to Congress next year, and that very same Congress has
already agreed with Rome on religious law? Looks like things are about to
speed up exponentially in the coming months. Are you ready? ARE YOU SURE?!
Pope’s Homosexual Agenda in full swing
--Yes, I have a Newsletter and video on
this as well as many
articles all over the website, but it is a prophetic event, and the present
Pope is pushing it forward as expected. So as duty calls, here’s another
video exposing Rome’s homosexual agenda.
Pope: All dogs go to heaven
"Pope Francis has given hope to gays, unmarried couples and advocates of the Big
Bang theory. Now, he has endeared himself to dog lovers, animal rights activists
and vegans.Trying to console a distraught little boy whose dog had died, Francis
told him in a recent public appearance on St. Peter’s Square, “Paradise is open
to all of God’s creatures.” --As fluffy and warm and hopeful as that may sound,
and being a pet owner and animal lover myself, I would like to know this is true
myself. BUT, since the Pope claims to be a Bible believing Christian, I'm going
to have to call him on this one. Unless he can prove to all of mankind (using
Scripture of course) that he is a prophet and God told him directly that Fido is
heaven bound, I have to put the Pope to task and ask him, "Where does it say
that in the Bible sir?" Truth is, it's not in the Bible. He simply lied to the
child. But then, lying has never been a problem for Popes and prelates. If we
ignore all the
doctrinal lies of Roman Catholicism we still have the lie they taught their flock to teach their children about
Santa Claus that proves that hands down.
Muslims 'deeply appreciated' papal visit
"Pope Francis' visit to Turkey was highly appreciated by Muslims because of the
care and interest he demonstrated for them, and for his acknowledgement that not
all Muslims are terrorists, a local scholar has said." --Okay, so the 200,000+ martyrs per year that are killed by Mulsims mean
absolutely nothing? What most fail to see here is that the Pope is not a
Christian and the Muslim leaders know it. Basic reality is, if he was a real
Christian they would have killed him the second he landed in their country. You
can't have it both ways when it comes to simple reality. Either the Muslims are
killing a Christian every 2 minutes or they're not. Either Muslims hate
Christians or they don't. And since reality dictates THEY ARE Christian killers,
then the Pope cannot possibly be a Christian, else he would be dead. Truth is
that plain at times.
anti-slavery initiative gets new support from Hindu, Buddhist, Jews and Muslims
"The declaration commits the signatories to do everything in their power within
their faith communities to work to free the estimated 35 million people enslaved
across the world by 2020." --As popular as
Francis is he still doesn't have the full support of all the evangelical
Christians. Nor does he have complete agreement with all the other religions
either. What irks him the most is the fact the elect will never be deceived into
bowing down to him. But aside from the remnant church, the pope will soon have
the power to force his other detractors into submission. He knows it's easier to
get them to support him by doing things most everybody agrees are good. Taking a
public stand against slavery will trick a great many people into holding him in
higher esteem. Five countries are singled out as being the worst offender's when
it comes to slavery. Back in 2002, Vatican pawn George W. Bush used the phrase,
'Axis of Evil" when speaking about Iran, Iraq and N. Korea because they weren't
yielding in submission to America's demands. I'm not suggesting those countries
aren't ruled by very evil governments, because they are. But let's face it,
that's the pot calling the kettle black when America, who speaks as a
dragon, claims to be moral. Anyway I'm wondering if the five countries
singled out at this Vatican interfaith meeting are being called out because Francis views
them like Bush viewed those other three nations. Maybe their governments just
aren't cooperating enough with the Vatican's agenda. I really don't know if
that's the case. But either way one can deduce that over the next couple of
years the governmental media will slam the leaders of those countries with
accusations of sanctioning or turning blind eyes to human trafficking whether or
not it's true. Just as the Lord uplifts the weak and humbles the powerful, Pope
Francis needs to be portrayed as the hero who saves the defenseless from their
cruel oppressors. Then those who continue to withhold their support for him will
be viewed with contempt until they cave in to the pressure and bow down to him
as well. After all, who's going to believe the man who brings liberty to the
enslaved is
'Super-Pope' becomes homosexuality hero
"Homosexual accommodation is the big beached whale liberal church members are
positioning in the best light, regardless of claims. Once dead in the water
thanks to John Paul II and Benedict, it’s the pivotal target in their crosshairs
now. ...The drift away from tradition is so clear that openly homosexual artists
like Elton John are holding praise-a-thons for the tolerance and compassion of
the 266th pontiff. ...The drift away from tradition is so clear that openly
homosexual artists like Elton John are holding praise-a-thons for the tolerance
and compassion of the 266th pontiff." --What does the Bible that the Pope claims
to read say? Romans 1:22-32, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became
fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to
corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own
hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the
truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the
Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto
vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that
which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of
the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that
which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their
error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their
knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things
which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,
wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit,
malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters,
inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding,
covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who
knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of
death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."
Amazing isn't it? Some that never read a Bible may look at that passage and
think it was written specifically for TODAY.
Pope says it is wrong to equate Islam with violence
"Pope Francis said on Sunday that equating Islam with violence was wrong and
called on Muslim leaders to issue a global condemnation of terrorism to help
dispel the stereotype." --Let's see, over 200,000 Christians are tortured to death by Islam each and
every year. But just to be fair, it is also true that Islam kills many Muslims each year as well. Truth is, they
anyone that's not Muslim. But then, our Lord did prophesy in Genesis 16:12 that
the father of all Muslims would unable to get along with anyone. Just to
highlight a few areas on record, Islam orchestrated 18,000 terror attacks in the
last ten years, Muhammad killed some people for merely insulting his religion
and even more that leave their religion. And all of this is recorded in history
as their main fruits for the last 1400 years. But the Pope, a true politician
out of touch with reality, claims Islam is a religion of peace? I guess that's
par for the course. He also believes and teaches Catholicism is a Christian
religion, when
in fact it is not. That being said, I must ask the Pope how we are to dispel
the stereotype wherein most with viable gray matter see Islam as violent? Maybe
if Muslims would stop killing Christians at a rate of one every two minutes this
so-called stereotype wouldn't exist. Francis and all
Popes before him issued condemnation against child molesting, but that
didn't dispel the stereotype that Catholic priests are pedophiles. You know why?
Because they
continue to rape children relentlessly just as Muslims continue their bloody
crusade against Christians and all of humanity. Towards the end of the story
Francis calls for "action against poverty to help end the conflicts in the
region." So tell us sir, is the problem with Islam that they're aren't
socialistic enough, as your
publicized plans towards that end have been made known? Or is the real
problem that Islam is just Catholicism in disguise? Amazing that the Pope
calls the Koran a book of peace, yet his predecessors throughout the ages label
the bible "a
dumb and difficult book" among other
derogatory insults. How people can be deceived into thinking this man is a
Christian is beyond me. But then, this was prophesied and now that most do see
him as a man of God confirms, we have very
little time left to do as we are called to
visits Turkey
"His three-day trip comes as Islamic State insurgents have captured swathes of
Iraq and Syria just over Turkey's southern borders, declaring an Islamic
caliphate and killing or driving out Shi'ite Muslims, Christians and others who
do not share their ultra-radical brand of Sunni Islam." --Okay, let's look at
the facts. Muslims kill one Christian every 2 minutes. That's of course
according to the controlled mainstream media. I wouldn't doubt the number to be
equal to that of the Inquisitions which was double that on an annual basis for 1260
years. Suddenly the so called leader of "Christians"
who the world
claims is the Pope, walks into Turkey to meet with the leaders directing
those that are killing all the Christians. If you have eyes to see you realize
the Pope claims to be meeting with Turkish leaders to slow the killings.
However, one would think they would kill the Pope the very second he stepped off
the plane. But no, they don't. Nor do the killings cease worldwide in any way
shape or form. All I see here is the Pope meeting with the political leaders
that know his
predecessors wrote the Koran so that they can work out the final details
prophecy dictate are to happen next. And by the way, all those that think Turkey is
the King of the North. What say ye now? Besides the fact we have ample evidence
in Scripture, Spirit of Prophecy and historic record that the King of the North
is the Papacy, we now have a Pope standing on Turkish soil in the year 2014.
Pope Francis gets rock star treatment at evangelical church
"Pope Francis made his way back to Caserta, less than 48 hours after his first
trip there, to meet with his friend Pastor Giovanni Traettino." --Just as
prophecy predicted, the Protestant church is reaching their hand across the gulf
to join hands with the man of sin. But then, the one World
church already did that "on paper" back on June 26, 2000. Only now, they are
doing it openly so as to gather those under one roof that prophecy says will
worship the beast. One can expect the Pope's visit to America in 2015 will
garner even more souls into the church Christian prophecy described as the "Whore of
Babylon." (ALSO SEE.. Pope Francis Becomes First Pope to Visit Pentecostal Church; Calls
Evangelicals His 'Brothers' )
says he would 'never close the door' on talks with
Islamic State "Pope Francis said he would "never close the door" on dialogue with the Islamic
State in an effort to bring peace to a region of the world suffering from
violence and persecution." --Does anybody really think Francis isn't
in regular communications with ISIS? Probably not personally, but through his
network of spies more commonly known as Jesuits. After
finding out he was being demoted for not being radical enough regarding homosexual
marriage, American Cardinal Raymond Burke recently said the Roman Catholic
Church was like "a ship without a rudder" under this pope's leadership. Actually
Francis is leading the ship precisely in the direction prophecy said would
happen. But the RCC isn't the only "ship" he's steering; Islam was created
to be a secret army for Rome under the guise of a religious order. Even the
terrorist groups acronym 'ISIS' has the pope's signature written all over it as
Isis is another name for the Queen of Heaven, or 'the virgin Mary'
who is worshipped by both Catholics and Muslims
Profane ‘Godmother of Punk’ to Perform at Vatican Christmas Concert
"Questions have been raised surrounding the announcement that the “godmother of
punk” who once sang the lyrics, “Jesus died for somebody’s sins, but not mine,”
will be performing at the Vatican Christmas concert next month. ...According to
reports, she had been personally invited by the Pontiff, known as
Francis, after meeting him at St. Peter’s Square last year." --This should
surprise anyone that the Pope invites such demonic people to entertain him.
After all, the
man's a Jesuit who took an oath to kill women and rip their children from
their womb so as to crush their heads against the wall. (click here for his
official oath) As for his lust for demonic music, well, Satan is the angel
of music and his previously canonized Pope John Paul II
had Aerosmith,
Brittney Spears, N Sync, Celine Dion, Ricky Martin, Bono, Geldof and Dylan help
him when he did the music DVD with Adam and Eve
appearing totally naked on screen. So, he's only following the lead of his
canonized saint/god. And as we all know, "Paganism" is
all about the flesh. The sooner people start to realize this the better.
Chaput: Pope's 2015 Philadelphia visit won't focus
on hot-button sex issues
"Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput says hot-button socio-sexual issues
won't be the central focus when the World Meeting of Families welcomes Pope
Francis to the City of Brotherly Love next year." --Okay, so the claim is
they're having a conference about issues affecting families... but then they're
going to completely ignore the issues affecting families like homosexual
marriage, same-sex "parents" adopting children, and abortion? Are you kidding
me?! I'm sure this conference truly has nothing whatsoever to do with families,
just as Sunday
has nothing to do with the Sabbath. But Rome always plays the family card so
as to keep their "moral" agenda well advertised. Truth is, the prophetic flags
on the road clearly dictate this meeting is really about furthering the Vatican's
socialist agenda and the ecumenical movement here in the United States. I
have no doubt the media will shower Francis with accolades of worship while
painting those who oppose abortion and same-sex marriage as fringe lunatics. Or
"peculiar" as the Bible calls us. So be it. As a Christian I wear that as a
badge of honor. More than anything else I'll be waiting to see if Francis uses
this event to promote Sunday as a family day for the religious and secular
alike. I can't imagine Sunday laws being passed without first promoting family and
religion into politics. This event is tentatively scheduled for September 2015. So it could be used to
start a national debate a year before the next Presidential election. We could
be that close to the end! After all, he has to have the foundation ready to
enforce Sunday Laws when THE Antichrist gets here. And a bloodthirsty
Jesuit Pope is just the one to greet him.
of communism not all good for Christianity: Vatican
"The end of communist rule in Europe, which began 25 years ago this month, was
not all positive for Christianity because it brought tensions between Rome and
Russia back to the surface, a senior Vatican official said on Monday." --OK,
first of all, Catholicism is NOT Christianity. Catholicism is
Pagan. Not only does their doctrinal statement confirm they are not Christian,
their own prelates admit their doctrines are Pagan in writing. And yes,
the end of Communism isn't "all good" for the Pope because, as anyone can see,
he has
been a MAJOR advocate for the Communist format ever since being elected by
his peers (not God) to finalize the Vatican II agenda. Now do you see it's so
important to study Christian prophecy? Those that do study it have known decades
in advance of the Vatican's now publicized plans. And yes, that's another reason
real Christians are hated. Or should I say.. feared. And no, they don't fear us because we plan to do them
harm. They fear our God who is about to arrive.
Pope: When people try to act like God, destruction follows
"To celebrate All Saints Day, Pope Francis presided over a Mass in Rome's Verano
cemetery. In his homily, he talked about the dangers that can come, when people
try to act like God. ...he said "This is what we're doing. This is what we do:
We devastate Creation, life, culture, values. We devastate hope.” --How's this
not the pot calling the kettle black? All the Popes of Rome have declared
themselves "god on earth" many times. (check out this
video and this video as well) And no, I
am not being sarcastic or flippant in any way. In fact, to confirm I am not
being as such, check out this page on my site. The very first section has
many quotes from the Vatican as well as highly respected Roman Catholic sources
declaring the Popes to be "god on earth." That being said, this Pope is one of
the most evil men to date. He openly mocks the Lord as well as the confirmed
prophetic and historic facts surrounding his office by claiming to be holy,
just and gentle. He knows the Internet has millions
of pages exposing him. So he acts as if all those tens of millions of facts
(11,000 pages on this
site alone) and every prophecy about Antichrist false by playing this silly
public relations game before all. But the clincher in all this is the actual oath
this Jesuit
Pope has made should convince many. He is working hand
in hand with Beelzebub.
demotes outspoken American conservative cardinal
"Burke, who until Saturday was the highest-ranking American in the Vatican, gave
a series of recent interviews criticizing the pope and had emerged as the face
of conservative opposition to Francis' reform agenda." --In a nutshell, this
Cardinal did not like the Pope's long expected pro-homosexual agenda. An agenda students
of prophecy have been exposing since Daniel penned the Lord's warning about this
in Daniel
says God is NOT a "divine being!"
The Pope said: "God is not a divine being or a magician, but the Creator who
brought everything to life,” Francis articulated further. “Evolution in nature
is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the
creation of beings that evolve." --Since he, and the last two popes tout
"evolution is scientifically sound" one has to expect the Popes not to look at
God as divine. Especially since all
Popes claim to be god themselves. Still, this quote could simply be nothing
more than a Freudian slip with the translators from Italian to English. I've
tried to find a disclaimer online regarding a mistranslation, but have come up
empty thus far. In any event, it does open the door of discussion once again
when it comes to how many strange statements have been made by the Popes of Rome
over the years while some (not all) Catholics continue to warm the pews. But
then, if those remaining in the church of Rome see no wrong in how often their
priests are arrested for molesting children all over the world, the Pope
claiming to be a "god on earth" won't move them out of Babylon
either. STILL.. it is a valid reason to pray for them.
priests steal the show with tap duel near Vatican
duelling, dancing American priests studying in Rome
have become internet sensations, following in the
footsteps of a now-famous Italian nun whose Alicia
Keyes-esque voice won her a singing contest and
a record contract." --As the world spirals
out of control the parties grow in number in DC
and the Vat of sin in Rome. Absolutely everything
the world (not Christ) has to offer is openly embraced
in Rome and DC as the norm and worthy of celebrating.
And, it's no mistake these priests emulate the dance
of Hollywood with perfection. Hollywood was obviously
born in Rome behind tightly closed doors long ago.
If you understand truth and now how evil works,
this isn't something you need to be convinced of.
All roads still lead to Rome.
Sex Be Just a Little Bit Sinful?
"At the Vatican's synod on the family this week, bishops have suggested that
the theological idea of graduality can help the Church reframe its approach to
sexuality. What does this mean? Is the Catholic Church changing its teaching on
sexual sin?" --It has to according to the present Pope's statements on rolling
with the changes in society. Yes, this article is a couple weeks old. But, due
to other articles with more pressing prophetic events upon them, I tabled this
one for a bit. I didn't want to just delete it because it offers another twist
on the Pope's present homosexual agenda. But, again I quote Malachi 3:6, "For I
am the LORD, I change not." A passage I am sure will place many nails in many
eternal coffins.
Francis: it's not communism, it's Social Doctrine
of the Church
"The Pope spoke of land, home and work; the three themes of the meeting. He
explained that although it may sound like a communist ideal, in reality, it is a
claim that is at the heart of the Social Doctrine of the Church." --It was bound
to happen sooner or later. When seeking a
Socialist format on a global basis the Pope will eventually have to promote
Communism from time to time because there's simply no way to hide it on all
levels. So, when the occasion arises, he simply lies and claims that even though
it looks like Communism, it's really not. This reminds me of another statement
made by the founder and worshipped leader of this Pope's Jesuit order. Head
Jesuit, Ignatius De Loyola said, "we should always be ready to accept this
principal: I will believe that the white that I see is black, if the
hierarchical Church defines it as such." -The Spirit Exercies of St. Ignatius,
p. 141, -By Ignatius de Loyola.
Pope (in a row) to declare creation is a myth!?
"On Monday, the pope outlined his belief with respect to God and evolution.
Speaking to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope Francis insisted that there
was no reason to believe that God and evolution were somehow incompatible."
--That's par for the course for someone who doesn't read a Bible or even a
reputable science book. But then, he is a Pope and the last 2 Popes also
declared evolution is truth. So, this is no surprise. John Paul II even went so
far as to say that "evolution was more than just a hypothesis" and he claimed
anyone that looked at creation week as absolute truth "risked falling prey to
fundamentalism." (See quotes here) As we all know, the Vatican hates all those
they call "fundies" do they not? In fact, they killed 500,000,00 of them during
their first
reign of terror. So again, this is par for the course for the Popes of Rome.
Their hatred of the Word has not only allowed Satan to CONvince them
evolution is sound, the last three Popes also declared Jesus isn't needed to gain
salvation. (by the way, so did Billy Graham, Robert Shueler and Joel Osteen)
So again.. no surprise.
Francis :’Corruption Is a Greater Evil than Sin’
"The corrupt person does not perceive his corruption," the Pope said. "For this
reason, it is difficult for the corrupt person to get out of his state through
remorse of conscience. More than forgiven, this evil must be cured." --This
story is loaded with strange quotes from Francis that
even the most inexperienced babe in Christ could recognize as biblically unsound
including the headline quote which is completely devoid of logic. How can
corruption be evil, but somehow distinct from sin? Is the Pope now trying to use
political reasoning while preaching so as to water down sin and its
consequences? Sure looks that way. Regarding his other quote; all Christians
should know that getting a corrupt person out of his state through remorse of
conscience isn't "difficult" as Francis put it. It's 100% impossible. Only
through Christ and the Holy Spirit can a corrupt person get out of that state.
Yet because the vaunted Pope himself said it, millions of Catholics and lukewarm
Christians will simply agree with him. Francis is also quoted saying "Few things
are harder than opening a breach in a corrupt heart." Really? How hard is it to
"open" a "breach" since a breach is defined as an opening? I wondered if that was a
translation error and should have said closing a breach? So let's take a look at
the original speech in Italian at the Vatican's press website to
check for ourselves by running the text through an online translation website.
The original words are "aprire una breccia" or "opening a
breach" in English. I found that "aprire" = "open" "una" = "a" and
"breccia" = "breach." Amazing, it seems nothing this man says makes sense
anymore, yet people worldwide are wondering after him. Why? Jesus said in
Matthew 13:14-15, "And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith,
By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and
shall not perceive: For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are
dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should
see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their
heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them." Sad isn't it. However,
Jesus also said in the very next verses, "But blessed are your eyes, for they
see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many
prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and
have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard
them." -Matthew 13:16-17.
Pope Francis prepares to purge conservative cardinal in push to reform Vatican
"American cardinal Raymond Burke, a strong opponent Pope Francis' tolerant
attitude towards gay rights, is to be removed from his post." --In other words,
if you don't let the homosexuals have their way, you're outta here. Truth is,
Revelation 18:1-5 says he, and 1.28 billion other people need to leave that
church as well. Let the Vatican prelates that are 98% homosexual have their way.
There's simply no need to join them in their sin. After all.. isn't that what
"reform" is all about? They all talk about it, but no one ever does it. Well..
at least not since Luther that is. Still.. prophecy does say the majority won't
be leaving. But, it does say some will. So, avoid the 7 plagues
rushing towards us all and get out now. Your eternal life depends on it."American cardinal Raymond Burke, a strong opponent Pope Francis' tolerant
attitude towards gay rights, is to be removed from his post." --In other
words, if you don't let the homosexuals have their way, you're outta here. Truth
is, Revelation 18:1-5 says he, and 1.28 billion other people to leave that church
as well. Let the Vatican prelates that are 98% homosexual have their way. No
need to join them in their sin. After all.. isn't that what "reform"
is all about? They all talk about it, but no one ever does it. Well.. at least
not since Luther that is. Still.. prophecy does say the majority won't be leaving.
But, it does say some will. So, avoid the 7 plague rush and get out now. Your
eternal life depends on it.
welcome to gays in Catholic Church scrapped at the
last moment "The Vatican has had to backtrack on a landmark welcome to gay people in the
Catholic church after bishops voted against it. The proposals, put forward by
Pope Francis, failed to win a two-thirds majority from bishops who gathered from
around the world in Rome for a Catholic Church synod." --Hard to believe? Not if
you study prophecy and current events. This Jesuit Pope
that pushed Rome's homosexual agenda a tad bit quicker than the people
under his thumb were ready for it failed to get all the Bishops that
according to current events, usually protect pedophiles in agreement with
him. As strange as that may seem, I am sure that by next October's Synod he may
have many more on his side of the fence so as to push this trough. No matter..
we will be that much closer to Home by then.
Pope Francis: 'God is not afraid of new things'
"Pope Francis on Sunday, as he beatified Pope Paul VI who implemented the Second
Vatican Council's vast changes, called on the church to adapt to "changing
conditions of society." His remarks took on added meaning as the bishops ended a
two-week conference by rejecting landmark wording that would soften the church's
stance toward homosexuality and divorce. "God is not afraid of new things,"
Francis pointedly said during the beatification Mass." --Truth is, there is
nothing new under the Sun. In fact, it says in Ecclesiastes 1:9, "The thing that
hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall
be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." In short, Pope Francis is
merely lying here. Homosexuality isn't new. Nor is God's opinion of it. We saw
how He handled it in Lot's day, and Jesus said we will see Him do the exact same
thing when He returns in the near future. Obvious reality here is, Pope
Francis doesn't read a bible. How do I know that? He claims God would have no
problem changing with the new "conditions of society." But it clearly says in
Malachi 3:6, "For I am the LORD, I change not." So why
does this Pope and many before him make such statements? They know the majority
of the people don't read Bibles. Most prefer to allow their religious leaders to
do that. And so, the "pastor echoes" grow in number and the real Christians
shrink. Not only is that prophesied, it's also when our God shines the most!
Catholic church must listen to beat of this age, Pope Francis tells bishops
"Pope Francis urged Catholic bishops gathered in Rome to listen hard to the
“beat of this age” as he opened a landmark assembly that liberals hope will
spark reform of some of the church’s entrenched stances on marriage, sex and
divorce. Almost 200 bishops from five continents have descended on the Vatican
for a fortnight-long extraordinary session of the synod of bishops - the first
in nearly 30 years - which Francis has devoted to tackling the church’s attitude
towards the modern family." --As expected, the Pope didn't demand the Bishops
follow the lead of the Lord, of which Scripture says never changes, (See Malachi
3:6) he opted rather to bow to Satan who changes with every generation. Want a
history of how the world has grown more and more sinful? Do a little historic
research and you will find the Vat of sin in Rome is where the sin of a
generation is sanctioned as acceptable. The prophet Isaiah nailed it when he
said, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for
light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
(Isaiah 5:20) So, with that said, what is the "beat of this age" Francis wants
this generation to sanction? You guessed it.. homosexuality.
synod: Victory for Pope Francis on gay issues
"Halfway through the Vatican synod on the family, Pope Francis has scored a
first quiet victory. He has convinced many Catholic Church leaders to moderate
their formerly strongly critical language about gay unions, and to admit that
homosexuals may have "gifts and qualities to offer." --However, the Bible (that all
Pope's hate) says in Leviticus 18:29, "For whosoever shall commit any of
these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among
their people." Just as the prophet Isaiah predicted, (in Isaiah 5:20) the Pope
has declared evil good and good evil all on his own. In other words, he has
"changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature
more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave
them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use
into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the
natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men
working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of
their error which was meet." -Romans 1:25-27. So be it.. that prophecy had to
come true as well.
Jesuit Pope and re-uniting Christianity
"He (the Pope) further says, “It’s the glory that glues us together, not the
doctrines … God will sort all our doctrines upstairs”, meaning when we get to
heaven." --The only way this man can get away with saying this is if #1, he has
never read a Bible, and so he has no clue of his blunder, #2, he knows his flock
doesn't read Bibles and therefore won't be exposed. (by them at least) If
doctrine is no big deal as he claims and we can join with those that have bogus
doctrines, then why was this passage penned in Matthew 16:11-12 wherein Jesus
said, "How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning
bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of
the Sadducees? Then understood they how that he bade them not
beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees
and of the Sadducees." Jesus plainly taught the apostles to BEWARE
of false doctrine. But this Jesuit Pope says to all that it's ok to embrace it because God
will clean up the mess in Heaven? No, according to many passages in His Word, if
you walk with those that teach "another Jesus" as prophecy
predicted the Pope will convince all to do, you won't be in Heaven at all.
That being said, do you want to know why the Pope fears people looking into
doctrines? It's because he is possessed by the exact same demons of the
Pharisees of old. Like the Pharisee of old, he fears the truth we embrace and he
hates the Lord we worship, for it is written in Mark 11:18, "And the scribes and
chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for
they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his
doctrine." (Also see... Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2
Corinthians 6:14,17, 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14 and James 4:4.)
Pope Francis: Let no one use God as a shield when carrying out
violent acts "Pope Francis arrived to “Mother Teresa”
international airport, in Tirana, shortly before 9 AM. Several
government officials of Albania were waiting for him there, and he was
officially welcomed at the presidential palace shortly after his
arrival." --For him to stand before Muslims declaring their violence in
the name of their god is wrong is hypocritical at best. His comments
cannot erase Vatican history wherein his predecessors killed 500,000,000 in the name of their corrupt version of the Christian God, nor will it erase modern history wherein the prelates of his church has conned many innocent child victims into thinking their rapes were "God's will." And yes, many priests convinced their victims it was the will of God that they "please" their priest.
Police Find 9 Pounds Of Cocaine In A Vatican Car
"Pope Francis may have often spoken out against the “evil” of drug use,
but the Vatican was facing embarrassment on Tuesday after 9 pounds of
cocaine was found in a car bearing diplomatic plates associated with the
Holy See." --Let's see.. the Vatican has been exposed for their Satanic
masses, child molestation, homosexual priesthood,
genocide, money laundering, porn, murder, abortion,
assassination, adultery, blasphemy, demonic apparitions,
Mafia connections, heresy, espionage, global pharmaceutical
sales, mass-murder, prostitution, persecution, fornication,
incest, sodomy, theft, simony, orgies, illegitimate
children, kidnapping, war crimes, devil worship,
conspiracy, lying on a grand scale, torture, suicide
and now they are caught with 9 pounds of cocaine
proving they are also dealing illegal drugs? Sounds
about right for the church of Antichrist. For a
list of many of the documented crimes listed here,
see my September
of 2004 Truth Provided Newsletter.
Francis Supposedly Claimed Virgin Mary Is Second
Trinity, At Godhead Level "Pope Francis, with his open-mindedness and more humanist approach to
Catholicism reportedly promoted that the Virgin Mary should be at the second
Holy Trinity, even putting her at Godhead level." --Just as the Pagans of old
angered God by declaring their female god as the "Queen of
Heaven," the Pope of today does the exact same thing. This isn't something
new for the Vatican. Click here for many modern and ancient Vatican quotes wherein
the Popes have declared Mary is in fact worthy of worship! I even have one where
their favorite Pope (John Paul II) declared it on that page.
blames Bible Christians for Terrorism!
is nothing new for the Vatican, but what is new
is who he lumps the Christians in with so as to
have the means by which to outlaw the Christian
Bible that exposes him as Antichrist! Things are
moving VERY fast! Are you ready? ARE YOU SURE?!
Pope explains why the Church is our Mother
"In his weekly general audience, Pope Francis described the Church as a mother
who accompanies and defends her children. He also added that the maternal
dimension of the Church comes for Her capacity to welcome and to forgive."
--Prophecy said this church would use Jesus Christ as a tool to bring people
into sin. It also stated the Protestant churches would stretch their hands to
Rome and join her. And they have. We also recall how many students of prophecy over
the last few decades have predicted the church of Rome would declare herself the
"Mother of all
churches" just as this Pope is doing right now. I can't even count how many
times I covered that prophetic fact on my site in the last 10 years alone.
Prophetic events are racing to fruition for a reason. There is also a reason why
YOU are realizing a stronger urge to get your house right with the Lord. It's
because he is coming soon!
Shimon Peres: Francis is a more powerful peace advocate than UN
| "Former
Israeli President Shimon Peres has said that Pope Francis is more
powerful than the United Nation when it comes to advocating peace."
--The prophet Daniel clearly said the beast in Rome will destroy many by
using "peace." (See Daniel 8:25. I recall many years ago when I was a
young man I saw a national News report wherein the reporter asked an
Orthodox Jew on camera how they feel about being in war for so long. The
Rabbi answered, and I quote, "If the Antichrist himself appeared
offering us peace we would follow him." Another prophetic fact fulfilled
here is that Jesus Himself said to the Jews in John 5:43 that "I am
come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come
in his own name, him ye will receive." The Jews have rejected Jesus as
Messiah, who has come in the name of His Father. But even though they
are viciously against any Christian involvement in their politics are
even personal lives, they have now accepted the Pope who comes in his
own name. Soon, Satan himself will stand as "lord" before all, and the
Jews (as well as all the rest of the lost) will accept him with open
arms. Prophecy WILL be fulfilled! |
200 Pentecostals, Pope Francis talks of unity
"Pope Francis said he knows some people were shocked that he would make a
special trip outside of Rome to visit a group of Pentecostals, “but I went to
visit my friends.” --This was prophesied! What amazes me is how many
people claiming to be Christian ignore the obvious for the sake of keeping their
"boats" steady in life. All too often when such as these see a prophesied event
occur, they choose rather to ignore it so as to not rock the boat they have
grown accustomed to. So many tests before the people and so many failures abound
within the body of Christ and most don't even notice it because complacency
rules the heart of Christendom today. Christ stated so clearly that "when the
Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" -Luke 18:8
refuses to hand over files on accused pedophile priests
"The Vatican has refused to hand over the files of Australian priests accused of
sex crimes to the child abuse royal commission. The Vatican said the
commission's request for documents on each allegation involving an Australian
cleric was "neither possible nor appropriate". Reasons included ongoing church
investigations, and that internal working documents were the sovereign property
of the Holy See." --This was expected! As I stated back in April when the Pope
claimed he would "impose penalties on the men of the church who harm children"
that it was nothing more than a PR statement. They have been
raping and killing these children since 60AD! And every time it gets out of
hand, the pope of the day steps up to demand reform and the media of the day
eats it up and then it's back to ignoring the problem. This is how the Vatican
prelates have been able to get away with everything from child rape to outright
murder for literally hundreds of years. They claim to use "internal
investigation" methods to stop the problem, but as we have witnessed now for
eons, that simply doesn't work. And when the authorities in other nations need
data on prosecuting these Vatican child rapists in their own nations, the
Vatican that claims to be willing to "impose penalties on the men of the church
who harm children" flip flop their PR announcement of just a few months ago to
claim the evidence against these child rapists are now considered "sovereign
property" of the State. How convenient! Now do you see why Satan insisted
they merge the church AND the State as one? This way they can "legally" get
away with murder, rape, bank fraud, and a host of other vicious crimes.
Pope's small car fascinates South Koreans
"Francis' frugality and humble demeanor have received wide coverage in South
Korea, a fiercely competitive country that celebrates ostentatious displays of
status and wealth." --Revelation 13:3 said the all the world would wonder after
the beast, especially after his wound was
healed, so it's no surprise to see the media fawning over Pope Francis.
Still it's fascinating to see them gush so much love and admiration on Francis
over something as trivial as him riding around in a compact car. I just did a
web search for 'Pope Kia Soul' at Bing and it came up with almost 3 1/2 million
results. It seems every media outlet on the planet is covering this non-event
with such glowing accolades for Francis that you'd think the man just brought
peace and safety to the whole world. Hundreds of thousands of Christians are being killed each year now
for their faith and even though this pope has barely lifted a finger to help
them, nary a single media source has asked him why! Yet they clamor to his side
when he steps into a new sports car? Two factors are at play here. #1, they need
to keep the truth out of the media regarding the prophesied "little time of
trouble" that Revelation 20:4 speaks of that confirms the mark is about
to be enforced. It also allows for the prophesied "peace and safety" agenda of
the Vatican that 1 Thessalonians 5:3 speaks of. #2, doing so causes the pope to
be worshipped by all as if his "admitted" blood
stained hands are as clean as the driven snow. But, students of prophecy
know better. And they know better only because they are obedient to the Lord.
will create own Christian belief system amid tensions with church,
says official "China's ruling Communist Party is officially atheistic and keeps a tight grip
on religion for fear it could challenge its grip on power. It requires believers
to worship in places approved by the state and under government supervision."
--The Vatican and the People's Republic of China have been at odds with each
other for decades since the Communist Party of China took power. When China was
unable to fully quell Catholicism and Protestantism, they established the
Catholic Patriotic Association, a state agency which supposedly rejects Vatican
authority and only allows worship in state approved churches. In the decades
since communist rule began, Protestant Christianity grew under the radar in many
home churches. Daniel 8:25 said the papacy would use craft (deceit) to prosper
and destroy many, and I suspect that's what we are seeing here. Let me explain.
The story of course says China is planning to develop their own Christian belief
system in the near future. Planning to? They've already been doing so for the
past 63 years when China and the Vatican "politically" severed ties in 1951. This
means the story is a lie right off the bat. I also suspect they're going to
publicly reconcile with the Vatican, even though they have been working behind
closed doors all along as their
Socialist agenda today confirms; both Rome and China see the rise of Chinese
Protestantism as a mutual threat. Back in 2007 Pope Benedict began to publically reestablish ties with
China, and with Francis being an obvious communist the time is ripe to fully
mend this relationship so as to slow the forward proggress of Protestantism in
that region. As is obvious, the Vatican has been using two of her puppet
nations, the USA and Japan, to antagonize China recently over supposed
territorial disputes in the ocean. These territorial disputes are obviously the
cover story to sell war on the public if it comes down to that. The masses won't
suspect the real reason for war is a Vatican takeover of China of course. So if
China wants to avert war they will have to cave in to Francis and
officially sanction him as the leader of all Chinese churches. Either way, China
will eventually submit to the Vatican before long just like every other country
on the planet will so as to assure Rome's long
prophesied New World Order comes to fruition.
calls on Muslim leaders to condemn Christian persecution in
Iraq "The Vatican has called on Muslim leaders to denounce unambiguously the
persecution of Christians and Yazidis in Iraq - and hinted that it is
considering breaking off dialogue with Islamic representatives if they fail to
do so." --Me thinks this is too little too late Jorge. For those with eyes that
can see plain truth, we know this is not at all what it appears. If Rome was so
concerned for the plight of Christians they would have spoken up years ago to
stop the slaughter that now rivals that of the Inquisition of the
Vatican wherein just as many Christians were martyred each year. But because
they were more interested in shoring up Islamic powers in areas of Vatican interest, they
allowed the killings to flourish off the charts. A win win for the man of sin
seeing how prophecy declares his main goal is to kill Christians. In fact, this
Vatican statement reminds me of similar Inquisitional statements wherein they
were announced publicly so as to slow the persecution at times to see if their
efforts to replace the real Christians with the weak ones that converted to
Catholicism out of sheer terror was successful in certain regions. If it was,
persecution ended. If not, they started up again. Iraq had over 1.2 million
Christians just a few short years ago, but now, thanks to Rome and the
Whitehouse ignoring the slaughter, they're now well under 200,000 in number. No,
I'm not buying it. This is nothing more than the Pope echoing the exact same
fabricated compassion Pope Pius XII, aka Hitler's Pope used when helping Adolph Hitler kill the Jews
and Sabbath
keeping Christians in his day. After all, just as the Vatican brought
Hitler to power, they have been also exposed as doing the same with Islam. They aren't about to shut down
their 4th Reich unless they've used up every political option to
slaughter their prey. Then as we saw with Hitler, they will turn their backs on
their present day puppets and Islam will be doomed.
lavish homes of American archbishops
"Clearly, "lifestyles of the rich and religious" doesn't cut it for Pope
Francis. The pontiff has said it "breaks my heart" to see priests and nuns
driving the latest-model cars. He's blasted "airport bishops" who spend more
time jet-setting than tending to their flocks. And he's warned against church
leaders who bear the "psychology of princes." --This article actually tries to
make this Jesuit
Pope out as some leader in living in poverty, or at the very least one that
emulates Christ's walk wherein Jesus stated in Matthew 8:20 that "The foxes have
holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to
lay his head." What the article boldly leaves out is the fact the prophesied man
of sin in Rome is not being truthful regarding the "room" he claims to live
in. Not only is this "room" worth more than most entire homes in America, it's
also one of the 1600 rooms this Pope resides in. The Vatican is the unrivaled
largest mansion on the planet. Jesus said it best when speaking of such
"religious leaders" 2000 years ago when He used the descriptive term,
Francis should cast out Netanyahu’s demons, Nicaragua president
says "Israeli PM is apparently possessed by the devil, Nicaraguan President Daniel
Ortega said, urging Pope Francis to cast out his demons." --That is impossible
on many levels. First and foremost, the Pope would have to be a Christian to be
used of God to cast out demons, and his church doctrine boldly proclaims he is Pagan.
Secondly, Jesus plainly said in Matthew 12:25-26, "Every kingdom divided against
itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself
shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how
shall then his kingdom stand?"
Pope asks all to deny Christ!
--A very quick video on something the Pope of Rome said that will no doubt shock
you! He is doing exactly as prophecy said the man of sin
must do to prevent souls from finding Christ as Saviour. This is one major fruit
of Antichrist!
Francis says don’t try to convert other people
"Francis said people will also be much happier when they stop trying
too hard to bring others round to their way of thinking – including on
religion." --This is how bad the breath of Antichrist can be. Jesus
clearly said in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ghost: Teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto
the end of the world. Amen." What this Pope is saying is the exact
opposite of what Jesus said for His followers to do. In other words, this Pope
and all his predecessors are against Christ or "Anti-christ" just as
all the prophetic fulfillments confirmed all along. His strange anti-Christian
statements regarding our “great commission” also declare him unwise. For it is
also written in Proverbs 11:30, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of
life; and he that winneth souls is wise."
Pope interview: 1-in-50 priests are pedophiles "The Pope said that abuse of children was like "leprosy" infecting the Church,
according to the Italian La Repubblica newspaper. He vowed to "confront it with
the severity it demands." --This pope, like the ones before him is a well
confirmed liar. Pope Paul VI promised to stop the molestations, Pope John Paul
II promised to stop the molestations, and Pope Benedict XVI also vowed to put an
end to it. And now this pope vows to help the kids as expected? And I am sure
that like his predecessors, he will act as if he is doing something while the
molestations continue and the police are kept out of it. The fact he is having
"Vatican officials" investigate the matter proves this hands down. And by the
way, as Pope John Paul II was "vowing" Ratzinger, who later resigned as Pope
Benedict, was busy helping the pedophiles hide from justice and later caught red handed as Pope. And yes, that is why he
resigned. And one more thing. With the Vatican itself being 98% homosexual, it's highly unlikely that
only 1 priest in 50 lusts after little boys. Still, if that were true, that
means America, where we see 50,000 priests on the payroll, if 1 in 50 are child
molesters that means we have 1000 child molesting priests running rampant right
now in the USA who are only being "investigated" by the Vatican's 98% homosexual
prelates. However, the truth is, that number is MUCH higher. See the facts
here. In short, they can avoid prosecution all they like by paying off and
palling around with pedophile politicians to assure no priests sits in jail and
all officials look the other way. But, the Ultimate and most fair Judge of all
is about the return to hand down their eternal sentence of damnation. So be it.
Pope Francis Found Guilty Of Child Trafficking, Rape, Murder
"Yesterday defendants Pope Francis Bergoglio, Catholic Jesuit Superior General
Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty of
rape, torture, murder and trafficking of children. Five judges of the
International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels determined that the crimes
occurred as recently as 2010. Since last March over 48 eyewitnesses have come
forward to testify before this ICLCJ Court about the defendants' activities as
members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult." --As one can expect,
even though the officials heading up this court are highly respected people,
this court will not be recognized by the corrupt leaders of the world because
it's actually based on truth and right practice as well as a proper format for
all court systems, which have been abandoned years ago. However, as is apparent
by Rome's
repeatedly published hatred of the Lord and His people, they are already
found guilty in the Ultimate Court in New Jerusalem. When our King and Saviour
Jesus Christ arrives, they will be unable to ignore His judgment. Maranatha!
Francis: Marx stole his best ideas from Christianity
"Since assuming the papacy in March last year, Francis has established himself
as a global voice on the side of the dispossessed with his critique of
unfettered capitalism, earning the label of "Marxist" from conservative
commentators in the United States. It is a label he has frequently rejected."
--He can reject the "Marxist" label all he likes. The fact he is once again
trying to make Marxism look good by claiming it borrows from Christianity proves
he is all about a Socialist New World Order. In fact, the last two Popes were just as happy
to chime in on the "positive" aspects of Socialism as well. But, if you visit my
"Vatican Socialist Agenda" page on the site, you will see that
this Pope is in fact a card carrying dyed in the wool Marxist. He more than any
pope before him has pushed the evil agenda to all the world's leaders just as
students of prophecy expected.
Pope joins effort warning of impending global economic collapse
"The majority of the world's people are not Catholic, and many are not religious
in any manner whatsoever, but no serious observer would consider Pope Francis a
conspiracy theorist or a "doomsayer." And yet, in a new message to the masses,
the pontiff is making observations that have been made for at least the past
couple of years by other observers of the global economy who have been derided
as conspiracy theorists: Things are not good, and in fact, they are looking more
dire by the day." --In other words, since his plans to destroy the economy
worldwide are finally appearing set in stone so as to better administer his mark, he chooses
to chime in to play the prophet right before the deed is done. The Vatican's
decades long "spread the wealth" campaign is part and parcel to the global
collapse and this Pope looks to be primed and ready to play "that" part prophecy
says will make him appear as savior to all that will follow his lead in the
final act that brings billions to damnation. Satan's last hooray is close on the
Child Killer resigns from top Vatican office: Jesuit head makes
startling announcement "Amidst rumours that Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, may step down from his
office because of his public prosecution for child trafficking and murder, one
of his fellow defendants has just done so. Jesuit Superior General Adolfo
Nicolas Pachon announced suddenly this week that he will resign from his office
at the next General Congress of the Jesuits. ...Along with Archbishop of
Canterbury Justin Welby, Bergoglio (aka Pope Francis) and Pachon are primary
defendants in an historic criminal lawsuit being conducted by the International
Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels that commenced on April 7, 2014."
--Definitely something to keep an eye on! This reminds me of the time Ratzinger,
aka Pope Benedict was the first Pope to ever be served papers to
appear in court regarding his involvement in child molestations and other
crimes. Could it be the present Pope is about to "resign" to escape justice as
well? Or, will they "wag the dog" like Clinton did during his Lewinski scandal
to pull the onus off of him? Me thinks yes, he will do this. After all,
Bergoglio is a
Jesuit and Clinton was taught by Jesuits at Georgetown, so he will no doubt
use some lesser nation or its weakened leader as a pawn to generate a scandal
that keeps his scandal on the back burner. But.. he will eventually have to own
up. Jesus will exact judgment no matter how crafty he may be while still
residing on earth.
kills plan to open secret archives
"Pope Francis nixed a plan to open secret Vatican archive files relevant to the
Holocaust following pressure from Germany and France..." --Is this not par for
the course? To bolster his "humanitarian" image, the last few popes demand the
"secret" archives be open to the public, then after the praise and adulation
subside, they change their mind so as to keep the facts hidden. First of all,
how is it no one sees how wrong it is that a "church" has secret archives when
it comes to wars of the past? How's that possible? Since when did Jesus instruct
us to do anything in secret? And since when did Jesus ever instruct anyone to be
a party to politics? Especially those that are designed to see millions
dead? Secondly, we all know why he nixed plans to open those archives. Anyone
with a competent view of history knows once opened, everyone else will know the Popes were not
only responsible for the creation of Hitler and the slaughter he initiated
in obedience to his Pope's command, it will also be discovered the methods they
used back then to kill so many are the very same methods being used today by all
nations in bed with Rome to bring about the long prophesied New World
Order. The silver lining in all this? Prophecy says this church will be
exposed in the end. I praise God that day is racing towards them as we speak!
Francis on the Esplanade of Mosques: May no one abuse the name
of God through violence! "Pope Francis visited the Esplanade of Mosques in Jerusalem's old city
barefooted. He went to Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest place in Islam." --As
expected, he bows to the false gods of Islam and calls them his "dear brothers"
so as to further garner support for his long prophesied ecumenical movement,
which without creating the religion of Islam would be impossible today. But
here's why I posted the video. His hypocrisy is absolutely amazing here. He
stated, and I quote, "May no one abuse the name of God through
violence." As historic fact conformed long ago, the office of
Pope has seen literally hundreds of millions of innocent people killed for their
faith in Christ, but worse yet, this Pope is a Jesuit who in fact took the
Jesuit oath that repeats the following bloodcurdling words, (WARNING! GRAPHIC STATEMENTS) "I
furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and
wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and
Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the
face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition;
and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive
these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush
their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate
forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will
secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of
the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank,
dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition
in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by
any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the
Society of Jesus." (See entire oath here) Sometimes it's that easy to expose the
hypocrite and liar simultaneously. Or as prophecy calls him, the man of
Francis in Middle East: 'He is our hero' "Pope
Francis is on a three-day tour to the Middle East during which he
is visiting Jordan, the Palestinian territories, and Israel. It is the
pontiff's first visit to the Holy Land since his election last year."
--When I was a teen I saw a News Reporter asking an
Jew on camera the following question. (I must paraphrase
the statement was made decades ago) "As a Jew, your
people have been at war for thousands of years. Will you
find peace?" What the Jew said next I remember word for
word. So there is no need for me to paraphrase his
He said, and I quote, "We would follow Antichrist
if he offered us peace." This is EXACTLY what they're
today! In fact, Jesus said long ago in John 5:43, "I am
come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if
shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."
says baptism for all - even Martians
"Pope Francis has declared everyone has the right to be baptised, even aliens
should they come knocking on the church's door. Christians cannot "close the
door" to all those who seek baptism even if they are "green men, with a long
nose and big ears, like children draw," the pope said at his daily mass on
Monday, according to Vatican Radio." --Joke around all you like about those
demons that masquarade as little green men Jorge. Truth is, we know all too
well about your UFO agenda. And as prophecy declared long ago, now that we know who you
are, we will obey the Lord you mock and alert as many as we can
about your
long prophesied agenda. And by the
way, it appears obvious that you are seeking to play the role of prophet. If and
when your pawns bring forth their holographic or actual demonically manifested
so called "aliens" you can then be seen as one with "special insight" to have
seen this day coming in advance, when in fact, those of us that have done the
research know, the Vatican has been planning something using "aliens" for
hundreds of years.
VIDEO: Pope could approve a miracle attributed to Paul VI
"Cardinals and Bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints have
approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of Pope Paul VI." --I have no
doubt they will work towards canonization of this evil man as the Vatican is
still in need of a public relations facelift. After their recent mockery of the
Lord and sainthood itself when they granted sainthood to 2 other evil Popes,
they saw how the people flooded in worship to Rome. Plus, we must also keep in
mind how Pope Paul VI, like his predecessors and ancestors, was instrumental in
bringing about the necessary changes in church society so as to assure an easy
enforcement of the
mark when that day comes. In fact, this Pope, like a few of the others,
sports the 666 with pride, but not in as blatant a manner as John Paul II did.
Notice what was "hidden" in Pope Paul VI's signature.
VIDEO: 30 new Swiss Guards take oath to protect the Pope "This is the oath that all new recruits make when they begin their service with
the Swiss Guard." --Notice the Pagan three finger salute when taking the oath to
protect the Pope? They claim it's the trinitarian salute of Rome. That may be
so. At least that may be the name they've given it today. However, the Trinity of Rome
is a doctrine from Hell. So that's bad in and of itself. But as Daniel the
prophet predicted, they use craftiness to hide the fact this three finger salute
is actually a Babylonian Pagan Trident salute as well. Click
here for more info on that Satanic act.
demands 'legitimate redistribution' of wealth
"He said a more equal form of economic progress can be had through "the
legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the state, as well as
indispensable cooperation between the private sector and civil society." --What
he is suggesting here is socialism pure and simple. And don't think for a minute
that any legitimate "private" corporation will go along with this idiocy.
However, those that claim to be "private," who are in fact well vested in
Government interests so as to push the Socialist agenda, will step up to "do
their part" for their friends in DC and Rome. When they do this, and they will
do this soon, all the needy will be forced to rely 100% on the government for
assistance. That means, even if the so called "private" companies do help out,
their government sanctioned "benefits" will cease the very second the poor
refuse to do as they demand. And what will they demand of them? Have you ever
heard of the
prophesied mark of the beast?
Argentinian Muslims give a copy of the Koran to Pope Francis
"The book was translated to Spanish by an Argentinian." --Notice that the so
called leader of the Christian world not only accepted a book that (he knows)
was written by Jesuits to bring about the now apparent and long prophesied Christian massacre in the last
days, but this Pope does NOT give the Muslim a copy of the Christian Bible
nor does he even share the Gospel message with him as is the duty of all true
Christians as per command of Christ in Matthew 28:19&20, and especially so
for Christian leaders as the Pope claims to be. Why did the Pope fail in this
duty? It's because he's not a Christian. If he was, he would do as Christ moves
every obedient Christian to do via the heart where His Holy Spirit resides. It's
as Jesus said, "it is by their fruits ye shall know them." -Matthew 7:20. What
are the fruits of every Pope? Click here.
confirms fruit of Antichrist
"Pope Francis called an Argentine woman married to a divorced man and reportedly
told her that she could receive the sacrament of Communion, according to the
woman's husband, in an apparent contradiction of Catholic law. "She spoke with
the Pope, and he said she was absolved of all sins and she could go and get the
Holy Communion because she was not doing anything wrong," Sabetta told Channel 3
Rosario, a CNN affiliate." --It's not clear in the article if the divorce was
the end result of adultery on either side, so I see no need to comment on
whether or not she is ok to remarry or not. However, for the Pope to claim to
have the power to absolve this woman's sin is not only blasphemous,
it is one of the many blunt signs of the Antichrist. We all know the Popes
claim to be "God on earth" thanks to many
documented statements made by these men. And yes, that is also one of the
many blunt fruits of Antichrist. But it seems many are unaware that the doctrine of Rome in
regards to the so called "confessional" is spoken of in Scripture as
blasphemous. When seeking to slander Jesus Christ, who actually does have the
power to forgive sin, the Phraisees said in Mark 2:7, "Why doth this man thus
speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?" For those that may email
me asking how I know blasphemy if a fruit of Antichrist, read Revelation 13:1
before sending off the email. Christian prophecy is THAT accurate!
Pope Francis washes women's feet, arguments follow
"On Thursday evening (April 17), in a familiar reprise of an ancient rite,
Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, Wis., will wash the feet of 12 men, all
seminarians. a re-creation of Jesus’ action at the Last Supper when he washed
the feet of his disciples and, according to Catholic doctrine, formally
instituted the priesthood." --First of all, that is not true at all. Jesus did
not institute the priesthood of Roman Catholicism. He ordained the ordinance of
humility that EVERY Christian must partake in. Not just priests. But the prophesied man
of sin in Rome knows that for his people to follow the lead of Christ will
bring about a humble heart in the masses, and in this obedient state, they may
come to know the Pope is a liar and not the true representative of Christ on
earth. So, like his predecessors before him, this Pope chose to "act" like
Christ by demanding HE ALONE does the act, while the faithful flock who need
lessons in humility not do the act. I was a
Catholic 29 years and NEVER were we taught to wash each other's feet. But we
did watch the Popes do it every year at this time. Secondly, the Word is plain
about the appearance of evil. For a man to wash a woman's feet is not permitted
for many reasons most with common sense can deduce. But, this Pope has
sanctioned homosexuality as EQUAL in all aspects of life both secular are
religious. This means men and woman are also equal on all levels. I'm sure this
sinful act of the Pope may even lead to women priests before long. The order set
forth in the Garden of Eden is nullified by his actions so as to allow for even
more confusion in the churches. The article went on to say, "Francis did
something similar last year, shortly after his election, when he stunned church
observers by traveling to a juvenile detention center outside Rome and washing
the feet of 12 young people, two of them women and two of them Muslims."
Not only does this go against the Word of God when it comes to common sense. And
it is bad enough he washed the feet of two women. But he also washed the feet of
two Muslims. The Bible states in thunderous tones how we are NOT to yoke
unequally with those outside the church. No, I am not saying the Catholic church
is in fact a Christian church. In fact, I proved otherwise
years ago. BUT, they claim to be Christians and in this claim soil the image
of Christ as prophesied. He is not only yoking unequally, he is doing so
with those that kill Christians. But then, Rome and Islam are
actually one in the same on many levels. Especially when it comes to killing
Christians. Rome averaged just over 400,000 Christians killed per year in their first reign,
and they are using Islam to the tune of 200,000 a year now. So, if
the truth be told, the Pope actually stood true to form here by washing the feet
of two Muslims.
struggles to keep fellow Latin Americans in Catholic fold: Poll "The
number of Roman Catholics in Latin America, a historical stronghold, dropped to
67 percent in 2013, from 80 percent in 1995, a survey by Chile-based pollster
Latinobarometro showed on Wednesday". --Is Pope Francis as popular with the
general public as some
polls claim he is? I seriously doubt
it. Have you ever heard of 'The Big Lie'? It's a concept first created by the notorious
Roman Catholic mass murderer Adolf
Hitler, and it works like this; take something that is a lie (like evolution or
September 11 for
example) and declare it to be true over and over and over again until people
start to believe it. Eventually it'll
become accepted as truth by the majority and they can move on from there. So it shouldn't be much of a surprise to you
when the media keeps declaring Pope Francis to be one of the most beloved men in the world
and most people start to believe it and start to admire him too. This all besides the fact he is a Jesuit who took the oath that is
quite bloodcurdling to say the least. (See the "red" paragraph!)
Obedient Christians won't fall prey to this trap because we are known to
stand firm in the Word daily, but we all have friends and loved ones who
might. So show them this story and ask
them this question; if the first Latin American pope in history is as great as
the media portrays him to be, how come even his fellow Latin Americans have
continued to abandon the Roman Catholic Church in droves in the year since this
Jesuit Pope was elected? Prophecy
declares the
world will wonder after the beast yes, and almost all will receive his mark but
prophecy also says a few obedient souls will resist. Some, even unto death. That being saidm, there's still time for your
loved ones to accept the truth. But it doesn't seem like there's a lot of time
left for them to make this decision, so do your part and help spread the Loud Cry.
Pope Francis asks forgiveness for priests who sexually abused children
"Pope Francis made his strongest condemnation yet of sexual abuse by Catholic
clergy on Friday, asking for forgiveness and pledging to impose penalties on
"men of the church" who harm children." --Wow.. why not just remove the child
molesters as the last three Popes promised to do over and over again instead of
constantly asking the people to forgive them? Why do these Popes keep doing
this? And why do Catholics keep ignoring the obvious? This Pope, like
the one before
him, and the one
before him, and the many before him, always seem to ask the people to
"please forgive those that rape their children." And as the people should, they
forgive them. BUT, had this Pope, or the one before him, or the one before him,
or the many before him would have actually done as they promised in the first
place, which was to remove all the homosexual priests, they would not have to
keep asking the people to forgive the child rapists over and over and over
again. In short, when these Popes says "please forgive them" they are actually
admitting that those homosexual priests will continue to molest their children
again and again and again. The inaction of the Popes confirm that as historic fact now!
In other words, this Pope is not asking for the people to forgive the priests
that molested their children yesterday. He's asking them to forgive the priests
that are molesting their children right now and tomorrow. To confirm that as
fact, notice how these
Vatican priests are still being sued, investigated and arrested almost daily for
child rape. So, again.. the Pope isn't asking for forgiveness for past child
rapes at all. The confirmed reality in all this is, he's asking for forgiveness
for the priests that have no plans to stop the raping of children.
Trial against Pope Proceeds amidst Shocking Evidence "The Pope, Jesuits and Anglicans refuse to deny criminal charges made against
them. A global common law court Trial will now proceed as shocking new evidence
suggests Joseph Ratzinger still wields power at the Vatican. Ratzinger and
others are named as members of a child abuse cult "Ninth Circle". Posted 22
March 2014 by www.itccs.org , ITCCS Central Brussels." --It's just not going
away for former Nazi soldier Joseph Ratzinger. Now that his plans to hide from
the law failed before the eyes of the common man, his predecessor is about to
discover all the positive PR in the world won't help either of these men when it
comes to the True and faithful Judge who is about to end their trials for
eternity. One can only hope they repent before that day comes.
Religion News: Vatican leads world in wine consumption
"Residents of tiny Vatican City consume more wine than any other country in
the world. According to statistics released by California’s Wine Institute,
residents drink 74 liters of wine per person a year, which is double the
per-capita consumption of Italy as a whole. A standard bottle of wine is .75
liters. That’s double the amount of wine that’s consumed in France or Italy and
triple the amount drunk in the United Kingdom." --Dear Mr and Mrs Catholic, do
you really want to be part of a church who's leaders are drunkards? How can they
discern that which is written while in a drunken stupor? Worse yet, why would
you want to be lead by drunkards that Scripture says are NOT allowed in Heaven?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 and you will see, "drunkards.. shall not inherit the
kingdom of God." Are you also aware the Word says alcohol defiles
the body?
Argentina abuse record questioned
"A U.S.-based group that operates a clergy sex abuse database has accused Pope
Francis of remaining silent on clergy sex abuse during his time as archbishop of
Buenos Aires, Argentina. ...The documents span the 15 years (1998-2013) he
served as the head of the Buenos Aires church, as well as his time as president
of the Argentine Episcopal Conference (2005-2011) and includes information on 42
accused Argentine clerics." --Ratzinger, aka Benedict XVI, left the Vatican in disgrace because
of his involvement in child molestation. In fact, he was the first Pope to be served papers while on the throne.
And now we see the new Pope is just as bad. Truth is, with 98% of the prelates in Rome being homosexual, it's not going
to be easy to find a Pope that hasn't been involved in one way or another with
such horrific activity.
Francis openly sins "Pope Francis has made a confession and it's a doozy. He stole another priest's
rosary cross right from his casket. ..Francis keeps the cross in a little
pouch under his cassock, he said. "And whenever a bad thought comes to mind
about someone, my hand goes here, always," he said, gesturing to his heart. "And
I feel the grace, and that makes me feel better." --So instead of putting the
cross back and repenting of breaking commandment #8, he keeps his ill-gotten
booty and then strokes it whenever he feels the need to "feel the grace that
makes him feel better?" I have news for you sir. Satan is known as "dr feelgood"
not Christ. That "good feeling" for staying in sin is not from the God that
requires obedience. In short, this Pope is the ultimate example of the end time
mindset well educated by the devil himself. He not only sanctions sin as
acceptable, he declares you can feel better while doing so! Now do you see why
the Lord he mocks declared him the "man of sin" so
long ago?
head, Pope share hopes for unity, justice, peace
"The WCC general secretary, who represents a fellowship of 345 member churches
in more than 110 countries, expressed these views on 7 March during his visit to
Rome hosted by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity of the Roman
Catholic Church." --It clearly says in Daniel 8:25, "And through his policy also
he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his
heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also
stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand." By
the way, it's no mistake they chose March 7 for this meeting on global unity of
churches. On March
7, 321AD the first Sunday Laws were drafted by Rome and on March 7, 2006 the US
President made it possible for all 501c3 churches in bed with the Vatican to be
able to lobby for Sunday Laws once again.
Pope leads 'revolution of tenderness' says theologian
"Theologian Juan Carlos Scannone used just a few words to describe Pope
Francis: "He leads a revolution of tenderness." --And the Bible says
in Daniel 8:25, "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper
in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy
many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be
broken without hand." AMEN! Prophecy will be fulfilled. Even the Pope
can't stop this.
defensive on sex abuse as commission lags
"Pope Francis is coming under increasing criticism that he simply doesn't get it
on sex abuse. Three months after the Vatican announced a commission of experts
to study best practices on protecting children, no action has been taken, no
members appointed, no statute outlining the commission's scope approved." --Why
are they acting so surprised? This is how Rome has always done this since 60AD. The
molestations scandals go off the chart in frequency, a new Pope is elected, he
declares "I will stop this insanity," and months and years later, nothing is
ever done to slow it in the slightest. Worse yet, in John Paul II's
pontificate, he not only said he will fix the problem, his cardinals
initiated a "zero tolerance" approach. But when it made it to John Paul II's
desk, he struck it down and the molestations continued on as before.
Why would Benedict and Francis be any different? So again I ask, why are they acting
so surprised when this is actually the long substantiated modus operandi of
Inside the Vatican, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
"What's it like to be a gay priest inside the Vatican? Several Vatican insiders
speak out in FRONTLINE's “Secrets of the Vatican," --Soon the prophecy regarding
the smoke rising from the Vatican will be fulfilled before the eyes of all on
earth. Many that are tired of the sinfulness and downright decadence of Rome
already hate the way this church soils the image of Christ. They are also fed up
with the men in the Vatican because of their blatant hypocrisy and outright
immoral ways. Revelation 17:12-16 says, "And the ten horns which thou sawest
upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and
naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire." Since we know the "ten
horns/toes" are already lining up, it won't be long before the smoke ascends.
Francis: Church could support civil unions
"Pope Francis reaffirmed the Catholic Church's opposition to gay marriage on
Wednesday, but suggested in a newspaper interview that it could support some
types of civil unions." --This is why this Pope was "elected" by the Congress of
Cardinals in the first place. As a Cardinal he was all for civil unions in
Argentina. This is just one more open sign that the man of sin
is fulfilling the prophecies of old, including the one found in Daniel
has done more than Church' against sex abuse: Pope
"The Catholic Church is perhaps the only public institution to have acted with
transparency and responsibility. No-one else has done more. Yet the Church is
the only one to have been attacked." --Exposing the wickedness of the pedophile
priests is not "attacking" them at all sir. In fact. it's actually the Christian
duty according to Ephesians 5:11 to expose the unfruitful works of darkness. And
the only reason the Catholic church has supposedly "done more" than any other
institution in the area of pedophilia is because it's the world renowned
#1 source of pedophilia since 60AD. What this pope is trying to do here is
take advantage of the Vatican's obvious horrific sexual predatory fruits so
as to monopolize on them as if it's a good thing. It's actually no different
than a drunkard standing outside a bar claiming he has tried to quit drinking
more than most people on earth. Mr Bergoglio, twisting the facts won't make the
truth disappear for those with a smattering of common sense. Here's a sobering
thought sir, Jesus said in Matthew 12:36, "But I say unto you, That every idle
word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of
judgment." Unless you repent of this PR campaign that looks to hide the truth
about you and your church, you will be held accountable when Jesus gets here.
Pope Francis to Muslims, Jews and Catholics: "we have the same Father"
"Pope Francis welcomed an inter-religious group from Argentina made up of 15
Jews, 15 Muslims and 15 Christians. They were on their way back from a
pilgrimage to the Holy Land." --If we have the same Father, why is it the Jews
deny Jesus as Lord and the Muslims kill as many Christians as they can? Even a 6
year old child with the ability to read a Newspaper can see, this Pope is lying
here. If we all had the same Father, we would all be Christians. Period. The God
of Heaven is not a God of confusion. But the god of Hell is in fact prophesied
to be "the" god of confusion. In fact, that is how Babylon is
VACANTE: a look back at Benedict XVI\'s pledge of obedience
to the new Pope "On February 28, 2013, Benedict XVI met for the last time as Pope with cardinals
before stepping down." --Why did they publish this video a year later? It has to
do with the present Pope's current campaign as the "Pope of the people." He's on Rolling
Stone magazine one month, next he's on camera
in Kenneth Copeland's church the next month, and now he is showing in this
video how even the previous Pope promises to "unconditionally" obey his every
whim. Why? First of all, the present Pope needs unconditional obedience if his plans
are to be successful. So of course he's going to be launched in the media like
he's another "god on earth" as his office claims in writing. Secondly, any
opportunity to convince the masses to disobey the real and ever living Lord will
of course be his main objective. Praise the Lord the elect know and believe Acts
5:29 which says, "we ought to obey God rather than men." Still, how ironic is
this? They
repeatedly claim Peter is the first Pope, yet the real Apostle Peter, a
married man no less, is the one that made the statement in Acts 5:29 to begin
with. And now we see the man of sin that claims to be the present day "Peter" doing
the exact opposite of what Peter was moved by the Holy Spirit to do. If this or
any Pope was truly an extension of Peter's ministry, would they not do as he has
of sin's prophesied task
prophesied, the lukewarm Christians are reaching out to mother
Rome as their church home. Catholic priests are standing before
the people in the so called Protestant churches to entice them
to join with the Pope. Christian prophecy is amazing! We are
that much closer to home!
Vatican Presses for Control of Mount Zion
"Israel could be entering the final stages of negotiations to turn over control
of Mount Zion to the Vatican, if recent reports by Israel National News are to
be believed. ...Others are not so sure, and believe Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu intends to turn over control of Mount Zion prior to Pope Francis'
visit to the Holy Land in May." --For all those claiming the king of the north
is Turkey, and it is them that will control Israel in the last days. What say ye
now? I pray you reevaluate that which you studied with reliable sources before
it's too late. At present, you're being used to generate a smokescreen for the
Vatican. Click here for all the prophetic facts defined as well as
hictoric facts found in Daniel 11:45 that perfectly confirms that the king of
the north always was and always will be, the Roman Catholic Vatican.
Francis: confessing through the church is essential
"In his catechesis, the Pope reflected on the Sacrament of Confession,
explaining that a personal confession isn't enough. Confessing through the
Church, he said, is essential and humbleness is needed." --This is blasphemous
and a major fruit of the prophesied man of sin and
It says in Mark 2:7, "Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive
sins but God only?" When we sin, we are to confess to the Father. When speaking
of the Father, 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins,
HE (your
Father in Heaven) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Not the Popes of Rome! But prophecy
dictates that the Pope will want people to confess to him and his priests. Why?
For the same reason they invented the confessional in the first place many
centuries ago. Back then, only kings, queens, and members of royalty would be
required to confess to priests. This allowed the Vatican to have inside
information they could use against the kings to topple their kingdoms for Rome.
They claim the sanctity of the confessional is assured, but historic fact is,
they lied. Today, many people have influential lives that Rome needs to gather
data from so as to keep their agenda moving ahead smoothly, so.. it's no wonder
the Pope demands you tell him all your deep dark secrets. Just one more reason
to "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that
ye receive not of her plagues." -Revelation 18:4
bishops tell Vatican: Catholics reject sex rules
"Germany's Catholic bishops, responding to a worldwide Vatican survey, said on
Monday that many Church teachings on sexual morality were either unknown to the
faithful there or rejected as unrealistic and heartless." --Now do you see why
the Pope makes pro-homosexual comments? Previous surveys no doubt proved the
majority of homosexuals on the planet are indeed Roman Catholic. So, as
expected, the Vatican bows to the sins of men instead of the truth of God to
lure more people into the church. And so, with this new survey, we can expect
even more strange sin sanctioning comments to come from the Pope.
committee blasts Vatican on sex abuse, abortion
"The Vatican "systematically" adopted policies that allowed priests to rape and
molest tens of thousands of children over decades, a U.N. human rights committee
said Wednesday, urging the Holy See to open its files on pedophiles and bishops
who concealed their crimes." --That now being a verifiable and reliable fact
confirmed in a global courtroom, why is it the Vatican isn't shut down, all
priests jailed and the Pope served to appear before the ICC? Is it
because it's the ROMAN International Criminal Court? Bottom line is this. If the
common man did only one of the thousands of crimes the Vatican has done on a
daily basis, he would in jail. And that's just on the crime of pedophilia alone.
There are literally thousands of other crimes the Popes of Rome have done over the
eons, yet still, they walk as free men? Why is that? Read Revelation
doctrinal watchdog could oversee pope's new sex abuse commission
"Pope Francis welcomed the participants of the Plenary Assembly for the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican's enforcer of the
Church's doctrine. The group is also responsible for investigating and punishing
priests accused of sexual abuse." --I don't know which is worse; a so called
Christian church that needs to create an assembly to watch over how their in house child
rapists are dealt with in the church, or the fact no one seems to notice
that a so called Christian church needs an assembly to watch over how their in
house child rapists are dealt with in the church. Only in the end
times is something like this spoken of by the media as the norm. Worse yet,
"Rome Reports" is a Vatican based News Media who is actually doing the report!
And still, the Vatican still has over 1 billion Catholics claiming the church
their home? That fact alone confirms what time it is.
Francis: Christian divisions are a "scandal" "Pope Francis spoke about the "scandal" of divisions between Christian groups at
his weekly general audience Jan. 22." --Now that the Jesuits were able to
infiltrate every major denomination on earth, as their oath declared
was their plan, the Pope of today can get away with this massively unbiblical
statement that all churches need to gather under one roof. Especially since the office of Pope
was unofficially declared head of the One World Church on June 26, 2000. My
point? Prophecy will be fulfilled. And as is obvious, all the churches are right
now gathering as one with Antichrist.
defends record on child sex abuse
"The Vatican, now facing its most intense public grilling over the allegations,
acknowledged at Thursday's hearing in the Swiss city of Geneva that it had been
slow to act, but insisted that it was now committed to facing the crisis."
--What's not being said here is that absolutely every generation since 60AD
have heard the exact same excuse from the prophesied child rapists in Rome. As
historic fact confirms, the prelates in Rome know eventually the heat will die
down and society will forget about their terroristic
tactics against children. But then the next generation sees the same
insanity rearing its ugly head once more and the Vatican excuses start to fly
once again. What the general population also keeps ignoring are all the prophesied
facts about this hellish church in Rome. The most damning in this
regard being that of Daniel 11:37.
baptizes 32 babies in Sistine Chapel
welcoming the children as members of the Catholic church, Francis
poured water from a shell-shaped dish over the heads of the
babies held in their mothers' arms." --Not only is this
totally unbiblical baptism, it is Pagan to boot. First off,
if you have a Roman Catholic Bible, or an NIV,
or NASB notice Acts 8:37. Not easy to do is it? That's because
THEY REMOVED IT! Why? A baby cannot proclaim Jesus Christ is
Lord in order to be baptized. Secondly, notice the coptic shell
he uses to sprinkle to children with water? See
this flash animnation confirming its origin.
denies pope is open to recognition of gay civil unions
"The Vatican on Sunday denied Italian media reports that recent comments by Pope
Francis signaled his openness to the legal recognition of same-sex unions in
Italy." --This is actually an easy to conform lie of the Vatican. Click here and you will see over 1.3 million articles
confirming that as a Cardinal in Argentina, the present Pope did in fact support
homosexual civil unions in a big way! Now do you see why they have been making
plans since 2008 to effectively censor the Internet? Truth is, they're already censor my site,
and how many of us have come across articles or videos where a pop up states,
"this video
is not available in your country." The fix is in. All they need to do is
flick the big switch. Until they do.. spread the word and print out as much as
you can on to paper.
enlist powerful new wage and wealth gap warrior - the Pope
"It is not a surprise that the left and the right are now seeking openly to
affiliate with this Pope." --I just did a video the
other day about the comments the "admitted" Socialist Senator Bernard Sanders
said about joining with the Pope on spreading the wealth. But it's no mistake
the Pope's popularity is off the charts. Prophecy not only said all the world
will wonder after the beast. And since he is able to control the media, his word
will become Gospel for many soon. They will indeed catapult this Pope into the
limelight so as to cause his suggestions to be embraced. And that will happen
all the way up to when he demands a need for Sunday Laws. And notice what the
reporter says at the very close of the video! He actually said, and I quote, "If
you're against anything this man says, well frankly, you're in trouble." The
flexing of the political muscle of the beast has begun! His prophesied wound is
obviously healed.
new, and unlikely, powerful voice in Washington: The Pope
"Shortly before leaving the Capitol for the holiday recess, Senate Democrats
gathered behind closed doors to lay out an agenda for 2014. When the majority
leader, Harry Reid, exhorted colleagues to "deal with the issue of income
inequality," the talk took a spiritual turn. "You know," declared Sen. Bernard
Sanders, I-Vt., who caucuses with Democrats, "we have a strong ally on our side
in this issue - and that is the pope." --Yes,
as students of both prophecy and historic record, we in the remnant church have
expected this. Especially because of the fact this Pope is a
Jesuit. Reason being is, the Jesuits run Georgetown University in Washington
DC where men like Clinton were trained in political science, have been
educated to push the Vatican agenda. This means their plans put forth in writing
back in 1930 are right on track! They stated, "The old Protestant culture is
about at the end of its rope... Why can't we make the U.S. Catholic in
legislation, Catholic in justice, aims and ideals?" -Father F. X. Talbot, editor
of America, official jesuit magazine for the U.S. statement in New York Globe
Dec. 14, 1930
are afraid of pope’s ‘pure Christianity,’ not ‘pure Marxism’
"They’re not really afraid of ‘pure Marxism,’” Cahill said, quoting one of
Limbaugh’s complaints. “They might be more afraid of ‘pure Christianity,’ which
it sounds to me like what he’s spouting.” --Does anyone read Bibles anymore? It
appears they don't even read History books for that matter. No Mr Cahill,
historic, well documented and even admitted fact is, the Roman Catholic
church is not a Christian church. As prophesied by our Lord, the leaders in
Rome embrace just over 86% Paganism. truth is, they have admitted
same in writing. That being said, the Pope is not "spouting pure
Christianity" at all Mr Cahill. He's spouting pure Catholicism.
calls for global solidarity in New Year blessing
"We all have a responsibility to act so that the world may be a community of
brothers who respect each other, who accept their diversity and who take care of
one another," the pope said on Catholic World Peace Day." --This is exactly what
prophecy says Antichrist will do. Especially in the last days! The actual
definition of "solidarity" is, "A union of interests, purposes, or sympathies
among members of a group; fellowship of responsibilities and interests." But the
Word of God says not to join with those that are outside the faith. You can
verify that in Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14,17, 2
Thessalonians 3:6,14 and James 4:4. Thing is, most are unaware that the prophet
Daniel when speaking of Antichrist said that "through his policy also he shall
cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart,
and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up
against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand." Daniel
8:25. It can't be said any plainer than that.
enjoys 88% popularity in US, CNN poll shows
"The CCN/ORC International poll found that 88% of Americans approve of the
Pope’s performance. Similar survey results in other countries suggest that the
Pontiff is the world’s most popular religious leader today." --CNN can say
anything they want, it doesn't make it true. In fact, those of us that study
current events know that CNN is pro-Catholic and has already
agreed to post calendars on their sites promoting the Pope's Sunday Sabbath as
if it's the seventh day, so consider the source. Still, he is popular
because the Word of God clearly stated long ago that "all the world
wondered after the beast" in Revelation 13:3.
Week' Game Changer Pope Francis is the 'World's Parish Priest'
"What we were after was a good pastor with a track record of solid
administration, fatherly warmth, tender care for his sheep, for his people, and
boy, we got that on steroids with Pope Francis. He's the world's parish priest,"
Dolan said." --Do you have to be a prophet to have seen this coming? No, not at
all. But you would have to be obedient to the Lord that wrote the prophetic books to be able
to see this coming. And so we did. Prophecy clearly states in many areas that
Rome would gather all the world's wicked souls under her roof by allowing sin as
the norm in the church. And this Pope has done this better than any before him.
Everything from pleasing the elite who want a socialist form of global
government to their blatant homosexual lifestyle that looks to corrupt the
image of God in the eyes of many. This Pope more than most in recent times has
portrayed the ultimate spirit of Antichrist! What's worse is the fact that the
majority of the lost, Catholic or non-Catholic alike, are very pleased with this
man of sin
due to his bold sanctification of sin before all. In turn this will make the remnant of
her seed stand out that much more in the coming days. So be it. It's not
like we weren't warned well in advance so as to prepare for what comes
interest sparked by Pope Francis' exhortation
"Why is Pope Francis’ recently published Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii
Gaudium, or The Joy of the Gospel, causing such interest and excitement far
beyond the confines of the Catholic church? What new possibilities does it offer
to those engaged in the search for full, visible Christian unity? And can it
really usher in a new era of ecumenical springtime, half a century on from the
innovations of the Second Vatican Council?" --Yes it will, just as prophecy
predicted. The Pope is the main puppet of Satan and many church
leaders over the centuries have proclaimed the office of Pope to be Antichrist
correctly. The Pope is claiming far and wide that ecumenicalism is a good
thing when in fact it's the exact opposite of what the Word of God says in Amos
3:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14,17, 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14 and
James 4:4. How is it that the Pope claims it's ok to join with nonbelievers in
worship yet Jesus says we must never do so? It's because the Popes of Rome
are in fact ANTICHRIST.
creates Vatican agency to tackle sex abuse
"Pope Francis will establish a special commission to help protect children from
sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, the archbishop of Boston announced on
Thursday. The move is the pope’s first major initiative to address the abuse of
children." --I don't believe it for a minute. Why? Every single Pope in modern
time has claimed to do something about the pedophiles. Problem is, it only gets
worse with each Pope. In fact, right after John Paul
II announced his plans to stop the pedophiles in the Vatican, he immediately opposed the zero tolerance the American Bishops
installed in 2002 and allowed the molestations to flourish. The fact the Vatican just refused to give the UN details on the ongoing sex
abuse confirms it's business as usual in the Vatican when it comes to
allowing child molestation. What they don't tell the people is, the Didache
Documents of 60AD show that the founders of this prophesied
evil church had a problem with pedophiles thousands of years ago! But
because people live and die on a regular basis and those exposing the Vatican
drift away into history, the literal vat of sin in Rome just keeps repeating the same
lie with every Pope that they will do something about it. Praise God we are in
the very last days. We won't have to listen to or watch this insanity much longer.
Francis: “All Religions are True”
"According to Pope Francis, it doesn’t matter whether you are a heteros*xual or
a homos*xual, a pro-lifer or pro-choicer, conservative or liberal or even a
communist, because they all worship the same divine God and he loves them all."
--Not only does this prove this Pope is working directly with Satan more than
most Popes in recent times, he is also illustrating he doesn't believe the
Christian Bible wherein it says in Psalms 5:5, "The foolish shall not stand in
thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity." And Jesus said in Luke 13:27,
"But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all
ye workers of iniquity." What most people are missing here is that prophecy does
say Antichrist will gather all religions under one roof. This Pope is helping
Satan do just that with comments like this. In so doing by the way, the real
Christians will stick out like sore thumbs because the Spirit of the Lord
prevents us from joining with the world and all its wickedness. That is
obviously Satan's plan to better expose us to those he will move to do us harm.
Still, this does not matter because we all saw in Scripture that whenever the
obedient people of God were surrounded and overwhelmed by the enemy of souls, it
is then our Father's hand moves quite graphically. Today will be no different.
Especially when they try to make void His Law in the coming days with their Sunday
Laws, for it is also written in Psalms 119:126, "It is time for thee, LORD,
to work: for they have made void thy law."
Francis' Christmas message: Let us all unite for peace
"Pope Francis used the first Christmas address of his papacy Wednesday to make a
broad call for global peace and an end to violence in Syria and parts of Africa,
urging atheists and followers of other religions to join together in this common
cause." --He is doing what previous Popes and prelates agreed upon doing back
when Vatican II was initiated regarding their antichristian ecumenical plans.
But that's nothing compared to the prophetic fact that it says in Daniel 8:25
that the
Antichrist in Rome will use peace to destory many.
Francis: Church can't 'interfere' with homosexuals
"Pope Francis said the church has the right to express
its opinions but not to "interfere spiritually" in the lives of gays and
lesbians, expanding on explosive comments he made in July about not
judging homosexuals. ...The church has sometimes locked itself up in small things," the pope said, "in small-minded rules."
--To say the church must not interfere with homosexuals is to
deny the Gospel message wherein we are to warn everyone about
the coming of the Lord and the need for repentance. Worse yet,
for a religious leader to say what he said overwhelmingly exposes
him as being very hateful towards Jesus Christ and His written
Word. But then, being a student of prophecy, that's something
I've known about Popes for decades.
shrugs off 'Marxist' label "Pope Francis, who made headlines in recent weeks by lambasting 'trickle down"
economic theories as unfair to the poor, is shrugging off criticism from
political conservatives who dubbed him a Marxist." --Why shrug it off you ask?
He has no choice. Truth is truth. The
previous Popes also stated their desire for a socialist society. He just
happens to be more vocal about it because of the timing of his comments. He is
truly a Marxist and he will do exactly as prophecy says he will do. He has no
choice. Like all previous Popes, he too bows in
worship to Satan and simply cannot disobey his god. The basic reality in all
this is, our Lord saw all the plans of these popes long ago and shared them with
us. Even Satan cannot stop his fate now. All he can do is lie about, gild the
lily here and there to hide it, and twist Scripture to try and validate it. But
the elect cannot be deceived. And the man of sin is forever exposed. And yes, that too was
Francis Meets With Head of International Islamic Organization
"The pope met with the head of an international Islamic organization on Friday,
a meeting that was characterized as the first-ever for the group. ...Francis
also held an ecumenical meeting in March, greeting Christian, Muslim and Jewish
leaders, as well as those who ascribe to no faith at all. During the occasion,
he praised the Muslim leaders that had come for the meeting, remarking that they
were men who “adore the one, living, and merciful God and who call upon Him in
prayer." --It appears the Pope hates Jesus Christ Himself, or simply despises
His written Word. Specifically the passages that declare we must not associate
with nonbelievers. Some are found in Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2
Corinthians 6:14,17, 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14 and James 4:4. Either the Pope needs
to obey Jesus, who he claims to "replace" as per
Vatican dogma, or he needs to openly declare himself Antichrist and
get it over with. You can't claim both positions while there are still people on
earth with the ability to read a Bible.
Pope Francis trashes the ‘prosperity gospel’: Pompous Christians are
ugly pagans "“It is an ugly thing,” he said, according to Vatican Radio, “when you see a
Christian who doesn’t want to humble himself, who doesn’t want to serve, a
Christian who struts about everywhere: it’s ugly, eh? That is not a Christian:
that’s a pagan!” --Some needs to alert the Pope that he is the head of the Roman
Catholic church. The church wherein 86.2% of its
doctrine is based on Pagan theology. Just to name a few, just as Pagans of
old, the Pope has a Pagan goddess called "Queen of
Heaven." Just as the Pagans of old, the Pope
teaches transubstantiation. Just as Pagans of old, the Pope uses a rosary in
repetitive prayer rituals. Just as the Pagans of old the Pope embraces the "Day of the Sun
god Baal." Just as the Pagans of old the Pope embraces the birthday of
Tammuzz on December 25. Just as the Pagans of old the Pope embraces
homosexuality. Just as the Pagans of old the Pope demands all
to worship hundreds of idols. Just as the Pagans of old, the Pope worships
the creature
over the Creator. Just as Pagans of old, the Pope baptizes
babies. Just as the Pagan leaders of old the Pope claims the title Vicarivs Filii Dei.
Just as the Pagans of old the Pope
declares himself a "god on earth." Just as the Pagans of old the Pope
condones the persecution and killing of Christians. (Click here for
more info on Paganism in this church)
Rights Mag Names Pope Francis 'Person of the Year' Despite Same-Sex
Marriage Stance "The December issue of The Advocate features Pope Francis with a “NO H8” message
photoshopped on his right cheek. Next to his photo is a quote from the pope’s
interview with reporters in July, while en route from Brazil to Rome." --He's
not only the first Jesuit Pope, he's also the first pro-homosexual pope. This is
exactly what I was warning people about in my February 2004
Newsletter. Now, nearly 10 years later we see that Rome's homosexual agenda
is in full swing. Will this cause an exodus from Catholicism? Yes, but not in a
big way because most in that church are all about being
saved while still in sin. But there are a few that will "come out of her"
just as prophecy predicted in Revelation 18:1-5. It is for these we proclaim the
present truth.
Francis Demotes Strongly Pro-Life Cardinal Raymond Burke
members of the congregation were not reconfirmed. Cardinal Raymond
Burke will no longer serve in the office. The former St. Louis
archbishop had been a member for several years. Burke retains
his position as the head of the Vatican high court, the Apostolic
Signatura. Burke drew attention in the U.S. in 2004 when he
said he would deny Communion to Democratic presidential nominee
John Kerry, a Roman Catholic who supports abortion rights."
--Need I say more?
Francis: He’s ‘made Catholicism cool in 2013’
“There’s a new spirit in the church right now, Mr. Nykaza said. “I’m hearing
that young adults love Pope Francis. After all, he’s taking selfies with them.”
--Being "cool" won't get you to Heaven. Jesus will. Truth is, the Pope is all
about making Catholicism "cool" for everyone in the world, whether they be
Christian, Mulsim, Homosexual, or Atheist. But the Bible says in James 4:4, "Ye
adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is
enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy
of God." Still, the prophecy also says in Revelation 13:3&4 that all the
world will wonder after the beast, and making it appear "cool" is just one more
way of getting there.
laments 'sad' Christians who always criticize preaching
"The same tendencies are visible today, the Pope continued, among Christians who
invariably find fault with the message presented to them by their priests. They
are caught up in their own ideologies, he said, and unable to hear the Gospel
message." --Problem with that mindset is, the church of Rome does not preach the
Gospel message. In fact, it's already been proven that 86.2% of Roman
Catholic doctrine is not found in the Bible. Worse yet, the Roman
Catholic church leaders admit in writing the bulk of their message was adopted
from Paganism! Truth is, it's not "criticizing" when you preach the truth
about Antichrist and his prelates. It's our duty according to
Ephesians 5:11. What the Pope is doing here is attempting to make the truth we
preach about him and his cohorts to be looked at by his followers as
"ideological" and unnecessary. But truth is truth. And those in that church that
want to follow after the truth WILL eventually see it as it is written and leave
the Pope's snare. This is the only reason he speaks out against us. It's merely
damage control in his eyes.
plans attacked for 'savings inequality'
"A report by the Washington-based National Institute on Retirement Security that
found a significant racial disparity in retirement savings among working-age
households appears to be setting the stage for introducing “income
redistribution” concepts into the next round of debate over cutting Social
Security benefits." --How many times have I stated over the years that Rome controls the
White House? At least 25 years as I can tell. As we can see, whenever a Pope
makes a statement regarding his desires, the politicians in DC clamor to do what
he asks. Click here to see a few recent articles about the present Pope
echoing John Paul
II and Benedict XIV's desire to redistribute the wealth in a
socialist society, and then read the article linked on this feed about the US
Government's plans to mess with Social Security payments. Nuff said?
honors Rock singer infamous for homosexual music
"Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the Vatican's 71-year-old culture minister,
paid his own tribute on Monday to the late rocker Lou Reed, tweeting
one of his best-known songs before clarifying he was not condoning any
reference to drugs some have seen in the song." --Loud Reed was one of
the first, if not THE first to glorify the homosexual lifestyle
in Rock music and now we see the Vatican honoring him when he
dies? Have you read Daniel 11:37 lately?
Francis Takes Aim At Ideologically Obsessed Christians, Says
They Have Illness "Pope Francis has been very clear about how he feels about ideological purity in
religion. He’s been particularly critical of right-wing Christian
fundamentalism. Pope Francis has shifted the focus of the Catholic Church to
issues facing the poor and the sick. He has railed against economic inequality
and has criticized the anti-gay and anti-abortion strains that have come to
dominate the Christian Right here in America. Such ideological extremism is
dangerous, not only to Christianity, but to the world. And Pope Francis said as
much last Thursday." --The ecumenical charge of Rome must be filtered with
sinful allowance just so long as it's covered in Catholic ideals. Since Catholic
dogma is nearly 90% tradition and 100% unbiblical, all religions will
feel at home in Rome just as the Pagans have since 321AD. And so, this Pope will push and push
and push until all the wicked of the world see him as a good man worthy of bowing to.
Jesus was clear, absolute obedience to His Word is essential to gain wisdom and
understanding that is the main fruit of all residents of Heaven. Any step off
the path set before us is dangerous and should be avoided as the plagues
Rome will soon bathe in. But this Jesuit Pope demands all Christians walk the path as
drunkards swaying from one precipice to the other as well as leaping off the
path entirely so as to appear more appealing to the world outside the path.
Prophecy said their manipulation of the truth would be done in a crafty manner
in the end. This Pope is the embodiment of that craftiness that is in SATAN!
open letter to Pope Francis
"The harsh reality is that urban "gay" life around the world, including the
secret, lives of homosexual deacons, priests, religious and members of the
Catholic hierarchy, is intimately tied to Organized Crime by way of illegal
drugs, pornography, male prostitution, blackmail, rape, murder, homicides and
suicides." --In other words, the Pope has to pander to his partners in crime so
as to keep the rickety peace he has fostered. To declare their lifestyles sinful
is to break all ties with them and their prophesied agenda. In fact, this Pope
has been pushing homosexuality since he was a Cardinal in Argentina. But then,
the prophet
Daniel did predict this.
do Protestants love Pope Francis?
"Protestant evangelist Luis Palau has prayed with Francis and even defended his
faith. Timothy George, a respected Baptist theologian, has written an article
claiming the Pope is “Our Francis, Too.” And a writer for “The Catholic Herald“
opined that the Argentine Jesuit is “stirring the hearts of evangelicals all
over the world.” --They're lying, plain and simple. In fact, this Pope's immoral
statements about homosexuals, capitalism, or as his refusal to help protect
the children molested by his "employees" keeps his approval rating among
"honest" Protestants at the basement level. In other words, the Protestants
aren't any more happy with this Pope than the previous ones were. BUT, their
religious leaders are in fact clamoring to his side as expected. Not only was it
prophesied they would do so, it's also because they are false teachers and birds
of a feather naturally do flock together. After all, misery does love. company.
What irks me most about articles like this is that the uneducated will believe
its content because they find it in print. Rome knows better than anyone that
positive PR always moves sheeple towards the author's conceptualized agenda.
It's an age old tactic of Rome that has worked on the less educated for eons.
Problem is, today the majority are sufficiently "dumbed down" by their own
governments, of which has never been more obvious than it is in America
today. The good toss of this coin is that Jesus promised His elect can NOT
be deceived. This is one of the many blessings of studying His Word. You are
always moved by His Spirit to avoid such idiocies as this.
Ties Pope Francis To The KGB
"In a column entitled “Communism and the Pope,” WND’s Ileana Johnson Paugh
writes that she “traces Francis’ thinking to KGB-influence in S. America” and
argues that social justice is not connected to the teachings of Jesus Christ but
actually a “Soviet communist-led idea” that helped the KGB “infiltrate” the
Catholic Church." --Of course the Pope is denying this, even though we can all
read the statement John Paul II made, Cardinal Ratzinger echoed, and the present
Pope agreed to when it came to spreading the wealth. Still, nothing pounds
the nail home better than the statement Cardinal Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict
XVI made in 1985. When asked about... "Liberation theology." Ratzinger
said.. "The 'absolute good' (and this means building a just socialist
society) becomes the moral norm that justifies everything else,
including--if necessary--violence, homicide, mendacity." Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger ~ US News & World Report, Dec 2, 1985
denies legal responsibility for Catholic child abuse
"THE Vatican has told a UN investigating committee that it cannot be held
legally competent over the abuses of children carried out by Catholic churchmen
because they are subject to national laws, a spokesman said on Wednesday." --If
you're Roman Catholic, what say ye now? You know for a fact the Pope is lying.
In any other church on the planet, if a leader in the church molests a child the
church gets sued. But Rome seems to think otherwise. The Vatican is 98% homosexuals. The priests are dying
of AIDS 11 times greater than anyone else. There have been
hundreds of thousands of children raped by Catholic priests in this generation
alone, and still the Pope claims the church is not at fault? WHO IS?
One thing is gnawing at the prelates in Rome, and is seen as clear as day by
those that study prophecy is that fact that the prophet
Daniel stated the prelates would be homosexuals, and they are exactly that.
Francis: The Christian conforms his way of thinking to God's
"The Christian conforms his way of thinking to God’s, and for this reason
rejects ways of thinking that are weak and restricted. This was the central
theme of Pope Francis’ homily during Mass on Friday morning in the Casa Sanctae
Martha." --This is par for the course in Rome. As prophesied, this church is to
be a doctrinally confused church. This Pope, like all before him, speaks out of
both sides of his mouth. What I mean is, in this statement he declares the
Christian must conform to God's way of thinking; yet not too many weeks ago he
declared homosexuality is no big deal, Atheists can get to Heaven without
knowing Jesus, and Muslims are our brothers in the faith. As prophesied, Catholicism
also teaches many doctrines that leasd people away from Jesus. And yes,
prophecy also warned us that the man of sin will be very appealing to the sinners while at
the same time an open and obvious slanderous example of the Christian faith
and Jesus whom he claims to replace. Just as his predecessors before
him, Pope Francis is in fact doing exactly that which prophecy said
Antichrist will do.
Francis Attacks Capitalism, Calls for State Control
"Before the advent of liberation theology, Catholicism hated socialism and
communism, regarding them as “godless.” Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) wrote an
entire encyclical condemning socialism. But now Pope Francis seems to be
embracing a condemnation of capitalism instead, and an embracing of socialistic
principles." --Sound familiar? It should. It's the same type of comments
made by Cardinal Ratzinger before he became Pope when he was being coached
and lead by John
Paul II. They will eventually force a socialistic society in America and
with it they will easily enforce their mark by doing so because 99% of the churches in America,
including, and especially the SDA church are under the Pope's thumb since he became their
elected leader in June of 2000.
predictions now coming true at breakneck speed
"Obama’s plot to “drag the economy down” and redistribute American wealth to the
rest of the world – and financially cripple the nation – he explains, “is a
transfer of hundreds of billions, in fact trillions of dollars, out of the
United States and into other countries." --At 1:45 in the video he states
Obama's methods "redistributes wealth away from America to the rest of the
world." For those of you that I harp on the Popes too much or that I am biased
towards exposing them; do you recall what John Paul II commanded in 1988, which Benedict XVI then spoke on and now Francis has been pushing as well lately regarding the
spreading of the wealth? This is what most "so called" pastors keep missing
because they disobey the Lord and then are refused wisdom; when the
Pope makes a demand, all one needs to do is watch how American politicians and
then the rest of the world 's leaders start to do as he demands. The prophecy
regarding all the world wondering after the beast in Rome isn't just for the
common man. All the political leaders follow this man as well!
Hawaii Poised to Legalize Same-Sex ‘Marriage' after Pope's comments
"Supreme Court’s DOMA ruling, Pope Francis cited as reasons to embrace ‘marriage
equality.’ ...The House Speaker, according to the Chicago Tribune, referenced
the Pope’s comments to defend his own vote on the bill. State Rep. Linda Chapa
LaVia, D-Aurora, made a similar point in an interview with the Tribune. “As a
Catholic follower of Jesus and the pope, Pope Francis, I am clear that our
Catholic religious doctrine has at its core love, compassion and justice for all
people,” said Rep. Chapa LaVia." --Just as I stated back in my February 2004
Newsletter, the Vatican must figure out a way to push the Homosexual agenda
into society as a "normal" sexual orientation so as to lesson the burden on Rome
due to all the homosexual priests in the Vatican that are running
rampant across the globe. And now, with their very first Jesuit Pope, we
see the final push that brings it about just as expected. Praise the Lord for
His Holy Spirit. Without obedience to the Lord, an understanding of His prophetic
truth is impossible.
pope Francis welcomes delegates from all religions in Iraq
"At the end of the Wednesday's General Audience, Pope Francis met with the
delegates of the many religious groups that call Iraq home. He met with
Christian, Shia and Sunni Muslim leaders, as well as Sabeans and Yazidis." --As
soon as the
long prophesied man of sin gets all religions on earth under one roof, he
knows that the only one refusing to bow to him
will be his long sought after target. So be it. Students of prophecy knows
that's when our God shines the most! If you keep the faith, and obey the Lord as
His Word outlines, you will witness something every prophet of old have
longed to see their entire lives.
Francis Takes Aim At Ideologically Obsessed Christians, Says
They Have Illness "Pope Francis has been very clear about how he feels about ideological purity in
religion. He’s been particularly critical of right-wing Christian
fundamentalism. Pope Francis has shifted the focus of the Catholic Church to
issues facing the poor and the sick. He has railed against economic inequality
and has criticized the anti-gay and anti-abortion strains that have come to
dominate the Christian Right here in America. Such ideological extremism is
dangerous, not only to Christianity, but to the world. And Pope Francis said as
much last Thursday." --This man repeatedly does the exact opposite of what Jesus
said His followers were called to do in His Word. But then, he, like all Popes
before him is the prophesied man of sin. Being as such, he must do this in order to get
all the world to join him in his war against God's followers. Sadly, he and all
his cohorts are about to witness what Goliath saw first-hand. Only this time in
a very global manner.
canonize the priests who supported Fascist Franco
"In 1933, the Pope also made a “peace treaty” with the Nazis. In 1934, the
Catholic Zentrum Party merged with the Nazi-party in Germany. There was no
longer any visible and doctrinal difference between a Catholic and a Fascist.
Now, Pope Francis from former Fascist Argentina honors the “heroes” of former
Fascist Spain." --The only reason we see such acts wherein evil is openly
honored is because of the times we live in. Just as America, a nation mostly filled
with unrepentant citizens has a wicked ruler guiding them to national destruction, the
Catholics, who by majority are more apt to bow to evil than the good, also have
a wicked ruler who guides them to final judgment. This is why a comparatively
small number of spiritually intelligent Americans are in the process of
repentance, and some blessed Catholics are leaving the church. Soon, all that
heed the final
call will make the right choice to walk as Christ
commands, and then the censor in His hand will fall, the plagues will come,
and the eastern sky will reveal He who sits on the Throne.
leader says Pope Francis ‘resonates with the Muslim world’ "The president of the Islamic Affairs Council of Maryland offered high praise
for Pope Francis, saying the Catholic leader “resonates with the Muslim world,”
much like the saint from whom he takes his name." --Why would a Muslim say that?
For the same reason Arafat kissed Pope John Paul II in an act of open
worship before the Muslim world. These two political entities MUST work
together to complete Satan's well prophesied plans. The only way to get all the
Muslims into a group hug with the Pope is to get their leaders to openly praise
and worship the
man of sin. This is also why the SDA church
and all the other churches are joining with Islam to create Chrislam. The
people must be surrounded. Not to worry though brothers and sisters. This is
when our God shines the most! They're not picking a fight with us. As king David
proved long ago, it's the Creator God they're picking this fight with. Little do
they know that "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
-Hebrews 10:31
leader says pope is model of what religious leader should be
"I see Pope Francis saying the right things and setting the right tone, and also
appearing in the right places at the right time," he said." --Politics, nothing
more, nothing less. The fact this Muslim leader says this Pope is saying "the
right things" means they have already agreed with Rome's homosexual
agenda so as to join hands as one. Many Muslims will be upset by this
statement, but they will eventually come around as their leaders have. Since Arafat kissed the
Pope in worship ten years ago, the Muslims have become more and more
complacent with Rome's long prophesied globalist agenda. And rightly so. The Pope is
actually their god. Most Muslims are unaware of that as of yet. But they
will soon discover the Vatican is the Author of their Koran and then the smoke
will rise.
Radical group raves about Francis "Pope Francis has been rocking the boat a little in the last few weeks,
suggesting no criticism for those living a homosexual lifestyle, distancing
himself from church leaders, whom he called “narcissists,” and affirming that “
clericalism should not have anything to do with Christianity.” But jaws are
falling open at word that “People’s World,” a descendant of the “Daily Worker”
with a “special relationship with the Communist Party USA,” is openly praising
him." --Imagine that! First it was homosexuals that praised him, then the
Atheists and all non-Christians praised him, and now communists openly praise
him. This shows you how evil this world has become. Look around and you will see
Catholics and most non-Catholics praise this man for all the same reasons
homosexuals, atheists and communists do. This man twists the truth to grant
everyone a license to sin while still being able to gain Heaven. This is exactly
what Scripture says the man of sin will do. And because he embraces sin, those
that revel in it will praise him as well. Shock? No, not at all. In fact, the
headline should start with the word "Fulfillment" instead of "Shock."
Council of Churches general secretary meets Pope Francis
leaders of the Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches
represent a majority of the world's Christians so their meeting
in Rome this week was important for global peace." --What
did the prophet Daniel say about this? He said in Daniel 8:25,
"And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper
in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and
by peace shall destroy many:
he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he
shall be broken without hand." It won't be long now.
Francis prays before the tomb of Francis
"no comments on video." --It's amazing how many times Roman Catholic priests and
prelates claim they don't worship idols or teach others to worship idols while
at the same time being filmed bowing in worship before idols of stone, wood,
steel and bone. May God have mercy on their souls! For it is written in Exodus
20:5 that, "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the
LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;"
Francis: the church is holy despite its sins
"During his general audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis talked about
contradictions. He explained that the Church is holy, despite the sins and flaws
of its members, including that of popes." --Jesus plainly said in Matthew 7:16,
"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of
thistles?" Jesus also said in Matthew 16:18 that "the gates of hell shall not
prevail" against His church. Not only has history shown
the gates of hell has prevailed against the Roman Catholic church, the so called "saint"
Pope John Paul II admitted in his mea culpa of March
25, 2000 that the gates of hell DID IN FACT PREVAIL. But the simplest way to
prove this Pope and all before him liars, read what Revelation said about the
"Whore of
Babylon." Truth is, how can both the Pope and the Word of God be telling the
truth? One of them must be lying. One would think billions of Christians over
the centuries would agree, the Bible isn't the liar here. Bottom line is this,
if the church is supposed to "stay holy" even in sin as this Pope claims, why is
it Jesus calls it a whore when they do just as He prophesied they would do? Just
as Roman
theology teaches, the Pope believes you can be saved while still in sin.
And that brothers and sisters is a bold faced lie of the prophesied man
of sin.
How America Feels After The Pope's Landmark Statement On Gays
And Abortion "Pope Francis' statements in an interview published last week that the Catholic
church has been too "obsessed" with homosexuality and abortion, and should focus
more on being a "home for all," have earned high approval from both Catholics
and non-Catholics, according to a new poll conducted by HuffPost/YouGov."
--That's exactly what he expected no doubt. You have to keep in mind that the
Vatican is the most powerful political entity on earth. It's going to test the
waters and view the demographics before making statements like this that can
destroy their agenda. Oh no, he knew before making his comments that upwards of
80% of the Catholic loved him. And this is even after he declared the Lord God
to be "small minded." The Catholics are right now showing themselves to be the
ultimate barometer of immorality and decadence. But then this was to be expected
and they were warned about all this for quite some time. After centuries of
ignoring the Lord's Word and all the warnings from those He sent to them, and
after decades of seeing their own children raped by their "men of God" in our
generation, they are most assuredly on the precipice of receiving the wrath of
‘Might Be Greatest Man Alive’ "Here’s a look at Catholics attending Sunday services around the globe who said
they were heartened by Pope Francis’ recent remarks that the church has become
too focused on “small-minded rules” on hot-button issues such as homosexuality,
abortion, and contraceptives." --This Pope will most assuredly become the
"greatest man alive" because he openly embraces sin and with his very own lips
calls the God of all creation "small minded. All the world will love this Pope
now because they hate the Christian God and it is the Christian God that said
homosexuality is SIN and abortion is MURDER. So calling the Christian God "small
minded" is very attractive to the worldlings. This Pope knows speaking like this
will guarantee a bigger influx of people into his church. This is why "he wants a
bigger tent" as it were for his followers. So, that being said, I have to
ask dear Mr & Mrs Catholic.. now do you finally see what the rest of us see
about the Popes? Keep in mind, the Jesuit general, or "black Pope"
as he is called, has always run the Pope's political agenda from behind the
scenes in the past. Now that you actually have a Jesuit Pope out front as well
as behind the scense, who works hand in hand with the black Pope, can you
finally see this man of sin clearly? One can only hope.
Francis gives unprecedented interview to Jesuit magazine "Pope Francis gave an unprecedented, six hour interview to the magazine editor
of 'Civilta Cattolica,' which is actually the most prominent Jesuit publication.
The interview was carried out by Antonio Spadaro, who is also a Jesuit priest."
--In the interview this Jesuit Pope stated that he, as well as all ministers of
the church should be "ministers of mercy." But this Pope took an oath as a
Jesuit priest. And within that oath he said, "I furthermore promise and declare
that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or
openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do,
to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I
will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil,
flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and
wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order
to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done
openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel
of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or
authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life,
either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent
of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of
Jesus." Does that sound merciful to you? (See his entire
oath here)
Documentary! The Vatican and America "Please listen to what is being said in this documentary. This is a secular
documentary made by the History Channel, and yet it provides amazing insight
into the beasts of Revelation 13 and the Whore of Babylon." --They did this
documentary to glorify the Pope and his power. Notice however the comments that
flash on the screen by the YouTube user that posted the video. Most fail to
realize the power of the Pope when it came to all the wars and rumors of wars.
Also notice how the prelates of Rome actually admit on camera to their desire
for major secrecy in all that they do. They even admitted they seal all the
Pope's political statements and actions and refuse to allow anyone to see them
until 75 years after his death. They know his actions are evil, while at the
same time know within 75 years it will be less taboo for their congregation to
view such sinful acts. Case in point, 75 years ago homosexuality was considered
evil. Today, the Pope sanctions homosexual marriage. It’s facts like this
that have been documented throughout time that will eventually garner the global
support for those prophecy says have been called to expose the man of sin in
Pope Francis: Church can't 'interfere' with gays
"Pope Francis said the church has the right to express its
opinions but not to "interfere spiritually" in the lives of gays and
lesbians, expanding on explosive comments he made in July about not
judging homosexuals." --I really hope some Christians finally wake up
to what's going on here. Besides the fact that the Pope is sanctioning
the homosexual lifestyle, as students of prophecy expected as part of
the Vatican's long exposed Homosexual agenda; which was first declared by the prophet Daniel and recently confirmed when it was reported that 98% of the priests in Rome were in fact homosexual. What
most miss is the Vatican II agenda of ecumenicalism in all this. This
Pope is building on the ecumenical foundation of the last few popes
so as to join hand in hand with every sinner they can find on earth.
They openly call everyone their "brothers" in the faith so as to
assure everyone on the side of Satan, whether they know it or not, are
under their roof and under their guidance. That way, the "remnant of her seed" will be effectively singled out by simply sticking out in their prophesied "peculiar" manner. We are THAT close to the end obedient ones! Are you ready? ARE YOU SURE?!
Pope says it's 'not necessary' to speak about gay marriage, abortion
"Pope Francis is warning that the Catholic Church's moral
edifice might "fall like a house of cards" if it doesn't balance its
divisive rules about abortion, gays and contraception with the greater
need to make the church a merciful, more welcoming place for all."
--In other words, he's telling his flock to shut up. Quit telling
people they're in sin and welcome them into the church with open arms.
That in itself is a good thing, but once there they are to let them
know they need to stop sinning. Ephesians 5:11 says we must, "have no
fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove
them." There are many ways to reprove sin. You can lovingly tell
someone they're in sin and lead them to Christ's forgiveness. You can
walk away from them letting them know you cannot condone their sin and
in so doing hopefully generate shame unto repentance as
2Thessalonians 2:14,15 instructs. Or you can simply refuse to yolk
unequally with those you know are in sin as Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14,17, 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14 and James 4:4 declare.
But the Pope cannot teach that and still hope to gather the whole
world into the church as prophecy says he will do. All expect the remnant people of God
of course. It is then we will appear "peculiar" to all, and that is
exactly what Satan's going for here so as to make it that much easier to
find and persecute us. But not to worry obedient ones. It is then our
God has promised to show His hand much more openly. YOU WILL be
Pope assures Rome priests that 'sanctity is stronger than scandals'
"Acting in his capacity as bishop of Rome, Pope Francis
offered words of encouragement to his diocesan priests, assuring them
that recent and current scandals cannot overcome the church's holiness
and urging them to keep their vocations alive through love of God."
--First of all, the "church" is not what's holy. According to numerous
Scripture, only Christ is holy. In fact, "As it is written, There is
none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there
is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way,
they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good,
no, not one." (Romans 3:10-12) Secondly, sanctity is stronger than
scandals when the scandals are falsely claimed. Problem is, all the scandals of the church ARE true and well documented.
But then, Roman Catholicism teaches that you can be saved IN sin,
instead of FROM sin, and so of course the Pope that also sanctions
homosexuality in the global arena will indeed sanctify the most
scandalous church on the planet. It's as Isaiah 4:1 predicted for
today. They all claim to believe in Jesus, but they all read the Word
the way they want to read it. They all live their lives as they
please, but they insist on the title "Christian" to hide their
shame. "Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This
people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with
their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do
worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." By the way,
Jesus Himself said that in Matthew 15:7-9.
Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to
go to heaven
"In comments likely to enhance his progressive reputation, Pope Francis has
written a long, open letter to the founder of La Repubblica newspaper, Eugenio
Scalfari, stating that non-believers would be forgiven by God if they followed
their consciences." --No, this is nothing new. John Paul II said this, Benedict
XVI said it both as a pope and when he was still a Cardinal, Robert Shuller said
it and Billy Graham said it. (see proof
here) The fact he says it so boldly before all the world as if it's a badge
of honor to do so and without fear of reprisal proves Satan knows he has most of
the world under his thumb right now. Bottom line is, the Bible repeatedly states
cover to cover that without Christ as Lord, you CAN NOT be saved from the hellfire. In other words, this Pope, like his predecessors is
advertising hellfire as if it's Heaven! In fact, that's the exact same thing the
high priests in the Satanic church call Heaven as well. We can now add to the
growing stack that started to grow after a "Satanic mass was
discovered inside the Vatican" years ago by one of their own. These men in
Rome truly do worship Satan.
The Church is our Mother: she gives us life and accompanies
us "During his weekly general audience, Pope Francis described the Church as a
Mother. He explained that just like a parent, the Church gives life, nourishes
and accompanies her children throughout life." --In literally thousands of Bible
verses we are taught it is our God that gives life and nourishes each and every
one of us daily. But the Pope, being the prophesied man
of sin, must demand his followers deny the Father, His Son and His Holy
Spirit so as to follow him and his dogma. As the people are led to look to
creation, instead of their Creator for such things, Satan has them right where
he needs them to be.
religious faiths join Pope during prayer vigil "Nearly 100,000 people prayed for peace alongside Pope Francis during Saturday's
vigil. The same number as the victims killed during two and a half years of
violence in Syria." --Almost every false and worldly religion known to man was
praying that day to their false gods along with the Pope as their leader. This
is the ultimate sign that he is not only the man of
sin; He is also one that hates Christ and His written Word wherein it states
clearly in 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that
walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us. And if
any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company
with him, that he may be ashamed." Instead of doing the will of the true and
ever living God, wherein many will be moved to repentance as an end result, this
Pope, and all the other false leaders gathered with him embrace the many demonic
gods just as prophecy predicted they would so as to gather Satan's forces
together as one. It's no mistake this is being done in the Vatican square as
well. Satan's coming out day is very near. Soon, all we will see on earth is two
religions squaring off. One that obeys, glorifies and honors the Creator God,
and all the rest gathered with Rome that will seek to kill those that honor the
Francis 'Phones Gay Catholic To Reassure Him About Sexuality'
"Trutino said he was left stunned when he then received a phone call from the
head of the Catholic Church himself. ...“Your homosexuality. It doesn’t matter.
One way or another , we are all children of God. This is why we must continue to
be good," the Pope told him." --When someone finds Jesus as Lord 1 Peter 1:14
clearly says that person, as an obedient child of God will not be fashioning
themselves according to the former lusts. But this Pope, like all before him, is
nothing more than a liar. This lost soul that wrote the Pope was seeking real
guidance. Instead of helping him to repentance and to Jesus Christ as Lord, the
Pope declares he can remain in sin and still gain Heaven "as long as he is
good." Not only is that par for the course for basic Catholic
theology, wherein they teach you can be saved "in sin" rather than "from"
sin as Jesus teaches. It also confirms the truth the Lord
revealed long ago about the homosexual agenda of the Vatican was spot on!
Directly after the Vatican scandals started to flourish with the many child
rapist priests, the politics of accepting homosexuality commenced. As expected,
they pushed it forward wherein today most in both society, the churches and the
halls of Congress accepts it so that the Pope himself can actually make such
sinful claims without so much as raising an eyebrow of his flock. Soon, the priests of Rome, who are 98% homosexuals, will be looked
upon as just as righteous as any child of God out there. So be it.. this is
nothing more than true Christian prophecy coming to fruition.
Francis' 'risky business' sparks internal fire
"Seasoned Vatican observers already have begun expressing concern about the
pontiff’s safety, with the concern not so much over external enemies of the
Roman Catholic Church but over forces within the church that are resistant to
change." --You do realize what this means don't you? The Roman Catholic church
has not only been lying for eons about papal infallibility; they have been lying
about God being the one that selects Popes. The fact many of the high ranking
prelates don't trust the Pope proves these so called leaders in the church don't
trust their own Pope as being infallible, and they don't trust the God who "they
think" selected him as the Pope. Truth is, we have Scriptural evidence to prove it's Satan who
selects the Popes. But these men in the Vatican don't know this because they
don't read or even trust Bibles written by the ever living God of all creation.
to attend Marian Day in the Vatican
"the statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be welcomed by Pope Francis in St.
Peter's Square and then the Pope will hold a Marian catechesis. From 19.00
onwards, the statue of the Virgin arrives at the Sanctuary of Divine Love, where
the Rosary will be recited with a link up to all the Marian shrines in the
world, while starting from 22.00, there will be a prayer vigil." --They not only
admit the "statue" will be welcomed by the Pope as if it's alive, they also
admit they will pray to it by reciting the rosary which
is 85% prayer to Mary, a dead human who was blessed, but dead
nonetheless. And yes, they are taught to pray to the statue. They will
say no they don't of course. But the kneelers placed before the statue, and the
fact everyone present will be kneeling facing the statue as they recite the
rosary says they are indeed praying to the statue, which is exactly why they
removed Commandment #2 from their Catechism in the first place. Leaving
Commandment #2 in would mean they know it is sinful to pray to Mary and
especially statues. But because they did "change the law" as the Prophet Daniel
predicted, (See Daniel 7:25) and because the Pope will kneel before the statue
as well, they are convinced it's perfectly ok to break commandment #2. Sadly,
this was all prophesied. Had they read their Bibles they would not be in this
position now.
VIDEO: Jordan's
king discuss need for dialogue in Syria with pope Francis
"Seemingly caught in the midst of the current Middle East crisis, Jordan's
King Abdullah II and his wife, Queen Rania, met with Pope Francis for a brief
audience at the Vatican." --What business does a "church" have in politics?
None! UNLESS that church is home to Satan, the author of corrupt politics. The
Vatican is not just a "church." It's also a
political entity just as prophecy predicted it would be. Also keep in mind
that the Syrian people by majority are Muslim. There is no need to speak to the
Pope UNLESS it's as students of prophecy have been stating for eons. The Popes
control the politics of the world because, as prophecy also predicts, he has plans to
rule the planet. So of course, in today's age of lying and corrupt politics,
Syria needs to talk with the Pope. His prophesied love
affair with Islam dictates loudly that it's only due to the Pope's influence
in that region that we see war in the first place..
use schools to secure foothold in Europe
"The decision of the Catholic University of Leuven, the oldest university in
Belgium and a major contributor to the development of Roman Catholic theology
for more than 500 years to offer a degree in Islamic theology beginning in 2014
caught the attention of Soeren Kern, a senior fellow with the New York-based
Gatestone Institute as well as a senior fellow at the Madrid-based Strategic
Studies Group." --The fact the Pope is once again pushing Islam in the schools
not only confirms he is a friend to Islam and agrees with their evil plans for
the Christians; the documentation we now have that suggests the Vatican church as the inventor of the Islamic faith is now
boldly confirmed as well.
Francis prays to Mary, Queen of Peace, for Egypt
THE POPE SAID: "Unfortunately, painful news has
come from Egypt. I wish to ensure my prayers for all the victims and their
families, the injured and all those who are suffering. Let us pray together for
peace, dialogue and reconciliation in that dear nation and throughout the world.
Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us. Let us all say it, Mary, Queen of Peace, pray
for us." --When one prays, it is an act of
worship towards the entity in which the prayer is addressed. Just as the
Pagan's of old prayed to and offered "cakes" to the "Queen of Heaven," (See
Jeremiaj 7:18) the Popes of Rome pray to, offer "hot cross
buns" and declare Mary "Queen of
Heaven" and worthy
of worship.
Francis plans to consecrate the world to Our Lady
"The statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima will travel all the way from
Portugal to the Vatican, where Pope Francis is planning on consecrating the
world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary." --What many fail to realize, especially
Catholics is, this confirms Catholicism is not a Christian religion. It's a Marian
religion. In fact, Rome calls Mary "Queen of
Heaven" just as the Pagans of old called their goddess. (See her name
mentioned in Jeremiah 7:18) Worse yet is the fact that instead of consecrating
the world to Jesus the Creator, the Pope is doing so to a created being, "Mary"
just as Romans 1:22-27 predicted those that worship creatures instead of the
Creator would do in the last days. On top of all this, the Pope is also teaching
all Catholics and those that look to their Pope as a religious leader to worship idols in that he is uplifting a statue as if it's a real living being. And finally, to
claim Mary's heart was "immaculate" is to call the Word of God a lie wherein it
says none but Christ are free from the stain of sin. So many souls are right
now being lead into the pit of Hellfire by the unholy fathers
of Rome, but then prophecy did say that all the world will wonder after this
discusses gays and women in church
"no comments in the video." --Notice this is you will. When speaking of
homosexuals, the Pope says "who am I to judge." And when speaking of women in
the church, he quotes John Paul II and says the issue is closed. This means, in
both cases he completely avoided the chance to uplift Christ and His written
Word. Besides the fact this confirms his hatred of the Word, which has
been the case for the Popes for eons. Scripture clearly says homosexuals, or
anyone else in open sin, cannot be allowed to serve in the church until they are
freed from their grievous sinful state. And Scripture also says women cannot
serve as pastors even if they are godly women because the Lord has other amazing
and very blessed plans for His obedient women. This Pope makes homosexuality
appear like no big deal when in fact the Word says it is an abomination to God.
And when it comes to women he ignores the written Word that highlights their
blessings and makes it appears as a very big deal. In both cases we see prophecy
fulfilled here. The prophet Daniel not only declared the Vatican priests would
be homosexual, he also said they would also be anti-women as well. Click here for
VIDEO: Roman
Catholic Church Declared Transnational Criminal Organization
"On February 25, 2013, the Roman Catholic Church and its highest officials
were lawfully convicted of engaging in Crimes against Humanity and an
international Criminal Conspiracy to aid and abet child trafficking. This
verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice found that the Church
and its governing body, the Vatican, Incorporated, constitutes a criminal body
under international law. (1) On July 11, 2013, Pope Francis 1, Jorge Bergoglio,
confirmed the criminal status of his church by establishing new internal church
policies that counsel and compel criminality among his followers, clergy and
employees. These policies and Bergoglio’s own public statements reaffirm the
existing canon law that protects child rapists, Crimen Sollicitationis, by
directing all Catholics to suppress evidence of child rape and trafficking
within their church, and threatening punishment of those who disclose such
evidence. (2) ...This Proclamation, signed and dated by the user, will
constitute the legal authorization of these actions, as will the adjoining Bench
Warrant Order issued by our Court on August 1, 2013." --This is one
shocking video! This ministry, as well as countless others have
been exposing the Vatican as a criminal organization for decades. But because
they control many courts in many nations, they continue to commit their crimes
daily. And some of these crimes are horrendous. Just to name a few of the many
crimes, like child trafficking, child torture, and yes countless millions that
have been molested and raped by Vatican priests has been the daily norm in this
church for too long! (Since 60AD in fact) Prophecy does say in the end this church
will be exposed wherein all "with eyes that see" will recognize the prophesied
"man of
sin" in the Vatican. That day is now here. It's only a matter of time
wherein we see the "smoke of her burning" billowing up before the eyes of those
she has "committed fornication and lived deliciously with her." -Revelation 18:9
calls for "mutual respect" between Muslims and Christians
"We are called to respect the religion of the other, its teachings, its symbols,
its values," he said in a statement distributed by the Vatican press office."
--There's nothing wrong with showing respect to your fellowman, as is this is
one way to break the ice in sharing Jesus. But according to Scripture, uplifting
their false gods and rituals is going directly against God's written will. For
confirmation see Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14,17, 2
Thessalonians 3:6,14 and James 4:4. One would think a man who claims to be "God on
earth" would at least know the Word of God says this. But prophecy does say
the Pope will trample the Word underfoot as well as belittle and twist it as
often as possible. This is why this Pope, and all others before him have done
just that over the centuries. When you allow Satan to possess you so as to gain
the ultimate
seat of political power, your fruits will be as transparent as the lies that
built it. And no, this is not "Catholic bashing" as many claim. It is the duty
of every watchman on the wall to expose the man of sin just as John the Baptist exposed the "generation of vipers) in his day. (See
Matthew 3:7)
the pope gave ground on 'gays'
"The Bible instructs that “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs
23:7). And it warns “do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). Thus there is no such
thing as a “Thief Christian,” an “Adulterer Christian,” or a “Drunkard
Christian.” There are only Christians whose lower nature leans toward those or
other sins of the flesh. We do not define ourselves by the sins that tempt us.
There is no such thing as a “Gay Christian.” The very notion is anti-biblical."
--Finally, someone in the media said it, and it is now in print no less. I
couldn't have said it better myself. All I can say is AMEN! What gets me is how a man
who claims to be "God on earth" who is supposed to understand the Word
better than anyone else in his church missed this basic reality of God's truth
when it comes to sanctioning sin. But then, he is a Jesuit,
he is
pro-homosexual, and he is the man that presently carries the prophesied
title of Antichrist. That being said, as Bible trusting obedient
Christians we cannot expect him to uplift anything Christ says as being worthy
of obedience.
startling announcement may end Vatican's war on homosexuals
"Pope Francis may yet be the savior of the Roman Catholic Church. Whatever he
turns out to be, right now he's a much-needed breath of fresh air. Take that
from someone who has been an unabashed opponent of recent Popes." --This is
exactly what students of prophecy said the Pope would do so as to better spread
homosexuality worldwide. And now, even the main stream media is realizing what
we have been preaching for years.
am I to judge?' pope says of gay priests
"A remarkably candid Pope Francis struck a conciliatory stance toward gays
Monday, saying "who am I to judge" when it comes to the sexual orientation of
priests." --This Pope knows, as do all his recent predecessors, that there is a
very influential homosexual lobby running in the Vatican. Instead of doing the
right thing and removing them from power, he ok's their existence by stating,
"who am I to judge?" That means, yes he knows their homosexuals, but since they
are also priests "in good standing" (according to him) then he must allow them
to continue business as usual. Truth is, the Word of God is plain in John 7:24
wherein it says we must, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge
righteous judgment." Righteous judgment entails weighing all the facts with that
which is written in the Word. We know the Word
says homosexuality is a sin, and the Pope admits he knows there is a
homosexual lobby. That means he has the facts on hand, and he also has the
Scriptures on hand that declare, "being a leader" he needs to deal with the
homosexuals in the loving way Christ reveals in the hopes of leading them to
repentance. Allowing them to continue business as usual means he refuses to
follow Christ's command. In short, as the prophecy
stated, he will embrace the homosexuals and cause their unnatural lifestyle
to spread globally as prophecy also predicts, and then the true King Jesus
Christ will end it all just as He did for Sodom and Gomorrah long ago. Still..
one last thing needs to be made plain here. The Pope says "who am I to judge"
when speaking of someone who is homosexual. Yet in 2001 the Pope of the day
judged a man worthy of excommunication if he refused to divorce his
Biblically sanctioned wife. Of cousre I speak of Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo who was forced by the Pope to
divorce his wife. In other words, the Vatican is boldly stating, if a priest
marries a woman, he IS JUDGED unworthy of the office of priest. But if
the priest is part of a homosexual lobby for the Vatican, he IS NOT
JUDGED unworthy of the office of priest? Only the spirit of
Antichrist can preach such bold heresy!
Signals Openness to Gay Priests
"Pope Francis opened the door Sunday to greater acceptance of gay priests
inside the ranks of Roman Catholicism as he returned to the Vatican from his
maiden trip overseas." --Is this not exactly as students of prophecy predicted? Back in 2004
when I wrote a Newsletter on Rome's homosexual agenda, we knew that they
would eventually be able to get homosexuality normalized worldwide because their growing number of
pedophile scandals insisted on it. Unless they are successful in making the
homosexual lifestyle appear normal, pedophilia will never be accepted, and their
lawsuits will continue to grow day by day. Now that homosexual
marriage is becoming legal in all nations wherein the Pope has political
control, he can now easily step forward as Pope to embrace the homosexual
lifestyle as perfectly normal. This means, just as Obama's pro-homosexual
comments allowed homosexual marriage to run rampant coast to coast in America,
the Pope's pro-homosexual comments will allow for it to go global just as Jesus
predicted in Luke 17:26-30. In so doing, the obedient Christians all over the world look that much more
peculiar and actually hateful in the eyes of Rome and everyone else that wonders
after this beast to embrace homosexuality as normal. No, the remnant of her seed
don't hate homosexuals, we love them and try to share Jesus with them as much as
we do any sinner in need of salvation. But we won't be seen in this way because
we are obedient to the Lord that is hated by the Popes and the world. The enemy
of souls has the overwhelming majority of "Christians" in his camp right now
just as prophecy said he would. So be it, Christ will still be glorified, souls
will still be saved, and the world is still going to end. Maranatha!
VIDEO: Bikini-clad
worshippers attend Rio Mass
"no comments on video." --Immorality has been and always will be the absolute
norm for Vatican prelates. In fact, prophecy and
history confirms this as fact. The sad and heartrending reality in all this
is the fact they don't even try to warn their flock that bikini's, and worse
yet, the infamous nude beaches of Brazil are allowing Satan to have his way with
them on a daily basis. How are they ever to escape the lusts of the flesh if
they are told by their leaders and now their Pope that all is well, and their
Lord has no problem with such decadent behavior. They won't. According to the
Lord's well written prophecy, that's the ultimate agenda of Antichrist.
Francis Visit Not Welcomed By All Brazilians
"Throngs of people lined up streets to get a glimpse of the new leader of the
world's 1.2 billion Catholics. Yet not everyone was happy-go-lucky over the
pontiff's visit -- particularly not when considering millions that were spent on
preparations and security measures for his visit." --They did the exact same
thing here that they did when Benedict visited New York years ago. They did the
demographic research and found the best neighborhood to plop in to. Then, when
the small crowds came out to see the Pope, the cameras zoomed in to make the
crowds appear larger by filling the camera view. Problem with this second
attempt was, unlike Americans, Brazilians aren't one to sit back and let their
government walk all over them. The overwhelming majority of Brazilians were NOT
very happy with the pope and the truly larger crowds protesting his arrival made
that fact very apparent. One can see how bad it's gotten when a man
who claims "in writing" to be "God on earth" uses bold faced lies to push his agenda for a
New World Order forward. The other toss of the coin is that as bad as it is,
this means our Lord is that much closer to His return, and THAT is the joy that
fills every obedient heart on the planet!
pick for Vatican bank embroiled in 'gay' sex scandal
15 June, the pope appointed Monsignor Battista Ricca, an Italian
cleric and former Vatican diplomat, to be “prelate” of the bank,
formally known as the Institute for the Works of Religion. ...Ricca
lived more or less openly with a Swiss army officer while at
the Holy See’s nunciature (embassy) in Uruguay. It said he arrived
with his lover and, while running the post between nuncios,
provided him with both accommodation and a job." --When
speaking of the leaders in the Roman church in the end times,
the prophet Daniel said in Daniel 11:37 that the Pope and his
prelates shall not "regard the God of his fathers, nor
the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify
himself above all." For more info on this prophesied and
now fulfilled fact, click
scandal at the heart of the Vatican
"Pope Francis is discovering just what a nasty place the Vatican can be.
Having acknowledged that there was a "gay lobby" in the Curia, the Pope has been
told that the man he's appointed to be prelate of the Vatican Bank, Monsignor
Battista Ricca, has an allegedly scandalous gay past. Moreover, Ricca is not
only Francis's personal representative at the bank: he's also Director of the
Domus Santa Marta, where Francis has chosen to live. Indeed, the Pope often eats
with the 57-year-old Ricca, whose supposed sexual indiscretions are the subject
of an explosive article by Sandro Magister, Vatican expert of L'Espresso
magazine." --Question: How many of us Christians know when
we're in the presence of a homosexual? Yet this Pope had no clue and is just now
discovering his lifestyle? If he truly is Christ's representative on earth, why
is it something as basic as discernment is not upon him? It's simple, Christ
only blesses His obedient followers. Better yet, Christ Himself
prophesied about the office of Pope being the office of Antichrist.
Vatican: “allah” the savior of Catholics and Muslims
had denounced the verdict, claiming “Allah” is exclusive to
Islam. The government decided to appeal the ruling after several
places of worship were fire-bombed." --Amazing isn't it?
The Roman Catholic church and the Seventh Day Adventist church,
along with all the rest of Babylon's daughters pushing "Chrislam",
have declared "Allah is the Christian God." Besides
the fact obedient Christians have been exposing them as liar
and besides the fact Muslims themselves declared they're wrong,
and even took them to court to try and stop them from using
"Allah" in their Christian Bibles, the Vatican and
all those "wondering after the beast" keep claiming
"Allah is God."
offers reduced time in Purgatory for Twitter followers
"Salvation, or at least a shorter stay in Purgatory, might now be only a tweet
away with news that Pope Francis is to offer “indulgences” remissions for
temporary punishment to the faithful who follow him on the social media site.
...forgiveness may be available to contrite sinners who follow Francis’s
progress via their TV screen or social networks." --It was this exact same
doctrine of a demon that caused Martin Luther to speak out in his day. Sadly,
the overwhelming majority of Catholics don't study their Bibles like Luther did
today. So reality dictates that no one will realize the Pope is actually selling
Heaven in the same way Simon Magus sought to buy the Holy Spirit. And he does
all this for a few hits on Twitter so as to gain points online. If Catholics
would just open their Bibles they to owill discover this man is doing exactly as
propehcy said Antichrist will do to destroy the faith of billions, while at
the same time make a mockery of the Word of God which easily exposes demonic
doctrines like purgatory as well as many
others. Prophecy said the Popes will trample the truth underfoot, and this Pope has
proven to be no exception.
Francis targets child abuse, leaks in Vatican legal reform
"Pope Francis, acting to end years of scandals damaging the Catholic Church,
overhauled Vatican law on Thursday to specify sexual violence against children
as a crime and impose tough penalties for staff who leak confidential Vatican
information." --First of all, this is supposedly a church. How is it a church
has anything to hide? Why would the Pope demand any leaks would call for a 12
year prison sentence for the one exposing evil acts of the church? And no, I
don't buy the excuse this church is also a State which entails the need for
privacy. According the Jesus Christ who commanded a separation of church &
State in Matthew 22, being a State is an open denial of Jesus Christ as Lord of
this church. So, their "State" position is sinful. That fact alone also confirms
their "church" position is sinful as well.
Francis greets Muslims for the start of Ramadan
"During his visit to the island of Lampedusa, the Pope sent his best wishes to
Muslims in light of the start of the Ramadan. The Pope greeted them by saying
'o'scià', which is a phrase in the island's dialect meaning 'my breath' and is
used by locals as a friendly greeting." --Would Jesus join with those that hate
Him and His people? No He would not. Would the man of sin do
this? Obviously, yes. The Word of our God is plain about joining with, or
glorifying the false gods of the lost. But then, Antichrist is
actually the leader of all the false gods anyway, and being as such will do all
he can to uplift them above Christ.
Catholic Church Endorses GMOs As Cure
for World Hunger
"According to a 2009 WikiLeaks cable from the U.S. embassy in the Vatican, it
was discovered that “Vatican officials remain largely supportive of genetically
modified crops as a vehicle for protecting the environment while feeding the
hungry,” as a result of lobbying efforts by the U.S." --Countless scientists have boldly declared GMO foods are
deadly. Rome is once again endorsing the killing of innocent people. In
other words, as prophecy stated so long ago, this church will never change. It
has always been and always will be a killer of souls, both physically and
robes 'delegitimize' Supreme Court
“Today, the United States Supreme Court has lost its legitimacy as an arbiter of
the Constitution and the rule of law,” said Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty
Counsel. “Today is the death of the court’s legacy, because the decision in the
federal Defense of Marriage Act case defies logic and is a pure invention of a
handful of justices.” -Amen to that! Now that the Supreme court has done this,
it can no longer be trusted to follow after a common sense rule of law or even a
moral sense for that matter. But, this is to be expected when the Supreme court
is by majority Roman Catholic. That's right! A Roman Catholic majority of judges
on the bench (namely: Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Sotomayor) ruled in
favor of Homosexual marriage. Had just one of these judges ruled against it,
having the majority, they could have stopped it. This looks to confirm the
Vatican is pro-homosexual in nature. Truth is, as students of prophecy, we've
known about the Vatican's homosexual agenda all along. Still, they can make
all the moral statements they want after the ruling. Bottom line is, had the
Pope truly been anti-homosexual he would have pressured his high ranking church
members to do the right thing before the vote came down. But he didn't. Truth
is, we also knew he wouldn't do such a thing because the Pope is also
pro-homosexual marriage as well. In fact, he stated as
such in writing long before becoming Pope! Is this why Ratzinger resigned
and he stepped in? The timing does appear perfect!
Francis: 'I Didn't Want To Be Pope'
"Pope Francis revealed Friday that he never wanted to be pope and joked that
he's living in the Vatican hotel for his "psychiatric" health." --It's amazing
how this man fails to think before speaking. Vatican dogma states clearly he
didn't have to agree to the office of Pope when elected. He could have rejected
or at the least resigned as soon as elected. The fact Ratzinger resigned a few
months before his election confirms that hands down. Why is it this Pope, like
many before him lie so easily? Click here.
Francis: Idolatry is dangerous
"During his daily morning Mass at the Vatican's Casa Santa Marta, the Pope
talked about the dangers of having idols." --This is always how Rome works.
Because they know the majority of their members don't read Bibles out of
obedience to their pastors. They also know their members have no clue
about their own church's doctrinal statement. Yes, the prelates in Rome claim to
be Christian, and even agree with certain biblicla truths, while at the same
time promote the sin in their churches and even demand their members do so. What
do I mean? The Pope says idols are bad. But at the same time he teaches, as did
the previous Popes, that removing commandment #2 is acceptable, and so you
can still worship statues. This allows for the confusion prophecy said this
church feeds on. Saying idols are evil allows him to make his followers believe
their statues are not idols because he, like all Popes before him have bowed in
worship before them.
Francis: God is present in the Eucharist
"We could never have imagined that the same Lord would become one of us and walk
with us, be present with us, present in His Church, present in the Eucharist,
present in His Word, present in the poor." --If he was in a biblically obedient
Christian church, then four of his five statements would ring true. But the one
where he claims the Lord is present in the Eucharist, no, that is Pagan
theology. In fact, the Word of the Christian God clearly says in Acts 17:24,
"God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of
heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with
hands;" And the Eucharist wafer is in fact made by human hands. (click
here fore more info on the Eucharist of Rome)
Francis: the Roman Church leads us to Christ
whole history of salvation is the story of God seeking man,
offering him her love, welcoming him. Even today, someone will
say, "Christ yes, the Church no". But it is the Church
that leads us to Christ and to God." --Before I share please
understand that all I am about to say can and has been documented
as factual. All of which I share is posted on this site with
sources intact. The Pope claims the Catholic church leads people
to Christ, but the facts as they are declare the Roman Catholic
church, nor any other church on earth cannot lead anyone to
Christ until they are obedient to Christ. In the case of Roman
Catholicism, this means the church has to give up Sunday Sabbath,
politics, child molestation, Rock music in the Vatican, Satanism
in the Vatican, idols, worship of statues, worship of Mary,
Paganism, hoarding gold, refusing to feed the hungry with their
trillions in resources, murder, money laundering, hatred of
the Bible, embracing and promoting Islam, celibacy, canonization
of confirmed killers, Eucharistic worship, ethnic cleansing,
Nazism, manufacturing of wine, purchased prayers, Harry Potter,
Hollywood in general, drug manufacturing, their UFO agenda,
denial of Jesus Christ as Saviour of all mankind, the New World
order, the Roman international criminal court system, ongoing
castration, homosexuality, the "holy office", nudity,
and the global promotion of pedophilia just to name a few. It
is by the fruit of obedience we are known as followers of Christ.
Not disobedience.
spokesman says pope is wrong
"It’s sort of problematic to contradict someone
who's supposed to be the infallible voice of your religion,
but that's apparently what's happened here. Refuting Pope Francis'
statements last week that those who "do good" will
go to heaven, regardless of faith or lack thereof, the Rev.
Thomas Rosica, a Vatican spokesman, has corrected his boss,
saying those who know about the Catholic Church "cannot
be saved" if they "refuse to enter her or remain in
her." --Amazing, one false teacher rebuking another? Only
in Rome! The Pope lied outright when he said Atheists can gain
Heaven without Jesus just as John Paul II and Benedict XVI lied.
But this Vatican spokesman also lied when he said the only way
to get into Heaven is by being a Catholic. NONE of these men
read or at the very least read Bibles. For it is plainly stated
in Acts 2:21 & 4:12, "And it shall come to pass, that
whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other
name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
If you're Roman Catholic, your very own Bible says both the
Pope and the Vatican prelates are lying to you. This CONFIRMS
according to your own Bible that your church is the one named
"Babylon" in prophecy. Now read what Revelation 18:1-5
about those in Babylon. (also
see this and this)
Jesuits hid sex crimes
"Internal church records released Tuesday show that Chicago Jesuits consciously
concealed the crimes of convicted sex offender Donald McGuire for more than 40
years as the prominent Roman Catholic priest continued to sexually abuse dozens
of children around the globe." --Keep in mind this "Jesuit order" of priests is
the exact same order the present Pope is a member and leader of. Worse yet, have
you ever read the Jesuit oath? If not, read it here.
You may want to make special notice of the "red paragraph" in
that oath! Keep in mind, this oath declares torturous murder acceptable when it
comes to protecting the Pope and his unbiblical theology. And now this church
has a Jesuit as a Pope? I know many Catholics that are no doubt upset over that
fact alone. In any event, for those scoffers looking on, do you still think
Christian prophecy is a joke? Who's laughing now?
Francis: "Even the atheists" can go to heaven
"Pope Francis has a message for non-believers: “Even the athiests” can go to
heaven. The leader of the Catholic Church made the eye brow-raising remark
during a homily while saying a mass Tuesday at the Vatican." --Amazing how this
man claims to be the leader of 1.2 billion Catholics and all the Christian
churches that agreed to call him leader in their "World Council of
Churches," yet he never seems to have read a Bible? His comments suggest
he's never even tried to read one. But then, this is the man of sin who was prophesied to gather all the world under his roof.
Francis: Mary sustains Chinese Catholics
"Friday, May 24th, is the day dedicated to the liturgical memorial of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians, who is venerated with great devotion at
the National Shrine of Sheshan in Shanghai. ...Making our own a few words of
prayer to Our Lady of Sheshan, together with you I would like to invoke Mary:
"Our Lady." --This is "Mary worship" no matter how you slice it. And why does this
Pope, like all his predecessors do this? Look into the other non-Christian
religions and you will see that Mary is mentioned outright, as in the Koran, or her rosary is
uplifted as a method of prayer. If the Pope chose ratehr to declare that "Jesus
sustains" all as Scriptures confirm, then Muslims, Buddhists and even the Voodoo
high priest would be offended. But if you choose rather to ignore Christ and
uplift the "Queen of Heaven" as Rome and ancient Pagans called her, then
all can agree.
boldly lies to the 5000 people on camera!
"Speaking to the more than 5,000 journalists at the Paul VI Hall, Francis also
explained how that focus on the world's most needy influenced his name choice."
--At around 3:05 in the video he actually admits he knows some of the people
attending are "not believers." But then at 3:20 he declares "each one of you is
the son of God." No, he is not claiming they're Jesus. He is twisting the Word
of God wherein it teaches all believers are considered "sons of God." When
speaking of Jesus Christ, John 1:12 says, "But as many as received him, to them
gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on
his name:" Only an obedient "believer" can receive the Lord and
become a "son of God." This is just one of many passages in the Word that
confirms you must believe in Christ to be considered sons and daughters of God.
But this Pope declares nonbelievers are sons of God as well. He must do this so
as to fill the ecumenical pews with nonbelievers without offending them. Just as
Satan called our God a liar in the garden when he tempted Eve; this Pope is
calling our God a liar to all that ignore the Bible and clamor to have their
ears tickled! (See Isaiah 30:10 & 2 Timothy 4:3)
VIDEO: Priest:
Pope's past supports civil unions
"CNN's Erin Burnett talks to Father Edward Beck about Pope Francis' past support
for civil unions for homosexuals." --That's right, this Pope was one that did
all he could while holding the office of lead Jesuit in Argentina to allow for
homosexual "civil unions." Now that he holds the office of lead prelate in Rome,
will he push ahead on this? Time will tell. Also notice the priest speaking in
the video claims "progressive" Bishops are those that support the Pope and
homosexual marriage. In other words, he looks at homosexual marriage as a good
thing. But then, the prophet Daniel did predict these men would not have a desire
for women. These are amazing times we live in. They will be shortlived, yes.
But amazing nonetheless. (Also
see this article)
VIDEO: Jesuit Pope Francis bowing down to African dictator
"No comments on video" --WARNING! FOUL LANGUAGE! Notice at 0:52 in the video how this Pope bows down to a man known to be
bloodthirsty genocidal maniac. This is very telling as to who this man respects
to say the least. After all, the man is no stranger to murder. Especially when
it comes to graphically bloody murder as his oath as a Jesuit confirms. He
bowed to this man because birds of a feather to in fact flock together. Being a
Pope that has taken the Jesuit oath, which means he is a loyal assassin for the
"Society of Jesus," suggests he is bowing to openly honor a man who does as he
is sworn to do.
Pope meets with world's religious leaders
"On Wednesday, Pope Francis met with leaders of different Christian
denominations and also with heads of other religions." --You do realize
what this means don't you? There is only one church on the planet that will
not be present at this gathering. The Seventh day Remnant church and those that
embrace the truth as we know it. Why? We love our Heavenly Father and agree
with His Word regarding yoking with people we do not agree with. What we see
happening in Rome is prophetic! All the disobedient leaders of these churches
have made their decision to stand with the man of sin and boldly ignore the
Creator God. This also means, we the remnant people will be hated by them simply
because we choose to obey the Lord. The forces of Armageddon are forming as
we speak obedient ones. Does this make us fearful? Not at all! Just as David
ran towards Goliath with faith in the Lord to protect him, we shall go forth
with our Loud Cry of victory as well.
Francis 'a friend of the Islamic community'
"Argentine Muslims have welcomed the election of Argentine cardinal Jorge Mario
Bergoglio as the head of the Roman Cathoilic Church. ...“He always showed
himself as a friend of the Islamic community. He visited the At-Tauhid Mosque
(located) in the neighborhood of Floresta and the Arab-Argentine Ali Ibn Abi
Talib School strengthening our relations”, the Director of the House for the
Diffusion of Islam Sheik Mohsen Ali said and described a personal anecdote with
the man that has now become “the Pope of the end of the world.” --This is
totally expected seeing how the Vatican invented Islam in the first place. Their
prophesied wound is almost healed and it's time to use Islam as planned. As for
their joking anecdotes about the end of the world. They can joke all they want.
When that eastern sky splits, I'm sure all their laughing will cease. That being
said, please pray they wise up before then and pray that God's obedient remnant
have many opportunities to share the real Jesus with them.
Congressional delegates praise Pope's loving example
"Members of Congress traveling to the Vatican for the inaugural Mass of Pope
Francis praised the new Pontiff as a spiritual leader who presents the fullness
of Church teaching in love." --This Pope is a Jesuit. Even worse, he is a lead
Jesuit to boot. Being a Jesuit, he must take the Jesuit oath, of which states
clearly that he promises to, "make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly,
against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to
extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will
spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay,
strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs
of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to
annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done
openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel
of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or
authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life,
either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent
of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of
Jesus." (click
here for entire oath) Still think he's loving? Or could it be they're
lying... again?
Why even atheists love Pope Francis
"Never mind all the guff: it is a rare thing indeed for atheists and
agnostics to be genuinely impressed and inspired by religious leaders."
--Please understand that the Vatican is a political entity. In fact, it is the
mother of all political entities. That being the case, they are also very well
educated in the art of positive propaganda. Sad this is, as we see how easily
Americans can be duped into believing everything from a 747 hitting the Pentagon
to Obama is an American citizen, one can expect lies about the Pope impressing
Atheists is bound to build up their fan base.
‘Smoking Gun’ Memo Proves Pope Francis Collaborated with Military Junta
"Allegations that Jorge
Bergoglio, now Pope Francis I, collaborated
with Argentina’s brutal military dictatorship have been
circulating for decades.
The Pope, and the Vatican he now heads, have vehemently
denied these allegations."
--Do we believe them? After all, they also denied the
Butler's recent allegations against Benedict, they denied the molestation scandal for decades, they denied their now proven connection with Hitler, they denied their theft of billions from the Jews slaughtered by Hitler, they denied the Ustashe war crimes, they denied the Canadian orphanage horrors, they denied the hundreds of millions slaughtered during the 1260 years, they denied the fact all prophecies about Antichrist point to the Popes, they denied Roman Catholic priests are dying of AIDS 11 times greater than anyone else, they denied creating the religion of Islam, they denied working with Islam to further their global agenda, they deny promoting the NWO and they denied holding a mass for Satan in the Vatican. All of which have been proven to be confirmed. That being the case, do we believe them when they say this Pope is innocent?
“Washington’s Pope”? Who is Pope Francis I?
"In 1973, he had been appointed “Provincial” of Argentina for the Society of
Jesus. In this capacity, Bergoglio was the highest ranking Jesuit in Argentina
during the military dictatorship led by General Jorge Videla (1976-1983)."
--This article is one of the longest and most detailed gathering of evidence
against Pope Francis. Still, will it matter now that we are in the last few days
wherein Satan rules with an iron fist? Prophetic fact is, the bride of Christ
will be victorious simply because the Husbandman has already overcome Satan and
his minions 2000 years ago.
VIDEO: Pope Francis and Argentina's Dirty War
"Last week over a billion Catholics around the world watched as the Vatican
conclave elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the next Pope. But now, as researchers
like Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa are pointing out,
Bergoglio's past points to his likely involvement in crimes against humanity."
--As expected, it's getting worse and worse for this new Pope. This evidence is
mounting so high it makes me wonder if they will allow him to stay in office.
Worse yet, judging by the times we live in, will anyone care about his past?
That being the case, could it be he is about the be the bloodiest Pope to date?
After all, he is the first Pope to take the Jesuit
Pope prays at the tomb of 'Peter'
"The ceremony for Pope Francis' Inaugural Mass started off at the Tomb
of St. Peter. Joined by the other patriarchs and major archbishops of the Eastern
Catholic Churches, the Pope descended to the sepulcher for St. Peter, prayed
for several minutes, and offered incense to the Apostle." --First of all,
Peter is not buried there. Secondly, this Pope, like all others before him is
teaching 1.2 billion Catholics to break commandment #2 y bowing in worship before
a tomb of a corpse. Thirdly, even if Peter was in that tomb, which he is not,
to offer incense to a dead human mocks the Creator God that made that human.
But then prophecy in Romans 1:25 did say the lost would worship the creatures
over the Creator. And now we see it was the Popes doing this for almost 2000
years that have caused so many to follow their lead. (Notice all the demonic
symbols on the clothing of the priests that file by. Make special note to see
the last priest on the left with the black on white plus sign symbol of Baal
all over his robe. At 1:25 in the video)
Can the pope save your life? You bet!
"The world needs more of the Catholic Church, not less. This is why the election
of a new pope is so important. Yes, transformation is needed, not because the
church needs it, but because the world does." --Problem with this statement is
the simple that that only Jesus can save lives. But as we get closer to His
return, more and more articles like this will be popping up all over the world
to move the Pope to an extremely high pedestal. Soon the Pope will be considered
a god on earth. Truth is, all political leaders have already performed an "Act of Worship" on the Popes. If you're a Catholic with plans
to email me. Please click here first to see all the well documented statements
that can be easily verified on and offline from the Popes and prelates of the
Vatican wherein they have already declared in writing that the Pope is a "god on
earth." Also see this video proving this to be the case even in modern day.
Papal Mass attracts Heads of State
"The Vatican was preparing for a huge crowd for Pope Francis's inaugural Mass on
Tuesday, an event straddling religion and politics that will bring together
European royalty, heads of state and world spiritual leaders." --Only Satan and
his man of
sin can attract so many corrupt officials into one building. This gathering
will form the political means by which all the true Christians of the world will be surrounded by danger. It is then that our God shines the
most. When the wicked believe they have victory of God and His people, it is
then that they actually discover they have eternally lost. (Also see this video of the Pope greeting politicians that worhsip him)
Pope's letter to his childhood sweetheart
"Bergoglio's letter to his childhood sweetheart: "If you don't marry me I'll
become a priest" --In other words, by his own admission, his first love was and
still is his flesh. To be called of God is to deny self and choose the Lord and
the calling first. But in the case of this Pope, he became a priest only after
his girlfriend denied his proposition of marriage.
Patriarch of Constantinople will attend Pope's inauguration
"The appearance by the Ecumenical Patriarch, the "first among equals" of all the
world's Orthodox leaders, is an unprecedented gesture. The Patriarch of
Constantinople has not attended a papal installation since 1054, when
Constantinople split from Rome." --This is no mistake. Seeing how this Pope is a
Jesuit, and most political and religious leaders fear, or at the very least work
hand in hand with the Jesuits, one can see his installation will bring about
many "loyal" converts. The fact most American politicians are educated by
Jesuits in Georgetown University proves that hands down. One can see the work of
pushing the Roman agenda forward will escalate in this pontificate more than any
other in man's history. That being said, are you doing the work? If not, are you
prepared to explain to Lord why you buried your talents?
VIDEO: Pope Francis prays before Our Lady of Lourdes at the Vatican
"Pope Francis began the first days of his pontificate with a packed schedule. On
Friday afternoon, in addition to visiting Cardinal Jorge Mejia at the hospital,
he prayed before the replica of the Grotto of Lourdes at the Vatican Gardens."
--Nothing has changed. Like all the rest, this Pope is teaching his flock to
break the Law of God by worshipping Mary. And yes, when you pray to Mary or any other
human, you are worshipping her. Worse yet, like all the other politicians in the
world, he uses this as a photo-op for positive PR for his pontificate. He is
actually making it appear godly and Christlike to worship a statue of Mary. This
is why 1.2 billion Catholics see no sin in breaking Commandment #2.
Peres confirms all faiths ready for fresh Pope
"The new pope will be welcomed in the Holy Land with love and appreciation by
Jews, Muslims and Christians as one." --For those of you that still think the King of the
North is Turkey, what say ye now? By the way, it's no mistake all "faiths"
claim this Pope will lead them. Being a Jesuit, they know he has vowed to have
them, their wives and even their infant babies slaughtered if they refuse to
obey. Don't believe me? Click
here for the "red" paragraph of
the Jesuit oath he took some years ago.
VIDEO: Vatican defends Pope against 'dirty war' accusations
"The Vatican is defending newly elected Pope Francis against allegations he was
complicit in human rights abuses during Argentina's 1976-1983 military junta."
--Of course, they denied his evil actions in the past. But then; and just to
name a few, the Vatican also denied the Butler's recent allegations against
Benedict, they denied the molestation scandal for decades, they denied their now proven
connection with Hitler, they denied their theft of billions from the Jews
slaughtered by Hitler, they denied the Ustashe war
crimes, they denied the Canadian orphanage horrors, they denied the hundreds of millions
slaughtered during the 1260 years, they denied the fact all prophecies
abotu Antichrist point to the Popes, they denied Roman Catholic
priests are dying of AIDS 11 times greater than anyone else, they denied creating the religion of Islam, they denied working with
Islam to further their global agenda, they deny promoting the
NWO and they denied holding a mass for Satan in the Vatican. All of which have
been proven to be confirmed. That being the case, do we believe them when they
say this Pope is innocent? (no pun intended)
Priest kidnapped by junta: Reconciled with pope
"A Jesuit priest whose kidnapping by the Argentine military junta decades ago
led to strong criticism of the newly elected pope said Friday that he and the
pontiff have reconciled. ...Bergoglio has said he told the priests to give up
their slum work for their own safety, and they refused. Yorio, who is now dead,
later accused Bergoglio of effectively delivering them to the death squads by
declining to publicly endorse their work. ...It was only years later that we had
the opportunity to talk with Father Bergoglio ... to discuss the events," Jalics
said Friday in his first known comments about the kidnapping, which occurred
when the new pope was the leader of Argentina's Jesuits. ...But opinions differ
on how much responsibility the new pope personally deserves for the Argentine
Catholic Church's dark history of supporting the murderous dictatorship." --This Jesuit, now
Pope, did in fact commit this horrendous crime of negligence. Yes, this priest
and the Pope did reconcile years later. But that doesn't change the fact that
when he withdrew his support those priests were tortured maliciously, and
thousands of others died when this Jesuit Pope decided to work along side the
genocidal government officials.
Papal election stirs Argentina's 'dirty war' past
"There's hypocrisy here when it comes to the church's conduct, and with
Bergoglio in particular," said Estela de la Cuadra, whose mother co-founded
the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo activist group during the dictatorship
to search for missing family members. "There are trials of all kinds now,
and Bergoglio systematically refuses to support them." --A new Pope, a
new stack of scandals. 30,000 people slaughtered on his watch back in 1976-83
and now he's Pope. Also notice in the article he admits to lying more than once
to do things to benefit himself or others. The dark past of this man reads like
a spy novel! Benedict is out, Francis is in, and the decadence remains.
"Bergoglio, 76, is a Jesuit from Buenos Aires and is the first pope from
South America." --Yes, the new Pope is installed, and with this new installation
we see many amazing facts. First off, he is a Jesuit priest. Click here for
the blood thirsty oath taken by all Jesuit Priests. (make special note of the
"red" paragraph) Secondly, the fact
he is not a Roman, or his name isn't "Peter" proves the so called prophecies of
"St. Malachy" are again exposed as false. But I am sure the Vatican will
drum up some strange "fulfillment" in all this. The fact his father was Italian
may help. Problem is, he was born and raised in Argentina, and not Rome. But I'm
sure that won't stop some from claiming he's a Roman. After all, this is the age
of lying. Now for something a little off topic, but quite expected just the
same; as I have been warning people for years, with this Pope's installation we
see the man heading up the heretical Worlds Last Chance
ministry is now a confirmed false prophet. On his website he stated that John Paul II would resurrect to become the next
Pope after Benedict! Click here for a copy of his claims. (I copied his page to my
server because, like others before him, he will delete or edit this page to
hide his falsehoods) One must also recognize that like all the previous Popes
before him, Pope Francis is proven quite early as one who does not read a Bible.
He started off his very first statement to the world reciting what's called "The
Lord's prayer." Problem is, according to Scripture, that is not a prayer. It is
an outline of prayer. Jesus proved that when He prayed in John 17. This Pope is
also one to uplift the demon calling itself Mary as he also prayed to her with his
second prayer before all mankind. How can a man who claims to be the religious
leader of 1.2 billion people fail to understand basic Christianity and its
doctrines? Historic fact is, all Popes
have declared in writing their hatred of the Bible. That means they will do
all they can to discredit it. No matter... our King is coming
soon! |